So Tom Steyer announced he is now running for president but 3 years ago I bought

So Tom Steyer announced he is now running for president but 3 years ago I bought

Please visit and tell me what we should do/add to make it has hilarious as possible. Thanks.

Attached: 173453CC-72F1-4BCC-8752-671D1FE55B62.jpg (271x186, 6K)

sell it and make bank
come back and brag about how memes made you rich

Attached: 1458466405789.png (152x254, 40K)

Help spread the word Yea Forumsro! I need more people laughing at this shit so he’ll have no choice but to make me an offer!

Make it look really professional looking but give him completely absurd looking policies such as making pedophilia legal and making alcohol illegal.

Donald Trump

Good idea

>In his late 30s, Steyer had "a revelation" and began an involvement in the Episcopal Church, the religion of his mother (((his father was a non-practicing Jew))).

Does this jew think we aren’t on to him?

Attached: 78C7E8CB-F4CF-4485-B519-039EB97B6866.jpg (1536x2046, 616K)

Did you also buy up I guarantee you he will buy it if you don't.

Has anyone actually looked at the website?!! I think y’all would love it.

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No don't go too absurd or you'll tip your hand. Don't do the ban alcohol. Ban on all cigarette sales, public health to cover trans hormones and surgery, subsidies to buy blacks houses, completely open borders, allowing illegals to vote. Keep it to things that have all been actually suggested.

What do you think of it’s current layout tho?

We haven’t done anything crazy lately. Can this be a thing? Can we all get on board with making this website get on the news or something for all the wrong reasons?

Your current pics are just going to make people feel sympathy for him and give him voters.

Lol. Yeah. Sure. “I didn’t know who to vote for until I saw the anal blossoms on a mock Tom Steyer website and felt so bad for him.”

Fucking retard.

nigger thats the way it SHOULD be.
alcohol is literally worse than pedophilia

isntead of 1000 a month offer 100'000 the nigger is a billionaire, when he complains you sell the site for 900million and dispense it among b tards

I’m gunna ask for a pretty high price. I messed the guy 20 times professionally and he blew me off. Now he gets anal blossoms and swastikas.

this is exactly what you should do

I disagree. It’ll be easier to ignore that way, I think.


upload this to it

Attached: 1541211616789.jpg (270x337, 98K)

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Hey OP, what kind of bullshit is this? Lmao

Attached: Screenshot_20190709-144002_Chrome.jpg (1080x7506, 1.42M)


Wait. How? Is my address exposed or anything?