Why do women always want to be chased?

Why do women always want to be chased?

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Just because they are running away from you doesn't mean they want to be chased.

the chase is fun, don't go in for the kill though. When you leave them right before things get interesting they start to desperately chase you.

insecurity and vanity. they want to feel desired over others. are you 2d retarded or something?

Attached: face okay retard.png (496x486, 166K)

In order to be captured. Rape orgasms are best orgasms.

because they know all guys just want their pussy and asshole, so they are able to just upgrade to a better guy at any point. they know guys will let the girl use all his money in exchange for sex

They don’t. Thats just some bullshit you let yourself believe.

Aw, Ma, why do you always mess up my threads?

only the shitty insecure girls want to be chased. the ones that aren’t broken hate that shit.

So every woman wants to be chased. Noted.

No just like 80% of them. The higher quality females are already taken by those with money. Your only real chance to get one is to get lucky in college. Even then, your odds are pretty poor.

Just to be clear, if us men in general would raise our daughters better then they wouldn’t be insecure skanks.

women have fun being chased but desire chasing. you're welcome.

So we can RAEP

>The higher quality females are already taken by those with money.

There is no such thing as "higher quality females".

Because men are hunters

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


great first post.

gonna go ahead and give ya the /thread

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Why would anyone have to put in effort when they dont have to?

Women are amused by being chased, but they don't care much for the men chasing them.


Have you ever had a compliment? It's nice.


Its simple. Who ever is willing to put in the work will be less likely to waste your time.

Not OP but I want to take this opportunity to scream into the either.

Why are people so motivated by recognition? From some little cam whore to inept leaders. Why do you crave adoration & why do people had it out so freely to undeserving cretins?

It seems like so many problems in the world could be solved if assholes put aside thier egos.

Oh look, a brain

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but isn't that work itself a redundant waste of time?
i think the real case is that girls like to be chased because they have fragile egos and like to feel self important

>fragile egos and like to feel self important
ding!ding! That's it.

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


Mommy issues detected