Why does a black mermaid trigger you cucks so much?

why does a black mermaid trigger you cucks so much?

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Niggers cant swim

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thanks user i didnt have this bait

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answer the fucking question honkey

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It's not chimp Ariel. Chimp mary Jane watson just happened. Nothing could look worse out of all priceless white things from working people they have to steal that which is nice. It might as well be a goddamn Greco roman statue or a Quran seeing how triggered nigger Quannel X was tonight on FOX. Mentioning how Jesus Christ was not white. Jesus Christ was white, back then people in the middle east could have been white. What does he even consider white is he a racist? He's clearly trying to stomp all underground opposition. Totalitarian absolution. I can think whatever the fuck I want and that which is normal and natural to think.

It's a Danish story from hans Christian anderssen. And this handout is extremely disrespectful.

Your stupid nigger leader got trolled harder than oprah


>people in the middle east could have been white
no, no they couldn't.


reee, the post.

yeah you do. unless you're a faggot

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>It's a Danish story from hans Christian anderssen
Hans Christian Andersen, yes. And it said story, the little mermaid is green.
not white, not black, but green.

Disney made the mermaid white, now they make her black, and both of these are wrong. She is green.

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Black mermaid is fine. Black Arial is retarded.

Then stick to your race before i kill your mother.

I'm okay with this, but I still want Ariel to be a 4 foot 7 white girl with d cups. You see where I'm going with this.

no, the answer is no. i dont care. why do you care so much and post on a board about it and pretend that others are mad?

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My only question is this: why is live action Mulan 100% East Asian? If Disney wants to make everything multicultural, fine. But it picks and chooses. My biggest complaint is the logical inconsistencies that lead to such low-hanging fruit that even the aryan bros will bite the bait.

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I can't hear you over the sound of niggers being worthless


Nobody identified as white back then my dude. Everyone was just shades of brown, as mother earth intended.

Your 'people' will die.

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She's hot. I'd like to see her wet

Because blacks always ruin everything

All of you and your kike overlords, are going to be burned in a pile.

Why his mother though
Why not him


woah.. powerful

>my mind is full of niggers
k den, enjoy. But she is still green.


Thats funny because every time blacks mix with whites the kid comes out less black than the parent. Hence the term (white washing)

you faggots really got to get over it, hell go look at the jacobs ladder trailer

That's lumpy and gross.


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Use a binary to ASCII converter and thank me later

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Because Mulan is about an Asian person, it’s integral to the story.

Ariel is a mermaid. That’s not a real thing. The skin color of Ariel has nothing to do with her character.

If they changed her to like a half-dog mermaid, then that would fuck up the story, as being a mermaid is essential to the plot.

This is simple stuff.

It doesn't bother me at all. It's a made up story, it's just make-believe, so who gives a shit? I know it's a story made by a Dane and at the time he surely knew about black people but I'm sure he didn't intend for the characters to be depicted as black or any other race. But at the end of the day it's just a story that is about a fucking mermaid, so why give a shit? Or why even care about the shit Disney makes these days, they're just piggy backing off of their success in the previous century to create "new" films just to get more money when they can't think of any more original ideas to produce films for instead.

Either way, she's pretty and I'm sure she will act well in the film, but I'm not going to see it. I've dated too many Disney obsessed girls to know that I should keep away from that shit.

we wuz merqueens n shiet

Nobody is getting over anything. The fire will rise until bullets fly. This, is how big wars start. Blatant and overt disrespect of a specific and large group. And don't be a cute faggot and say, "rofl, you want war over a cartoon mermaid...' It's one jab after another.

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>go look at the jacobs ladder trailer
ehhh.. wut

reported, faggot

yeah.. yeah.. and here you, a lonely /pol/cel on Yea Forums, the den of degeneracy, screeching about your great big war.
outside, people go on living their lives.
this, this right here.. this is your life.

sad shiat mah nigguh

There’s no one targeting white people.

They are targeting assholes.

Don’t be an asshole, you’ll quit being such a fragile cunt as a bonus.

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They subvert our culture, not because they don't have their own, but because they want to erase ours. It's cultural genocide. They are no better than the evil they obsess over.

Because if Disney wants to pander and make a black princess, why don't they think of something NEW instead of recycling the old works and give them to the blacks as a hand-me-down? Just seems pretty bad don't you agree?

Hows about a princess from tribal africa and she can talk to spirits n shit, but then colonizers threaten her way of life and she has to fight them off with pussy power, and she meets a general's son and they fuck or some gay shit.

All of you are going to burn.

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I'm surprised you could last this long without screeching about teh jooz

Black people are erasing white culture?


The descendants of people who were taken from their homes and forced to change their names and were not permitted to read or write down their history are erasing white peoples’ history?

Because a mermaid isn’t as white as you think it should be...

That’s so fucking backward.

As long as she doesn’t have a black accent.

Sure faggot, you think your redneck ass is going to take over?

Motherfuckers can’t even take on the entire grocery store without a motorized cart.

I’m not scared of heart disease diabetes dicksucker dipshit retard republican chicken shit shit for brains faggots.

Bring it.

Should she have a danish accent? Or should she have an authentic mermaid accent?

Fucking dip shit

Reparations white boi. This movie ours now. Change the movie name to LIL MERMAID and we good

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


10/10 i kækked in Danish

The Disney story is based on a Danish short story where the author explicitly describes her as white. You know damn well if this was whitey being cast as a canon black character people would be screaming.

See This is part of a trend where all of the best known white fictional characters are being replaced by non-whites. Even Hermoine was cast as a black woman in the HP stage adaptation.

ugh the first whiff of nigger smell and I'm out of there

You know the first little mermaid was bad enough.
Why do we even need to see another one ?

With a general American accent.

i agree 100%.
any actor should be able to portray and character regardless of the race of either.
any one who disagrees is a racist, bigoted cuck.

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racists are just bitter incels

I know right? Fucking racists.

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because niggers van't swim
that's why we needed to get them on a boar 200 years ago, and nowadays some leftist cucks actively go and search them instead of letting them drown and solving three problems at once.

>The Disney story is based on a Danish short story where the author explicitly describes her as white
lol no, he explicily describes her as green.

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab


acjzuallyyhhh, she's red skinned:

>They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea

Ariel is an injun lol

lol fag

>this one jew accused of crimes proof that the jews are..
no, doesn't work like that.

>blue eyed
pick one

Or, why do blacks need a black mermaid so much?

it's a joke, faggot. But fact remains, HCA describes her skin as red.

mmmm so much bait

For me it's less about the race, and more about the hypocrisy the left shows. They bitch about things like cultural appropriation and 'White-washing' and shit like that, how we need to respect other cultures and embrace diversity, but then refuse to acknowledge the diversity of the European world, the differences between the different nationalities, ethniticities, cultures, and even races there, and completely disregard the historic and cultural background and meaning of European tales and 'Color- wash' them, because white people are apparently on homogenous blob that they can do whatever they want with to push their 'Inclusive' agenda.

why does White T'Challa trigger nigs so much?

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lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab