Nigger hate thread.
I hate how blacks use white privilege as an excuse for their own failures and shortcomings.
Nigger hate thread.
I hate how blacks use white privilege as an excuse for their own failures and shortcomings.
You can hate niggers all you want but you leave Hannibal Buress out of this
I hate how most American niggers are like 69% white yet still try to pass it off like they are straight out of Africa. Mixed privilege is more like it
Niggers should be executed, or at the very least go back to Africa.
Same same
Why do you all hate blacks, can you give me one good reason?
I hate how the ignorant have a voice with such access.
This is the nature of anonymous boards like Yea Forums. Anyone can spew verbal garbage and the ignorant masses will consume it without question.
They’re black
your ignorant and massive lul
I hate how todays black american generation demands reparations like they experienced slavery themselves. They do not deserve reparations. Hell, they probably don't even care about reparations and are most likely only doing it to get free money
I work in IT and theres about 6-7 black guys in my office. Thery're all engineers and don't fucking whine all the time. Not all blacks are niggers but all niggers are lazy bums
I hate the way no account whites claim the fruits of a civilization they don't participate in as evidence of superiority for their 'race'
wow u dont like white supremacists ur such a deep and unique thinker
t. nigger loving faggot
Well every racist in here are retareded so that pretty much makes sense
niggers are self victimising cringey losers
did you dad teach you all that hate?
lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\v26CH34\invite\v26CH34
God bless the straight male user that made this piece of art. I get a smile and a slight chub whenever I see it.