Get it out of your chest

get it out of your chest

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Cheated on bf of 2 years with guy who took my virginity on a one night stand that learned of me from a pedo who went to juvie for fucking both his male cousins and a pony listed as an animated object in the news report that was shared around our school. I was friends with him and he shared with the guy in there for skipping that I was a huge nerd with computers and consoles and he hit me up. We talked for around 10 hours before meeting and fucking in my basement. My mom sound him the next day because he couldn't get a ride besides from his dad since I live on a mountain. Hooked up with him 4-5 times years later after I'd been with my bf for 2 of our now 3 years. Honestly feel like shit about it and don't know why I did it. I've had a shitty life but my bf's has been even worse and he's never fucked up with anything whatsoever.
What's more is the guy sent me pics of the boys he rapes saying look at these sweet asses on FB messenger and I saw and got scarred for all eternity and didn't have the courage to tell anyone but 2-3 days later he was caught anyway.. but if he had not been caught I probably would've said nothing out of fear of my own incrimination
In other words I kind of hate myself and I do everything possible to make my bf's life less shitty and make him happy

Typos galore because phone usage and blatant nervousness

I used to lie a lot but now i never lie but people still think i lie and i have no way to prove i'm not lying cuz i don't document everything in my life

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I have the news report if any of you want it since you'll never figure out who I am from it

This faggot has
>Wulf crier syndrome
Of the 1st degree
Get this degenerate a medal for his blatant and open voluntary self inflicted assblasting

Must be true since you are this big of a pitiful attention seeking tryhard

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Yeah so much so that I haven't breathed a word about this anywhere else for a fucking year even though when it occured it was the talk of the county
Eat shit and die bruv

when i was really young i used to sniff my aunts feet whenever she took her shoes off.
i don't know why my mentally retarded toddler brain liked the smell of feet.

i'm not sure if she remembers and i'm too embarrassed to ask.

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Kekerstanistan are you kek'd?
Kek, did you see that kek come in low like that? Can't be safe.
>no one cares about degenerates diddling degenerates
Guv'na of Kekistan is MAD and he's you!

Lol when I was 8 I could suck hair in my ass in a specific position and my friend thought it was impressive and cool and asked me to fart in his face behind a bush and for some reason I did

user is actually mad I'm DYING
>kekiz delivery cervix birthing 1 fatass kek from MAD AS FUCK user in the front row who proudly wasted their virginity and lived to tell tale

It was more like I saw a pic of a 9 year old bent over a log with his hands tied behind him and sharpies in his ass and the fact that I would rather cover my own ass than report it. That was the main awful b worthy confession here :3

Read all about it! user ate shit and dead! Instigator now behind bars and reunited with long lost wuver
>smoochy smoochy smoochy

I burned down Cheryl's she shack

I started a major forest fire smoking weed in the woods next to tree covered in that dead looking hay coloured ivy

Tonight on the news we'll be covering user (delivery worker at kekis delivery cervix) ass cause he's super interested in covering his ass cause last ass he saw was full of permanent markers.

No you

I killed Scrappy Doo in Miami.

The entire tree lit up when I caught a vine with my lighter and then it spread alot down the very long road I live on and they had to bring every fire truck in our town to put it out. This is another instance when I ran away cause I didn't want to be caught. So yeah, no homes damaged, huge fucking forest, big oops oh well
Got nothing else worthy to confess rly

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\fC9CYDN\invite\fC9CYDN


I wanna fug every teenage white girl
There's something about 14-17 yo girls I just find irresistible
They're so fucking cute

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