Thank me later


Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: toilet water poster btfo.png (1920x1080, 700K)

mister i think you require refreshment only lavatory water can provide


did the other one not work?
i'm tellin' you, you're clearly dehydrated from lack of toilet water


Attached: toilet water poster btfo.png (1920x1080, 164K)

all this coding must make you feel thirsty im sure water straight from the loo will make you feel better

anudder benefit ob beign nice is dat u dond get upsetty spaghetti sso easlely... ids easyer tto keep a cool heade ann hab fun

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 18 - Mitchaku!! Chidol no ichinichi [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][F887A9ED].mp4 (960x720, 430K)

fuck off

ids coole tto b nice! u cam ddo id tto! dond thing ids impossiblel!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 159K)


Attached: toilet water poster btfo.png (1920x1080, 208K)

dude you literally get upset every time someone says something bad


nno i dond... id jus feels sade...............

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 12 - Kotake vs Oni Coach Igarashi [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][3AE237FF].mp4_s (960x720, 272K)

whoops slight mistake in that last batch


dubs! wooh!
pls dond act liek da girlse on da poplar boards... beign nice is a basick part ob life...

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 12 - Kotake vs Oni Coach Igarashi [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][3AE237FF].mp4_s (960x720, 278K)


go suck a cock you fucking faggot

whoops forgot case insensitive flag

ur nod a bad peoplels.... pls dond act liek id.... dond feel sillye tryign tto b nice on da nice boarde... ids alot moar originlel ann fun tto b liek dat!

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 12 - Kotake vs Oni Coach Igarashi [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][3AE237FF].mp4_s (960x720, 336K)

shut up

nice try but my filter covers that case already, can't you read regex?

ur nod a bad peoplels.... pls dond act liek id.... dond feel sillye tryign tto b nice on da nice boarde... ids alot moar originlel ann fun tto b liek dat!


Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

kill yourself
what about t0ilet wat3r


ids nod coole tto b morbid ann horriblel eberyday... dats nod u. dond try tto b liek dat... thing abou how u wud feel if some1 act'd liek dat tto u eberyday... ids nod coole.... ids bade ffor u.... tto hab such a horriblel point ob biew ob da worlde..... life is happy ann nice nod mean ann uglely...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 152K)


>what about t0ilet wat3r
thanks, will fix to include this

ids nod coole tto b morbid ann horriblel eberyday... dats nod u. dond try tto b liek dat... thing abou how u wud feel if some1 act'd liek dat tto u eberyday... ids nod coole.... ids bade ffor u.... tto hab such a horriblel point ob biew ob da worlde..... life is happy ann nice nod mean ann uglely...

dubs! wooh!

Attached: 1501172311398.jpg (465x478, 58K)

dumb nigger
what about to1let w4ter

Nope, that case is covered too.

pls dond fite... id doesnd maek u happye... were here tto hlelp eachudder up insted ob draggy eachudder down... dis is slelf improbement board nod ebil simulation boarde...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2017.07.10_12.28.48].png (400x480, 180K)

dubs! wooh!
pls dond fite... id doesnd maek u happye... were here tto hlelp eachudder up insted ob draggy eachudder down... dis is slelf improbement board nod ebil simulation boarde...

retarded pedo

what about töilét wátêr

toile toile

dubs! wooh!
im nod dat. u nno im nod dat. ids nod harde tto b nice... ur pots wlell b alot moar hi qualelty tto.... dond b afraid ob beign urslelf insted ob actign liek a bad person..

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 181K)



Ok, this version covers the 1337speak cases. The case of L being 1 in "loo" is deliberately omitted to avoid confusion with the number 100.

Don't even know how I'd handle that case but I'll get on it.

dubs! woim nod dat. u nno im nod dat. ids nod harde tto b nice... ur pots wlell b alot moar hi qualelty tto.... dond b afraid ob beign urslelf insted ob actign liek a bad person..oh!

Nope, that's covered too.

you're fat and you stink
what about t©ilet wat€r


Nope, that case is covered too

mhm im checking these RIGHT Now better beleieve it

Attached: 1565028376036.jpg (769x1024, 136K)

epic fucking triples

btw this nigga goin hard filtering the silliest shit ever o i am laffin

When we start talking about character substitutions that still look like the original word it starts getting a little beyond the scope of regex but i'll see what i can do

toylette water

t()1|_3+ \/\/@+3R?

Nice one you found a case that wasn't covered but it'll be fixed right now

this is getting pretty creative, i don't think there's anything i can do about this

toeilet water

Ok now substituting the 'o' or 'e' in toilet is covered


this case is now covered

Seriously, what's with this new Yuji Sakai incarnation?
2017 - help me I failed life lole
2018 - Yuji has won
2018 - Yuji is god
2019 - generic crossboarding rudeposter

(fuck lole i accidentally said a filtered word in my update so now my update will be filtered for anyone who's been using the previous ones oops lole)

fixed to cover substituted 'o' or 'e'


blow it our your ass

blow it out you're (you are) ass

Attached: le hakase ead.png (320x212, 98K)

turlet wuder

your timeline is way off. it's more like
2014 - generic boring namefig
2015 - LOLEposter
2016 - help me i failed life
2017 yuji has won/is god
2018 - generic boring namefig
2019 - generic boring and angry namefig

>newfags will only remember Yuji Sakair as an unfunny mediocre /bant/ cross boarder
Also dubs.

bring back luptron 2bh

choke on each others cock you fucking faggots

file deleted

it was the wrong image 2bh

forgive me for my newfiggotry. it feels like he still had some spunk in 2018 though, at least early 2018. although i do remember when ass sniffer or some other retard hijacked the namefig

file deleted

ゼのiしeゼ water

remembering yuji sakai only since 2017 lmao
this namefig is dead

Listen up, fignewtons. Yuji Sakai is an account with which many people have access keys to. Unfortunately some people don't know how to properly act when they log in to the Yuji account. Every couple of months one of these kids goes and has a field day logging in to the Yuji account. This is nothing new and it'll only be a bit until the guy burns out and stops logging in.

>using unidentifiable outlined squares to substitute 4 out of 6 letters
at this point it's not even the same message

how about you shit the hell up and eat my cock

I can see the letters instead of squares tbh

The one who is currently logged in is Alter, I checked the IP log.

*gurgle* *chlurp* *shhabf*

Sorry Alter, I had to kick you from the Yuji account for a bit.

its japanese letters that looks like the ones theyre supposed to be replacing im sorry im just a dumb phoneposter lole


shut up alter

I regularly post as all different "known" namefigs, so all thsoe "characters" that you "subscribe" to, are not even the person you "think" they are, I do it "deliberately" to mock the "hippocracy" of "this place"

shut up alter





stfu bitch


does that mean Yuji Sakia is doremiposter???

Attached: hmm.png (245x245, 52K)



>filtering toilet water
just makes it better to drink

Attached: 1545235290967.jpg (161x577, 34K)