ITT: God-tier rappers

ITT: God-tier rappers

Attached: post_malog.png (680x703, 672K)

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You start

he looks like a jackass

grow up

that forehead tat is gonna look pretty funny when he's losing his hair


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Imagine thinking this white boy has talent

You wont do a diss track though pussy

Your right, why would I bother when the guy has an entire label behind him and still manages to come out with trash.

dude, way to give away your newfaggitude


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>God tier rappers
>Post Malone
>thread null

god-tier rappers is a bit of an oxymoron.

Why does it have a tattoo saying slidding?

>you can't criticise something without posing an opposition in that field
You're a retard. Faggots like you who think 'well, you can't do better' and use that as an argument against criticism are mongoloids. Any artform can be criticised by anyone. You shouldn't go after the person for not being a rapper themselves, but you should go after their criticism.
You're going to say 'calm down, I was just kidding, faggot', but it is pretty clear you believe in this form of stupid comeback.
Not to mention the fact that "diss tracks" aren't there because you have a genuine issue with the person, they only still exist (ie the only popular ones that get attention) because it is a marketing gimmick. You're a faggot if you buy into the "beef". Rap culture in general is full of talentless puppets controlled by music labels to sell shitty music (just like most musicians, but it is more obvious with rap since there is more than just the music, and it is more about the """real""" """"personality"""" of the rapper.

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Basically, rap is for niggers


A dead one


Timbo king, killah sin, ras kass, killah priest, shabbazz the disciple
Groups: sunz of man, C.O.I.N.S., K.G.B.

Pick one

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Thread over

Whatcha listening to buddy boy?

>God tier rappers
>Post malone
The fucking rat from nickelodeon's Barnyard is a better rapper than post malone

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What a stupid cunt. Those tattoos like so fucking dumb LOL. What does he think he’s mike Tyson or some shit now that he sings songs in auto tune?? Wtf does “slidding”? Even mean? That some stupid word little kids are using these days like dabbing or yolo? Only a regard would get that tattooed on them let alone their face bahahahah. He can’t even grow a real beard what a pathetic little faggot also you thought you’d be smart and call me out on the photoshop but Andy sixx. I made you read all of this faggot.

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\fC9CYDN\invite\fC9CYDN


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>mommy i wanna be a nigger too


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Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)\invite\X6WgABQ

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>God-tier rappera
>Post Malone
You can't have both OP

Greatest ever and no one appreciates outside of MN.

Goodbye Yea Forums, it's sort of all starting to pile up on me, and I think I'm going to call it here.
Recently my brother has came out as a transgender, and has admitted that he has sexual feelings for me. My mom mixed alcohol and pills a couple days ago and shes still in the hospital. My dad does nothing but smoke weed all day, and literally watches MLP, and sometimes is into other furry shit.
Everything is just disgusting and fucked up. I'm poor, dont have a girl friend, dont have a job, I dont even have a car.

But, since you guys have always been here for me, and have kept me happy, I'll return the favor. I'll be live streaming the suicide in about 20 minutes. Ill be doing it via hanging/asphyxiation. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them within the 20 minutes I have left

Stream link:
