Movies you watch over and over again

Movies you watch over and over again...

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Obviously the John Wick Trilogy

Only saw the first one

Lost in Translation was a great movie.

Starship troopers and lock stock and two smoking barrels

Fuck yes

Great movie, but depressing AF.


Glass half empty. Hes probably focused on the relationship not working out instead of the bigger picture of life going on and enjoying the ride.
Also the movie pacing was slow, and bittersweet.

Tombstone..."Say when..."

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Doc : A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
Wyatt: What does he need?
Doc : Revenge.
Wyatt : For what?
Doc: Bein' born.

Also blade runner, new or old either way i feel most comfortable watching dystopia

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Mia Khalifa porn

The patriot, I love it and I'm not even an American.

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A Scanner Darkly, oddly enough, because I don’t even really like it that much. Just something about it I guess.
Some others would include
Full Metal Jacket
Back to the Future
Conan the Barbarian
American Graffiti

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Horrible Bosses 2 I fucking love it. Just wish their were more Kevin Spacey.

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Heist with Jeffery Dean Morgan. It’s not even that great of movie but I still love it

I admit

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IDC if this counts or not but there's this documentary called The 75 that's just fucking amazing. The only documentary that I've watched multiple times.

>pic related to you other anonfags
Thin red line
Spartacus (1960)
Dr. Strangelove
Manchurian Candidate

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you know you watch this over and over

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It's cheesy, but it's actually hot as FUCK.

I see what you did there. Nice.

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this is actually a really fucking good movie

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oh I just noticed, none of these movies seem to have bill murray in them. funny how that worked out.

he hated his sensational popularity, and I do too.

I'll add
Fantastic Planet
and the underappreciated
Phase IV

>Fantastic Planet
You just dig the naked headless statues fucking on FP. Pervert.

damn it's good

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is that what they were doing? I never noticed.

IIRC, and it's been friggin' decades! The big green bug eyed fuckers meditated and their minds went off to F.P. to possess these statue things and do the nasty.

One of my very favorites

damn it's
>unnecessarily exploitative
>all carbs, no protein

Watching the trailer now. Correction: big blue bug-eyed fuckers.


i was just yanking ya. the soundtrack may be the best part and it's best watched on a quarter ounce of shrooms.

You're wrong. It was pretentious and suggested sophistication, maybe even aspiring to sophistication, but ultimately, pointless. Murray mugging for the camera, Johanson being the cute naif.
You think it's deep, but you were bullshit into that perception.

>best watched on a quarter ounce of shrooms.
You may be on to something. I'll have to give that a try!

Read the Heinlein novel for Starship Troopers. You'll puke first time you watch the movie after.

True 'dis. Movie didn't even address the Skinnies. I assume it was a SAG thing.

It just works for me dude

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No, it wasnt.


reading good scifi ruins all media forms tbh. The ST movie is an adaptation in name only.

American Gangster

It was nice seeing the Kurgan as Sgt. Zim. I was afraid he'd bought it under the Silvercup sign.

Did I ever claim it was deep? Maybe I just like wallowing in self-pity and feeling sad? Maybe it just struck some chord in me for no real, quantifiable reason and because of that I feel an emotional connection with it. Also maybe not being a self important asshole who thinks his views are the very definition of sophistication and the only acceptable way to look at movies helps, too.

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


A true classic.

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>I feel an emotional connection with it
Sorry, I didn't realize you were a thirteen year old girl.
and I resent you qualifying my importance.


Shaun of the Dead never gets old for me and i could watch Aliens or The Fifth Element anytime.

Only made sense if you read the novel/novelization, otherwise the last 15 minutes were a complete WTF is going on experience.

Thanks for the list user :) i've only watched the first two and loved them both, will probably watch a couple more from this list soon. These old movies scratch an itch like nothing else does

The Thing
Evil Dead 2
The Stuff

fuk yes, for Shaun of the Dead. great fucking movie

That's part of what makes it so memorable.

Man, do you watch anything without the mushrooms?

Every goddamn time...

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This one's good too. It's a crying shame that it never got a sequel. Perhaps someday...

Shared here, since the file is too big for Yea Forums: >this is actually a really fucking good movie
Fuck yeah man, I make it a point to watch that every Easter.

You know what's crazy? You can never find a thread as good as this in Yea Forums . Never ever.

yes, it was