YCYL: You cringe you lose

YCYL: You cringe you lose

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Other urls found in this thread:


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IT'S MA'AM!!!!!!!!!!1111

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Is this a cringey thing, or rage-inducing.
The cheek of these negroes! I blame the Dems. They enable and normalize negroes, just like they did with faggots.

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Wow. Being a faggot is more effective than Proactiv®. Is it the cum eating? It's the cum, isn't it?

man alive that poor mans having a heart attack. Rofl look at that fugly tranny

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Racist. You should celebrate faggotry.

he a fugly niggnigg lol

would bang/10

Dude! Seriously?
That's the fucking Salt Vampire from ST:TOS!

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discord / UjGEuBx
get in here!!!

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God Damn I hope that bitch is executed. you don't fuck with blue bell.

/profile.php?id=100011019663777 have fun

theres always been a really thin line between cringe and rage for me personally. so i often get mixed responses when i post. but we dont even have YRYL threads anymore. glad to see the slight re-emergence of the cringe breads though. theyre always gold

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Cake make up looks disgusting on women and even more retarded on men lmao

thats amazing

Look at what an inconsiderate fool this stupid old man is. First, he takes up a whole booth just so he can set up a pic of him and his dead wife, who is gone and of no use to anyone. Then, he sticks his stupid walker in the aisle for everyone to trip over and shit. What an idiotic old fool, he should go ahead an hero.

Youre a fucking asshole

kek, so true. so fucking true. that ice cream tastes like it was made in heavens sweat shop
4u friend

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Hah! What the fuck? I used to have one which was like "ahem....a wild Aron appears!....h-heh I was wondering *shrugs*" but I deleted a bunch of folders. Wish I kept it


Is this now a You Cum You Lose thread?


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Furfag shared this

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this thread hurts my soul

You cry you lose. I lose :/

Is this nigger in a waiting room with his shoes off?????

lmao yeah i know the one. might have it, hol up bruv

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Pretty hot ngl

Fuck swiping. Just throw your phone to the left.


classic jews


>imagine beeing this desperate for (You)'s

What part did you like most? The gorilla nose, the animal septum piercing, or the camel tongue? And, of course, there's the sociopathic behavior.

There's just so much hawtness going on here, amiright?

>classic jews
I think they prefer "Orthodox."

So brave. Now he can be as gay as he wants

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mate you've seen nothing yet. these threads along with You Rage You Lose, Creepy, and Baw threads used to be as prevalent as trap and tribute threads are today. not saying that kind of gay shit wasn't here cuz it always has been. its just several of the (g)older threads have fallen wayward. but yeah, the rabbit hole is oh so deep.

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This was Pug-Nose, the "other" Von Trapp child.


What I loe about the post is all the /ist/ist/ist like he's trying so hard to be woke he's listing everything for those points

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Is that EMINEM?

Don't forget his inability to distinguish possessives from contractions. Queer AND ignorant.
As you can see, not an attractive combination.

This is what working at Dunder Mifflin too long does to you.

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There's a few years of boat payments for some lucky shrink.

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hahaha for sure

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That's not even cringe, that's just sad

That guy killed his wife - the one whose picture is on the table.
Now, how do you feel?

whats the deal with this guy?

Acne is caused by hormones... you'll have to google the rest to stop being an ignorant faggot.

Like when I fucked your mom?

it's the ray pist spammer.

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is this what they mean when they say that Nazis fled to South America

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It's the pancake makeup and image filters, user

Hewo *nuzzles closer* hope had a good day UwU *unbuckled your belt* I want sum of daddy's meat ;) *pulls down your pants* OwO what's this? *puts daddy's meat in my mouth* you taste manly daddy :> *also gets boner* ●w● daddy it's my turn *flips you over* ur asshole is cuter then mine daddy ;] *start fucking your ass* does want me give him cummyies too :/? *starts jerking you* I'm daddy's good little girl c: *we both cum at the same time* does daddy want me to get the cummies out *sucks cum out of your asshole and eats cum on floor* tastey daddy w

It's a dude.... in a dress.....
Powerful and brave, fucking faggots


Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Slash his car tyres and throw a brick through his window.

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me in the pics :)

lost ability to feel feelings

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Would it still be hot if she just got done blowing a big african mans fat penis and slurped up his cum you stupid cuck?

>holy fucking shit dude
No matter how many times I see this, it will always make me kek

Lmao at your useless life.

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Lmao at your shitty life

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show tits and timestamp

And incels are paying for that things bath water?

Your life sucks and you know it.

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The face of no regrets

That made me fucking hard as fuck.

Yay it's this mentally ill faggot again! post him more faggot! Your life is so worthless this is all you can do! post him to get replies!
You sad, sad, pathetic little faggot. Post more! it's all you can do!
pathetic fucking neckbeard, I hope you die a slow, painful death from diabetes and heart issues.
But hey, you got your reply! Pathetic autistic fuck.
You should be the poster child for why abortions should be legal; so disgusting, sub human fuck ups like you never have to waste a life again.

Stop replying to him, hes the one posting the screencaps of raypist guy getting 'owned' hes the only one that brings him up, even if it means insulting himself. hes fucking nuts. Just ignore.

Pretty sure he started this thread.

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I really really tried to name my son optimus prime. Now I wished I tried harder

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cringe level over 9000

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Progressivism- Not Even Once

Fucking lost to this hard. God that's .....echhh ...

These people walk amongst us...

denny is, was, and always will be alpha as all fuck
i know brother. shit makes no fucking sense

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LMAO at your shitty life

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got three spicy boiz comin y'alls way here. oh its so good.

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k e k

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Its so scary how the idea of a beta incel/neckbeard isnt just a stereotype, fedora or not its a very real archetype of person and they are all likely autistic in some way. They are basically aliens.

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Had a good giggle at that one.

Moar of him plz

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Don't feed the trolls. No matter how aggrivating they are.

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alpha af

This gets me hard

Pure filthy nigger behaviour. This is why we need segregated stores.

This guys real name is Justin Jackson and he posts these of himself desperately trying to become a meme

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>after attending a trump rally
i don't care for that dude at all, but what the fuck does that have to do with the crime they "allegedly" committed? you fucks take all the fun out of Yea Forums. go be a (You) angler on /pol/ or /k/ you literal nigger.
>pic related
it's (You)

Attached: 1492725214903.jpg (1024x995, 101K)

What makes these people feel so comfortable to post this shit "publicly" on the internet?

back to facebook sonny
fukken saved

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for a leftist with degradation fantasy that's gotta be the ultimate experience



well, at least that's old stuff

not old enought tho

More like ETERNAL jew

this is painfull to look at

pilot twist
>it wasn't a dream it was real and nobody's the wiser

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He looks like George Ezra's retarded twin

I been thuggin it out on Yea Forums since you were being made to eat white dog shit on the jungle gym. better come correct if u comin at me youngblood

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25 gallons? how the fuck is he still alive. I'm moving to Florida, see if I can gain Florida-man powers.

Mental illness is a super power?



hes the hero the women deserve. he'll suck all the dicks

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it's fake you moran

not yryl pls nvr agin

Do people fall for this? No one can even do the gallon of milk challenge, yet people believe you can drink over 125lbs of grease.

Fuckin' eh, Darwin can't work fast enough.

Ever see that anti-gun girl on CNN? She was cute when she was straight.

Weird how this shit is, notice how many dudes are fit etc before they transition, guess that body image thing is real...

When he occupies that much of your brain, it's bound to happen. (much like photoshopping a headline)

get a brain moran, it's definitely real.
my b fellas

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I don't know what Jack is but I'm phobic of that.

>a cherry

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that's her? she looks breddy gud 2bh

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Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

cringed hard


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fucking cheap faggot, didnt even buy them anything

these sluts are pretty bangin

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Thats not cringe. Denny is based as fuck.

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discord dot gg/VXbCcq

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>"Your Littl Secret" - new secret pron board.
Find smth interesting.


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So cringy, like get over out old man, everyone dies sometime. Yolo!

i dont understand which side theyre on

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>literal shittily shopped on trump rally part
You are retarded

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Kill yourself ugly faggot
Nazi Jesus Ray is the king of Yea Forums

This just makes me sad. Our ancestors are weeping.

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You think all your ancestors were glorious badasses? Fucking hilarious if you really believe that

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Oh sorry, is that you in the picture? Didn't mean to offend you or anything.

ruining promiscuity for everyone

>I'll be different than those guy fawkes fags by wearing a monopoly man mask haha get rekt posers

God this is gonna be a hard challenge

Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally.
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I've been posting here since we had to use tin cans and string, come at me bro my karate is strong

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This guy used to threaten me with magic and shit like that on facebook all the time.

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not a mental illness

Anyone else notice they all say "sex dream" and are bot accounts

He looks like a fun guy to hang out with.

I think of all cucks as retarded as this

She'd (He'd?) be hot if it wasn't for the lips..If he didn't get those injected she'd be hot AF.

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why is it always wh*te people in these kind of pictures? No wonder your replacement rates are going down.

I dunno about all that but he doesnt like to be called a fag. He'll put a curse on you apparently. Pretty funny shit in the moment tbh. Pure gold.

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user, dude was just posting pictures of these chicks not even 20 posts above yours. get a brain moran.

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tbf you're here now so something clearly went wrong in your life who's to say it wasn't his curse that did it

hey, that's pretty good

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meant for

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Id already been here friendo. Cool b8 tho faggot

thats legit.

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nice trips

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much obliged m'user

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>she asked for it

I fucking love this guy

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Not cringe but the fact he doesnt know how to delete a post on Yea Forums makes it appear he is new to the site. Which means... why is this jew actually posting to this page? It seems like a conspiracy. Involvement of Russia cant be ruled out completely imho.

ur too sexual and people see it as a weakness



Is this guy even a real person? It looks like layered prosthetics and makeup..

im ahead of u and put u second

Yes it is denny you newfag

Fuck yeah Denny

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oh yeah user it's def fake. most things are

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u have to be ahead of evolution

I wonder why Trump will win re-election? Oh yeah, homos like this.

Paul Bunyan's transgender son?

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their problem is jealousy fam im great because i pray alot

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*enters the bar with a loaded shotgun*

The winner is definitely the girl on the far left with the bright green shirt.


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Holy fuck immhard
Any more?

They probably just did buy all the shit they are wearing for their stupid feminist agenda in the next sex shop 5 metres further

How is evolution even possible if people are constantly getting stupider... do we just have reached the zenith?

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I-is this real?

Fuckin ayyy

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Gotta have that Daily Denny

>male with mutilated genitals
you have to choose either one

All these random genders yet, yes, those are your choices.

you bet your sweet ass it is. here you go brother. long, but worth the read. I guaran-goddamn-tee it.

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It is a doll and not a real person
He is sitting there in between a crowd with a humanoid robot without any emotional bond, feelings or any human features except the looks

>nipples deep

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>not a sauce
Thanks for the disappointment, fagotto

those genders are not real user. that's the whole issue.

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no hell can ever be enough

Ask for source and not "is this real?"
Yes it fucking is, if your question is actually "does someone have source?" go fuck yourself and look it up you stupid shit.
Of course the torn up piece of bbq meat between your HRT legs is after "transition" a real female vagina

Breaks my heart because some of them I actually enjoyed watching in the old days of sgdq

fuckin A right

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This guy knew: u stoopid faggotto

Girl in white is about to spill

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>le epic meme lingo
>hurr durr im... im not really retarded

I mean at least he's doing what he wants to do. May be cringy but being 46 must suck,

I tried watching it this year. I'm not exaggerating when I say there was a tranny in the chair or on the couch every third run. That wouldn't even bother me if not for all the fucking troons.

like roger the alien from american dad both in shape and in that it shouldn't exist


I'll probably end up in one of these threads because I am retarded but I wouldn't fuck that
I don't have standards but I'd still wouldn't fuck that

just finished reading. I 99% share the Russian comment at the bottom of the whole thing.

Why do wh*tes do this? Never Black, African descendants are up to all this sick bullshit

The fuck is going on here?

It is false to generalize in that way, good sir.


space lizards

The god damn reptilians

Attached: reptilians-alien.jpg (773x517, 54K)

its true, you crackhead. When you see these trap threads its always wh*te men (!) popping up their ass and hiding their penises. Its all bc their naturally less comfortable with masculine model and acting

It was a robot on some British tv show. I had to find out when I first saw it a while back. Creepy as fuck though

>smol peepee energy.
What exactly are we trying to accomplish here, boyos? Let me take a stab in the dark here.
>be user
>see bait
>I know its bait I am going to swallow it and be edgy so everyone knows...

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Nigga what the fuck

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literal apes

but why

ok lol discord gg/ y2NyhW

What's the point of this video? I know it looks creepy but what does it mean to you? What implication do you think this video has?

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i posted that on my facebook and got a instant ban cause there cucks

Again, since it is patently impossible to say "always" in this context, you are incorrect. A lot? Sure. Always? No one has any grounds to say that with certainty.

I want to know why the creepy happened. Curiosity is pretty common human thing, no?
>inb4 but hurr how does it impact YOU
Why does it have to impact ME for me to be curious about something?

you stupid fucks
silicon masks

Attached: Rancor_large.jpg (360x241, 16K)

Oh. Well watch it carefully. She is normal until about the 2 second point, then watch slowly as the white 'shadow' moves across her face when she turns her head. That's when the impressioned face is placed onto the head. I would call this a 'deep fake' but it's more like a fake fake. This was done intentional for comic effect at the very least.

silicon robot movement my ass bro

They took a still and placed it over every frame? Would be way cooler if it was real. Thanks user.

>The fuck is going on here?
>The god damn reptilians
>What's the point of this video? I know it looks creepy but what does it mean to you? What implication do you think this video has?

For those wondering, this was during a show on British TV and two members of the audience were wearing Masks of the royal family, So the cameras and the host braught attention to theses people's (that's what you see in the video)

This is probably the correct answer.

Alpha as fuck

worth the read! fucking lunatics need real doctors not chinc butchers.

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I hate this. I used to work in a call center with a fat fuck who wore leggings like this when it was hot.

He was less than 6 feet tall and close to 300 lbs. I think the only reason he didnt get fired was out of fear he would shoot up the office. He was weird af too

Let me guess /u/ or nude kingdom?

Fake. Freedom of speech stops at the front door of private property.

Kek. I hope this is real

story? wtf is the dude crying?

Everyone does this at family reunions retard

let's be honest. you'd buy that one.

he cuts of the top part because he's afraid someone has fucked with it like the nigger girl in the webm did.

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holy lol. What a hero

He thinks he failed as a father and sees transgenerism as the gender dysphoria it really is.

the average Yea Forums poster

I cameI’m waiting for this kid to start dancing like mad cunt

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Holy fuck.

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kek. what a faggot. who gives a shit, really? women took male clothing from the 1800s and started wearing them, which evolved into modern women clothing, and now a guy wears those clothes. essentially he's just wearing a watered down 1800s men's outfit.

emo dad was based

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You would cry too if this was your son.


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laughed harder than expected at that image

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Shit like this is hilarious, post more

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From this year's Montreal Comiccon

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lmao it's so obviously a dude in a dress, jesus christ

>essentially he's just wearing a watered down 1800s men's outfit.
clothing semantics is not the issue here.
It's that the kid considers himself a woman.



Good enough for a poke.

Kill it with fire.

Am Denny

That's gotta be some sort of fetish-thing

>considers himself a woman
Evolution disagrees.


Also this thread could use more Tayne

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yes, because i'd have to fund a child. i don't want any kids.

kys faggit

igaf about what he thinks, what evolution "thinks", or what you think. none of it matters. who gives a shit if a guy wears a dress? it's got nothing to do with me.

it'd be still gay to fuck it.
also, you're gay, nigger

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>tfw the sketch from Family Guy with Peter naming newborn daughter 'Megatron' seems normal compared to this shit

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Hot. If this is what feminists want, I can support that

This is 100% larp

I'm waiting for the day someone starts a florida man comic or cartoon and uses all these stories to recreate the magic.

>who gives a shit if a guy wears a dress? it's got nothing to do with me.
we were trying to explain why the father may care, because some other user asked about it.
Sure, some tranny being a tranny doesn't hurt me, but I can certainly see why the father feels deeply disappointed and ashamed.

How about a Flärgenstôw?

Attached: 0B5D8DE6-CE5F-4726-99C2-1ED26105EFAE.gif (203x335, 548K)

He looks kinda like a balding modern day Vince Neil.

He looks like the front part of a centaur

>damn son
These bitches wild son
Hey Freddie, can I, umm...?

Attached: DontBeAPedophobe.png (554x487, 327K)

Cool it Lar. You went too far
Ya blew it.

Shut the fuck up, you don’t think white people don’t do the same shit? Please, ive seen way worse.

kek same