"On Friday...

"On Friday, three 14-year-olds and two 12-year-olds were taken into custody in the Ruhr city of Mülheim on suspicion of rape after residents reported a "grave sexual crime" to police.

Several locals said they'd followed their dog to an area near a playground behind their garden to find two young males and a young woman."


> Be me
> 12
> mum doesn't let me play fortnite
> bored as fuck
> rape women

What is your excuse for still being a virgin?

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Other urls found in this thread:


in Germany children rape u

im 9 so idk what rape means xDDDDDDDD

implying I did not lose my virginity already
with 10 being raped by unclue

i love refugees now

> be me
> 11
> raped by sister, 14

had sex

Germany is lost already. Cities like Hamburg are antifa bastions and most German men are starting to grow vaginas under Merkel. These kids happened to be Bulgarians, but most problems in rape, stabbings, robberies etc are caused by the Merkel immigrants. The Germans rather look away instead of acknowledging this huge problem

but muh refugees welcome


this happens daily in the US

do not believe this man

lol fuckwit

danke merkel

Was ist sie problem freunde, keine frau und schlampe?

can confirm, am americunt

She should be prosecuted for having sex with underage boys.


this. Damn pedos


Bull.Shit. the refugees are a way smaller problem than the Bulgarians, Romanians and Turks. They were scum in their homelands and they come here to be scum in a richer country.

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Get out


They commonly fake their age. These "kids" could be 18+ and you wouldn't know without images.

Do your research before you spout out your stupidity.

Attached: Unbenannt.png (666x810, 68K)

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lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


This is purely criminal data. For this topic you need some data on rape&murder excluding theft&co. Also Syrians were the largest immigrant group but their crime rate is similar to native germans. Many of the african groups had much less immigrants but bka showed 30% crime rate. So as a group they are much worse even if their impact is smaller due to being a smaller group.

this is a good example how neonazis will instrumentalize any tragedy in order to justify their distorted worldview. i hope you´ll get better soon.

Lol way to try to steer the conversation to Merkel and browns. Durrrrrr can't read

Yeeah I'm sure these '14 year olds' are all 6 foot tall ooga booga's.

This. Big German cities are a lost cause. But degenerate filth is also slowly creeping to the countryside. Everyone who says otherwise is a dude weed lmao 420 faggot, as those leftist good-for-nothings all roam Yea Forums.

You clearly haven't seen enough of the world. All media portrays the rapists as "Germans"; the police said - when asked about ethnicity - that "Germans are Germans". Turns out, they were immigrant scum. What's next. Oh yes, the Freibäder.

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


400 North African migrants surround one German family. Many such things in many German cities. Read Spiegel Online for a small Article about how a fuckwit journalists gets his head kicked in by Immigrants illegally playing soccer in a Freibad.

Actually crime statistics are neither per capita nor count eastern europeans as immigrants, due to them literally being allowed by law to be here.
If changed to per capita top 3 are poland, romania and morrokko.

Hey scumbag, if germany is so bad, why not leave?

Works for commie liberals, why not neo-Nazis?

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All the smart germans already left. There's been a report of millionaires leaving 2 years ago.

Only thing remaining are poorfags and mentally fucked.. That's mostly also the native germans as they are the only ones who widely support protecting the thrash. You won't find as many toothless sissies among immigrants. This has been the state for over 20 years. I've seen kids beaten half to dead with one eye destroyed with nothing coming out of it from the police. They are too well trained to fear to be nazis they do fuck all even when they absolutely should.

t. legal millenial immigrant

>All the smart germans already left. There's been a report of millionaires leaving 2 years ago.
they literally left after the panama paper incident started to be publicated and several switz banks announcing to sell bank data.too.
Most of them just changed to luxenburg and ireland, so t'was just them trying to steal money from the state

Bank data is traded EU wide. There are regulations for that in place to catch taxes.
But honestly i don't blame tax evasion. German taxes are too damn high without giving appropriate return on top of unnecessary bullshit regulations which create another cost to run a business.
That's why bailing is so lucrative if you can't tax evade.

Welp there's no more rich people in Germany better wrap it up!

This thread is about five twelve year olds raping a lady which is supremely lol and you guys want to talk you Nazi bullshit. Get out.

>Bank data is traded EU wide. There are regulations for that in place to catch taxes.
switz is not eu, they regularly sell it for added profit. Ireland and luxenburg have almost zero wealth tax, but you are not allowed to have money there, if you also don't have an address there. The problem is: banks are not penalized for allowing people to illegally deposit money, so they happily take any money thrown their way.

Children raping a women. his is the toppest of kek

Don't believe the age. There were grown ass men who looked like 30 listed as 16. Without pictures it's probably just sly turds trying to get out of being sentenced as an adult.

Makes it also more reasonable why they got spotted &reported - a group of kids wouldn't have attracted as much attention as a bunch of adults with a small kid.

The 12 years old where sent home because they are too young to be prosecuted. I think the ages are real.

Don't believe the race. They were aliens pretending to be children. A group of children draws less attention than an alien rodeo.

I meant it as European region. It's more extensive anyway as it includes eastern countries outside EU too. They made all a deal to trade data to catch tax evasion between each other. Can't remember the year of it but i kept in mind how extensive it was and that you needed to get far out to escape. There's a documentary about it but would be hard to find because i don't even remember the name of it.

That's just the legal loophole. They can't get them before 14. Which means if they list themselves under 14 they can do whatever they want. At worst they parents get shit for it. There was even a german kid who stole cars as a business and kept going til he hit 14. Was a famous story in the news. The only way they can get you is if they catch you doing another crime past 14 and then latch the previous shit on top.

yeah, that law came early 2018, but countries like switz and monaco are not included.

story time

>At worst they parents get shit for it.
In germany the parents are responsible a full 100% if their kids are below age to be sentenced, because they didn't do their job as parents and watching the kids.
It is better than the us system where 8 year olds are sentenced to death.

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There's the chance of no parents / foster though which is why i said at worst. It's possible it would have zero direct repercussions.

Yeah there are probably lots of wild Bulgarian twelve year olds roaming the Schwarzwald.

Do you remember how it's called? Would love to reread.

IT is possible that nobody gives a fuck about punishment and we just want to lulz at the situation of being raped by five twelve year olds and their spindly legs/baby dicks.

aia in german, in english it is aei (automatic exchange of information)

What do you think happens if they parents get jailed after first crime? They get taken into custody. Foster homes won't be held accountable. Kids doing whatever they want while flipping foster homes isn't exactly a unknown phenomenon.

Lol the is no institutional 13 year old rape crisis. You can relax.

Thanks, just googled, seems like switzerland is reporting too as of 2018


Did i say that? You have a wild imagination.
Point was there are troubled kids who are criminal on a professional level and get away with it due the legislation being as it is. Mostly it's theft and beating people up. There's every 4-5 years a report about some record kid who went ham.

>did I say that?
>repeats it almost verbatim
Yes. You did. Every 5 years one kid does a thing... SHUT IT ALL DOWN NOW

>shut it all down
more unhinged retardation, im out.

There are not gangs of disenfranchised 12 year olds running sophisticated organized crime orgs in Europe. There are not adults pretending to be 12 to get out of rape charges. A bunch of twelve year olds raped a retarded 18 year old. Isn't that funny to you like at all?

>kids running crime
what actually happens is organized crime uses kids because they can get out of jail quick. And that's every country as they all have reduced sentencing for kids.

Not him, but kek. The eastern european crime families send underage kids to rape people, because they get away with it? The fugg, why should those crime families do that and what is their gain?

Please read my post again. Also lol at criminals use kids. You watch too much tv for real.

Obviously it's going to be the Jews and the gain is the enslavement of the ubermensch if I can just direct you to this poorly photoshopped image covered in artifacts you will...

Nigga were so far from op the fuck do you want with rape? They use them as mules mostly afaik. Not to mention recruiting earlier is better to train them. It's just another kind of business

>watches too much tv

What percentage of the population do you think are mafia affiliated underage drug mules? 10%? 20%?

Can we just laugh about the fact that a adult woman was raped by 12 to 14 year olds, having baby dicks and 3 pubic hairs? At least she doesn't need to fear about pregnancy. Will she be prosecuted for sex with underage though?

>Nigga were so far from op the fuck do you want with rape?
No, we are not, literally the post before yours was talking about organized rape.

Not even 0.5% why you asking?

.2% lol one in five hundred is an underage mafia drug mule.
>you watch WAY too much tv

Lol baby dick rape. I bet they all took turns peeing in her butt.

Learn grammar, not even = lower than that
Point is your numbers where retarded high

>.2% lol one in five hundred is an underage mafia drug mule.
>>you watch WAY too much tv
You forgot: babies not excluded. We currently have 12M kids, 8 of witch are below the age of 12, so babies. So we have 4M left to be possible mafia worker.so he basically is saying one in 200 kids above the age of 12 is working for the mafia.

Seems like there are probably twenty thousand mafia rape child soldiers running around Germany lol. You hate to see it.

fuck, your math was faulted. He said 1:200, since 0.5%
So he basically has 1:80 kids of the ripe age being rapists.

not him, but im already learning polish, ty kurwo

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So just to be funny, every second school class has a mafia worker selling drugs and raping women

>implying rape, stabbings and robberies are bad

>classes of 40
what the hell? Where you from? We had 30 max

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>be shitskin
>mama merkel lets you in
>be 26 man, registered as 12
>fick fick
>cant deport you because muh racism
>most newborns are shitskins
>jihad accomplished

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Seems extremely plausible right? Definitely not blown immensely out of proportion. More people eat fucking porcupine every night.

I'll take shit that never happened for 200 Alex.

>Where you from? We had 30 max
rural munich area. 40 kids was common

Lmao hahahaxddd can cuntfirm it's 9am in America so any "Americans" posting are jobless neet weeb JoJo oh you're coming towards me type faggots

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mfw I could have had rape sex with age 12 without being prosecuted

mfw age 31 and still virgin

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


Is that one of those countries where it's illegal to use dental and xray shit to determine age, because that'd explain it

>be me
>be 16
>meet gril 4 years older
>friends sister, met through him
>both me and said gril alone at his place one night
>she's kinda meh. 4/10 or summat
>still talk cuz I'm comfortable if grills are not that qt. No worry of spazzing outs
>grill gets closer and closer on bed
>suddenly jumps on me
>tell her to knock it off and throw her over my head
>still keeps coming. Pins me down
>suddenly feel primitive cave man electricity crackle through me brains. Goes down straight to my pee pee
>is this bitch tryna rape me?
>throw her off again
>pull Uno reverse card from back pocket
>pin both her arms with one hand
> Unzip and pull out meat scepter with other hand.
>shove pulsating member down her throat. She gags
>How do you like dem apples bitch
>Rip her clothes off. Don't really care.
> Dry painal ensues with her shit as lubricant
> my dumb ass didn't know which hole was which and didn't care at this point
> Came with the force of a thousand suns inside her poop hole
> just as friend walks in. Stands there with mouth open
> grab clothes and floor it
> haven't spoken to him since
> atleast left her viginity intact
>his sister doesn't accuse me of rape or anything. I think the bitch enjoyed it or something
> tried talking to me but ignored her
> I guess in soviet russia rape victim rapes the rapist
> mfw when I don't know what came over me when I think about it now
> Doesn't matter. Had butt secks.
> later, virgins

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Butt sex is gay and does not take your virginity

Kys flatard

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