How do you feel about death ?

how do you feel about death ?

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Can't wait


It's going to happen, and I've made my peace with it. Sorta like leaving a party that I didn't want to be at anyways.

It really stopped me from dating for a while because I'm fairly content with it happening but going to do life for now. Im still worried long term because the girl im with would be ruined without me

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im ready for it. life is so short and temporary yet special. literally have to make the most of this life. imo this life is 'heaven'. its rare af and you only experience it once. and not forever. cherish your family, smell the fuckin roses, enjoy doing something or doing nothing just enjoy it. die and pass that energy on, physically and metaphorically

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Feel? I think it gives me a sense of urgency to live my life, but I don’t feel any particular way about it.

I fear death. I want to live a long life.

I don't feel bad about death. It's the dying part that bothers me.

>first post, best post

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i like that it's the great equalizer. doesn't matter how rich or powerful you are, nothing you can do to extend your life beyond anyone else.

at least for now.

but i'm also constantly disturbed by the complete lack of meaning associated with literally everyone dying in a fairly short timespan

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Life is quite boring, I'm taking a passively suicidal approach to life. I'm not saying it's impossible for life to become interesting but it's extremely unlikely. However, death is a big unknown. I don't believe in God(s) but death is one of those things that can never be explained by science so if there is something interesting in death then it's like the ultimate adventure and if there isn't than it's not going to matter because it's pure nothingness.



>the great equalizer

yeah, so the guy that actually creates and achieves more in life is equal in death to a total loser. that's a great way to value life.

i mean, "since we're all going to die anyway, what's the point of doing anything?"

that's fucking retarded. you need to stop picking up bullshit like that and thinking it's wisdom. it's not all that wise.

Dude you gotta do what you want in life. You got about 84 years or so on this planet so make the best of it because after that you will never experience the sensation of living again so please use existential dread to pursue a more fulfilling life and set goals for yourself.

unless you believe that there's an afterlife, and you get additional benefits in this afterlife for your achievements... that's right.

but my point was more along the lines of rich people can buy fantastic things, get out of criminal charges, control the lives of everyone else... but they can't escape death. i like that.

What’s taking so fucking long

You eat dead things on a daily basis to stay alive.
When you will die, your biomass will become bacteria, fungi, insects, plants and animal.
Just as your mother ate to create you, you will return what you are to earth.
You're basically water with feelings baby, fuck a little and laugh a little, cause all your 500000000 millions of ancestors did

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.

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Passively suicidal, I like that

Is that will ferrel?

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


Biggest mind fuck for me is not knowing what the fate of humanity will be. What are we even capable of given another million years? Also it's really weird how you won't even know you are dead. It's not a void or anything it's a complete end of your consciousness. It's kinda funny we don't have a concrete thought of when our consciousness began and we won't realize when it's over either. Life is a fucking joke in a way

>how do you feel about death ?

I hate it! I hate the fact people who you love will die and I will die either.

I wished I was immortal

don't get me wrong I dont even love my own life that much but there is the desire to live as long as possible

It's the absolute truth though, a billion years from now the earth is going to be burnt to a crisp by the sun what the fuck does it matter what you do in your life.

Yea because when your bpdy is rotting in the ground you'll feel all proud of what you accomplished in life?


lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


What do you mean 'can't be explained by science'? When your brain stops working you don't exist anymore, there's nothing else to it.

Energy is never lost or destroyed. Everything that makes a human a human is energy. It will continue to exist long past your death. Memories, conscousness, it's all just energy. So it will exist beyond your death in some way.

Death is the only guarantee for this life.
I'm assuming that there's complete non-existence after death (which would be worse than 'hell')
>enjoy this shit life you got

In an odd way it's kind of comforting though. The fact that there's a strong likelihood that there is non-existence after death makes me less embarrassed about tripping on sidewalk cracks or getting boners in public.

The ultimate vanity is to think your self is so important that your consciousness would continue after death in the face of incredible evidence of the contrary.

I don't think we'll be around that long. If we don't kill each other via nuclear war, I think the planet will dispose of us over time anyway.

There was no existence before you were born why would there be existence after death? Everything you do in life has no importance, sure the world may go on afterwards but it's entirely without you in it. 100 billion people have already died on this planet just let that sink in.

What did he mean by this?

Come on humans survived through horrible shit to make it to where we are we aren't going to be wiped out by a nuclear war. We didn't appear on this planet 100 years ago humans lived through a fucking ice age what the fuck does climate change have on us now with all our technology

pretty confident

Interestingly enough, much of the world -and for a very long time- thought of morte, mortem, and muerte when alluding to this concept. Meaning, death, funerals, sorrow, skulls and hell-fire often came to mind. That is why much of the religious beliefs that death and infernos and heaven as an after-life are polarized perspectives.

Nowadays, people think of death as edgy, rock and roll, danger, and something that happens to others all the time but never to oneself due news reports.

None of us can have an opinion about death because we have never seen death you dumbass. What you are referring to is stories about death and notions of death in symbols like halloween but not death itself you dumbshit. There's a difference.

So what do I think about other people's attitudes about death? I think that it's self-evident that most of the world believes that it will never die because of dumbass religions. And most people have a depressed fight or flight instinct that makes them fear the police more than death itself in a robbery and that's what makes them stupid. It's shameful. You dumb fucking cunts eat a big bag of shit.

Use a binary to ASCII converter and thank me later

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Death is funny.

I don't want to die right away. Id probably fight for my life right now. Most deaths i can imagine seem shitty.

But id like to die sometime soon. I dont enjoy living, knowing. I dont like myself or hardly anyone else. I really dont want to live to an old age. It seemed shitty enough before with the aging, but now it seems the planet itself will be even shittier when im much more fragile and weak.

Sometimes i wish i were in a hostage situation where the terrorist says that someone has to sacrifice themselves so that the others can leave, i imagine myself doing it happily and waving at the others as they leave. I dont want to be simply murdered, i dont want to be someone's brag.

I just wish i were dead, i dont really wish to die, i want it over with, like i want to be in Paris but i dont wish to get on a plane. I wish i would die suddenly and jarringly from an accident or a natural event.

So i see death as the exit sign.

Part of my brain wants me to die really badly, but fear and apathy keep it in check. Yay mental illness! :3

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


I feel like it's terrible. Look at any animal. They all avoid it at any cost and they have no fucking idea why.

I never claimed that it did. I simply said that the energy that your consciousness is made of never disappears from the universe. What that means is unknown and can only be found out in death. I absolutely believe that in death there is just pure nothingness however, I'm not going to claim that I know that for certain because of the fact that the energy will always exist in some form.

We all gotta die. If there’s anything beyond, it wouldn’t do for us to know. Just as if we had led past lives, it wouldn’t do for us to have any recollection of it. If there’s nothing it will be like going under anaesthesia. You simply fade to black and know nothing of what was, is, or ever will be. It’s anyones guess.Anyone who tells you different is deluded. We can speculate but those in the know aren’t telling. This much I do know. I’ve been pretty lucky. Have seen just how many pitfalls and pain there is. I don’t want to come back and do it all over again.



>how do you feel about death ?
can't wait.

what was it

the answer to life

do you know how to archive?

I wait for her every night, but never comes for me

No I don't.

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lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34


Also, sauce?!?

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Honestly Im mortified of not knowing what comes after, but I realize that it is inevitable and too just live the best life i can.

Another part of me wants it too come sooner as long as i'm taken unaware. This physical world does not hold my peace, I am tired.

That would be "comforting" in the sense that there's be no way to scale comfort from discomfort at all, or even begin to form those abstract concepts; but that's what is the likely outcome as illustrates.
Youre reasoning behind finding that comfort behind the nihilistic outlook is flawed as the moments where you trip and get an awkward boner will echo forever in the realm of your memory. Your subconscious will 'judge' your choices as you die, and send you to dreamscape 'heaven' or 'hell'. You ever have a nightmare that you swore was real? Imagine that, x100000 if you die in a bad state of mind (regret, fear, agony, heartbreak). Trust me

>poc related

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Not afraid. I kinda want to die.

Can't we just be like every other animal and died in 30 to 20 years?That'll be nice

Dinosaurs roamed the planet for millions of years. You didn't have a care in the world. It will be like that.