I do not use Yea Forums but I have heard through legend that you people can do great things when banded together.
I did not know where to put this but I hope the right people get a hold of it and are able to bring about some justice.
I do not use Yea Forums but I have heard through legend that you people can do great things when banded together
Go to reddit faggot
Sometimes that happens.
Sometimes it doesn't.
Yea Forums is notoriously unstable and inconsistent.
But some criminals have been outed and exposed via Yea Forums - but it's done mostly for the "lulz" - and justice have very little to do with it.
You'd be better of contacting the police.
Best of luck, user.
i'm sorry the Yea Forums of 2010-2012 doesn't exist anymore...
You know the drill slut, TOGTFO.
What happened
Poor little boy :(
Phone the fucking authorities. You may count on Yea Forums to deepnude that bih but that's about it.
fuck it you got me curious
>what happened
what used to happen in Yea Forums of 2010-2012?
Maybe provide a shred of information.
Go on /pol/ instead.
*sees one gamer from Mars video*
Never forget dusty
Oldfags used to be sort of vigilantes, finding injustice and tracing individuals who've wronged people. They used their 1337 HaxxOr skillz to find such people and inflict some justice on them.
Sort of like a group of computer savvy, but fat, batmen.
That's not irony, at least not in English.
You like pic related ?
i wonder how's their life now. Are they happy?
They're probably free of Yea Forums altogether now.
Or maybe not? Who can tell.
Newfags won't now, and oldfags don't care.
Quick google search found that some shitskin in norway did it and the police are looking. cultural enrichment everybody.
you think they're wage slaving a dead end programming job now? with an average overall quality of life?
No clue.
Islam, not even once!
return to norway faggot. Yea Forums isn't your pi
Thanks for proving the point I trying to make earlier.
That the vigilantes of Yea Forums are long gone these days.
I accidentally a whole word.
We are getting old
Speak for yourself, I'm merely deliciously mature desu
sorry for your loss
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