Should all Americans have an equal vote towards the presidency? Or should where you live determine your voting power?

Should all Americans have an equal vote towards the presidency? Or should where you live determine your voting power?

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What should happen is that the Voters control the electoral college per district to elect the president, the Electoral college is a good thing

Everyone should have an equal vote. It's just that simple

Neither, It should be the way it is now, you vote for president... at the state level, majority at the state level sends their electors to vote for president.

That isn't neither. The current system determines the power of your vote by where you live for that reason. It makes one American citizens say more important than others

No. No one in red states should be able to vote. Those are the poorest states.

No One without property, on welfare/disability, or earning under $250k/per annum should be able to vote.

No One without a Master's degree or higher should be able to vote.

Age to vote: 25 and up.

lol, you misunderstand what you are voting for then, you arent voting for president, you are voting for which party's electors go to vote for the president. The nuance might be a bit much for you tho.
It is a major reason why the US is NOT a democracy, it is a Republic.

If that happened, the entire country would be run by city folk and most of the country isn’t cities. Rural people would get fucked because they’re outnumbered so badly by people who have no idea what it’s like to live somewhere rural with a country-raised belief system.

Terrible for so many people. Majority rules is too simple for such a complex and unevenly weighted system.

Only 9.3% of people in the US have a Master's degree. What percentage of that own land and earn over $250,000 a year you freaking maroon.

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Just net tax payers.
Simple and clean...

In that world someone with a master in women's studies or liberal arts would be placed above a hardworking Tradesman

>poor white trash detected

You would never be able to vote in My America.

Enjoy not eating when they strike.

should go back to the original constitution for a bit and see if that improves anything.

>doubt it can make it any worse.

People that are actually paying income tax, should have their vote count for more.

People on the government dole, should have their vote count much less.

There are no "hardworking tradesmen" in America.

The jobs that matter in America, to make America globally competitive, require a Master's degree or PhD. Fuck 'tradesmen'. Your kind don't belong in my My America, go back to cuba or mexico.

I think Californians shouldn't be allowed to vote but everyone else should.

>Master's Degree
You'd never be able to vote in your own America

They will be purged. CA grows the majority of America's food. Red states are the poorest states in the US, blue states pay them subsidies to NOT grow food. Look at the top 10 poorest states in America. All red. Conservatism has failed.

Why not do what the founding fathers originally intended? White land owning adult males are the only ones allowed to vote.

The real question is, why amn't I president yet?

Debate server

> /aXdvrrH

(Remove the extra dot)

Where you live

Just use a binary to ASCII converter and you are good to go

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citys=lots of people not much more
country= few people lots of farms

do people on farms get less of a say?
if you go by numbers alown then yes

That first sentence reveals such a sheltered perspective there's no point reading the rest.

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You're missing the point. The question is should people get equal say or should I be determined by where they live? Which?

Only those who served in the military and farmers should be able to vote.

This is obviously shit tier bait because no one can be that deluded to think that’s reasonable

lol those are the dumbest people

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it's fine the way it is

Again proving your mental capacity is that low you would probably fill in your voting slip wrong anyway

only people that can pass a basic intelligence test should be allowed to vote. 100 iq and higher.

But dats raysist

Simple. You must score at least 100 on an IQ test.

Conservatards never win another election and the rest of us can get on with sane governance.

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lol go to bed child. the vast majority of jobs do not, and always will not, require a masters. Any industrialized setting you go o will have a few highly educated people, and many worker bees running about actually doing things. your just a classic disillusioned adolescent yuppie

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


the best of us have Master's and PhD's.

the flyover states' garbage thrive on mediocrity.

This system lasts for about three days before a communist revolution topples the government. In fact, it would probably be more of a coup, since nobody in the military meets those requirements. Try telling the entire marine corps that they're now legally second-class citizens, and see how long you stay alive.

lmao, what a dumb cali pleb, go suck off your tranny mother

they're wealthy, the entire nation's wealthy and are 1%'ers in that model. there's no red state poverty in that model :)


Our based founding fathers foresaw the cancerous societies of NY and CA and knew of their tyrannical power in numbers. They shall never reign!

An equal vote for all citizens is necessary to make sure that every group gets represented. Anyone who tries to take away the voting rights of a certain group is retarded for holding that sense of superiority. It's a feeling similar to that after the civil war, in which white southerners restricted voting amongst black citizens heavily to ensure that no actual progress could be made by voters.

Shut the fuck up. Literally no argument you could possibly be trying to make or invite matters when voter fraud is so widespread that half of our country's political parties' entire strategy revolves around creating more of it.

Mass deportation of illegals, revocation of "amnesty", automatic voter registration and de-registration on loss of eligibility such as death, mandatory Voter ID in every state and hand-counter paper ballots. Secure the election or nothing, not one other fucking thing about the process matters.

>when your opinion matches public opinion
everythings fine!
>when it doesn't

try if youre not a net taxpayer you cant vote

fucking crown supporter. you'd be the first thrown off the Mayflower.

This wouldn’t be an issue if the Federal Government didn’t have as much power as it has.


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I believe in the electoral college however I believe we need to some spring cleaning on the whole election process. Certain states shouldn’t be such huge battle grounds.

thats cute coming from people who don't respect a duly elected president, and instead push for.. tyranny

idiot, we're debating what duly elected should mean

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