ITT we talk like reddit
ITT we talk like reddit
Thank you for the gold, kind faggot, i mean, stranger.
Did you see the new marvel movie with the strong independent afro american trans-boy-woman?
Did you finally get your switch fixed?
I've been so busy lately, reeing at my neighbours who openly admit that they voted Donal Trump. Can you believe that?
(RT for free Ipad)
Hello esteemed friends. I am sitting at my artisan zebrawood desk with a custom built beard-comb compartment.
The desk has been stained with dyes made in the jungles of Africa from pygmy saliva and various insects.
My computer is custom built and submerged in dielectric fluid for maximum cooling capacity while I play fortnite and have up to 5,550 sub-reddits open.
I have a special coaster made from koala fur that I use to hold a goblet with only the purest water. pH of 7.1 is exactly my preference. I test my water with test strips to ensure proper pH and hardness before consuming it
I also have an extensive trilby collection. They are not fedoras. My vape systems are also modded and connected via bluetooth to my central vape server that I got off Massdrop along with my creme-de-la-creme beard cream for my lush facial hair.
What do I do for a living? Well lets just say I have an exorbitant inheritance. I have no mortgage, and I have an in house maid. I call her “mother” purely for ironic reasons of course
>strong independent afro american trans-boy-woman
user, you got to be joking that they're writing like this
No. Sage
i kek'd way too hard
[insert retarded "witty" bot that replies to comments with a certain trigger word]
Ehh, didn't really gozzle at all. You must have a shit sense of humor.
>Literally whole thread of retarded puns and pop >culture references
people with shit sense of humor should not be allowed on the internet
LGBTQ_Xx of reddit, when did you find
Out you were
Mentally ill?
>Be Reddit Dag
>Mouth breathing fucking waste of human space
>The Donald Trump subreddit got banned from Reddit
>Decide to check out Yea Forums
>See "Rekt" Thread
>Wat this?
>Click on it
>Black men beating up white teenagers and children
>Celibrate and praise Allah
>Click on another thread called "The Problem with Liberals"
>This thread details everything wrong with Liberals
>The comments are also pointing out retarded agreements Liberals make
>Start keyboard warrioring and saying: "F- Fuck you! You're just an incel! Have sex! Have sex!"
>Mfw I'm talking about myself
God I fucking hate Redditors coming to this website.
>be RedditARD
>have the power of the mighty downvote and the comment to talk shit and circlejerk
>tfw get downvoted for unpopular opinion
Redditors are the scum of the earth
I'm a big guy, 6'1", 300lbs, beard.
But get this....
good bot
Anyone like cheating porn? Go follow u/nolafun1988 - girl documents her cheating adventures