Yeah so what is the ecosystem of a garden of flowers composed of then?

yeah so what is the ecosystem of a garden of flowers composed of then?

Attached: 1552774194554.jpg (500x281, 31K)

not picking up what you are putting down here, i am afraid. i'd assume it's a response to a supposed fun fact that "the ecosystem of a garden cannot sustain itself if it does not have at least one QUERCUS" ....... & so this is your smart ass reply or something? idk. really just awful and boring and shitty if im being honest with u no offense

fuk u flowers

shut the hell up

fake yuji = just as unimaginative as original ???????????????
yikerR r r r R r r R R R r R R R r R r R Rz

but so yea i guess its a moment from a anime and everyones s'posta be like 'ooooo sh*t i member daaah-hah-haaat hell yea'
'sfuckin gay, 'fthat's the case.

blow it our your ass

only british people say that ..... u... .. . . . .. . u non-american scum bro ???? eek..... best of luck......... lololol

guess's MY thread now, eh? H'HEH ~kix off footwear, reclines~

'magine CLOUD COVER, but like, every fuckin day. sh*t... i might resort to low-effort yuji imposterization also, if i lived under such an oppressive sky . . . . praying 4 tha less 4tunate

i'm asking a genuine question here despite my tone. i'd really like you to answer it if you happen to know about the subject. i've made threads like this in the past (using this same picture) with the same tone and have received answers that have satisfied me, and never once did i make smart ass replies as you said.

Attached: 1552798423266.png (336x691, 434K)

you've received answers that have satisfied you? so why make the thread again? it seems like there's a central point that is being glossed over, as if we entered mid-conversation. gonna need some CONTEXT here, pal... what's the "IF" to that "THEN", you feel me? gonna need the "IF".

what le fug :DD

they weren't about the same subject, user. no need to get all worked up and puffed. i'm interested in learning about what kinds of organisms that would thrive on a garden of flowers. i really need to know.

When you have sex with Mrs. Nguyen and the lawnmowers turn their machines up REALLY LOUD

that's a garden's ecosystem

Your fortune: Bad Luck

uh–––––– a–alrite... you UNDERSTAND where i'm COMIN from, you COUCH this inquiry in "YEAH SO WHAT'S [redacted] THEN, HM?" kinda seems like u coppin a tude.

bees? :DD do i win

Cringe retard

uh oh we got another one, better bring in the toilet water trucks

it's intentional, like everything else about in the original post, including the body language and face expression of the anine girl in the center of the picture. smug and mocking.

worrms? :DD

yes i've already listed those and set them aside for later. anything else? thank you btw

Attached: 5C46BC57-1BA1-4E81-9140-2F60520C2473.jpg (1372x1952, 248K)

jokes on u im fuckin CONVERSIN w/ the O.P. NOW MOTHAFUCKAAAAAA
honestly i enter a thread and i see crap nothing angery coment like urs? .....
idk man .....
tables seem to turn a bit regarding the claims being made
if u are catching the vibe i am putting out there
(is u)
(u retart not me )

right right okay okay. assumes a little something about the viewer. sets an antagonistic tone. changes the game a bit. ...but not really... cause its just playing into the age old "animy ghil bullying u " subplot..... s–––so now THATS the reason i h8 it. :] h8 u :) sucka

*fugs u in the peepee hole*
how u like that BITCH


you still haven't answered my question, yet you hate me? why? that's a strong word, you know?

no it,....... hey what no..... what hey no..... hey no what..... what no hey......
i say "IT", the IDEA of the thread. if im gna get GAY about it i acrually appreciate the FUCK outta the WAY u replied, and engaged with me, human 2 human. that was REDEEMING as FUCK and RARE, i feel, for someone that'd make a thread with this animy-gil-fewt-stompen-on-ur-cocc type vibe. unless they're mostly BOTS and ive just been talking to BOTS for half a decade.

––––but so for the sake of the thread's plot arc i maintained my mildly antagonistic tone, hence the smileys, brightening things up a bit, giving us those highlights in key areas of our proverbal canvas, u feel me? actually as i was drafting that post i had originally ended it with "u smart u kewl :]" but just cause of an edit that was made earlier in the text, it no longer fit, so i basically ended up doin a 180 & unintentionally SERVIN' this TSUNDERE subplot that u love so much right bacc at u. u probly getting a chub asking me why im being rude arentcha... chub downstairs pobly..... gross......

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––but so like ants tho too probly ? ~shrug . . . fungus surely plays a part as well . . .

oh wait wtf i did say h8 u LOL MY BAD BRO LOL OMG ~brohug clearing things up mid-tiff @ buffalo wild wings type vibe

i hope you don't really hate me either way. lenghty replies are always better than just memey nonsense once in a while, so i apprecieate that. in regards to getting a chub... uh, not really? i mean, i'm a very visually oriented person, but if i think about it enough times, i can prolly pop a bone'ré. i do like tsundere girles tho so issallgood.
hmm... fungus are knice. i like that. ants too despite me despising them for the filthy animals they are, i can use them too. this is knice. thank you.

replied to myself lole're

u mad chill bro pls namefig so i can follow u bro

i'm a namefig already, but i don't want to tie it to these posts or any other posts i make here, i don't want people assblasting me because of it. i post on drawthreads whenever they pop up here so you'll probably see some of my drawings. i'm not saeed tho.

eh. word. fair nuf.
–––––also jokes on u thats a default thing i say to funny user ppls & no1 has taken me up on the request


snails?? :DDD

fug idk

hopefully you'll find one someday so that you can follow and subscribe to them on esfores
yes, snails too. thank you btw

carbon fibre