Should i mention a friend in my suicide note?

should i mention a friend in my suicide note?

im going to send him a snap before i do it, just to make sure he has to live with it for the rest of his life

but i figured if i leave it in my note too other people will know what a shit of a person he was.

Really wanna make him never forget how he made me feel, ya know?

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you gay?

Celebrities die life goes on nobody cares kill yourself

lol no shit

who cares if a celeb dies anyways but their friends and family?

What do you stand to gain? You'll be dead.


Suicide on Livestream

giving a fuck about your male friend this much? got to be a homo but you'll be dead soon.

what happened OP

Why have you been friends with a guy who made you feel like that?

yeah i figured that, but it really fuckes me up when i know i ended up in this bad state because of him.

every single bullshit goes back to that guy, and it took me years before to realize what a shit of friend he was and how he really fucked my head up bad.

dont have friends do you?

just ignore him and move on, you reaIize he wins if you off yourseIf right?

life man, got played. pick your friend or your going down worse than anything


as soon as i quit the drugs and got out of my depression i realized what a peice of shit he was

constantly tried to hang out and be my friend only to get in my head and fuck me up

also constantly pushed drugs on my whole friend group, 2 friends really fucked up and basicly fkn gone now and all we did was watch them go down

took me a while to realize it was because none of my "friends" in that group were actually friends so noone really made these 2 realize what a dark path they were heading down

and i just watched 2 really good friends "die"

also got really fucked hanging out with these people, constantly tried to make you a fkn joke and every time you had a major victory they did everything to steal it from you and left me now that i fucked up myself.

i do. i wouldn't die for them. so have at it and bow your head off.

100% problem is you die twice

drugs or not, anything here in life can kill you before you physically die. Its not very pleasent to try to function or be in the present when everything goes back to the same person that stabbed you right in your back when you really needed good friends

dont sound like it, ive got some good friends id almost die for

and some id wanna personally kill if i had the chance.

not gonna blow my head of but yea soon enough ill be gone

this person you're trying get revenge on won't care

Look OP, a family friend hung himself in his own room. His younger brother was the one to find him. He left behind two kids who will have to grow up without a dad because his girlfriend was being a fucking cunt. For the love of god, do not kill yourself. You will leave behind people who genuinely care about you and regret not noticing the signs. Take a shower, get some sleep and move on with your life. Don’t end it.

Wins what? What are u talking about?

Don't listen to this cuck.

ohh i know he will, ill make sure my friends knows what a shit he was so they will have the doubt on him.

they originaly kinda dont like him so its off to a good start

i hear you honestly, but ive already bought the stuff and planned this, when you start thinking about suicide a few years back your life kinda starts to draw towards that destination.

maybe if i was more open and talked about this earlier i know my life would have been a 180 degrees diffirent.

but i doubt my family/friends wont understand sonner later, life goes on and they will know that i sufferd enough to kill myself it had to be worth it.

jesus fuck i cant spell, sorry

It don't matter. U will be dead soon.

if i had a diffirent life right now i maybe would have.

not sure about what to do with my bitcoins though

i kinda dont want to leave them for my family because i know my brother will try to grab em and i fucking cant stand that egoist

and i kinda like my friends but not sure who id send em to

He fucked a girl you where sweet on huh?

actually opposite he he

think there is were alot of his passive anger came from now in hinsight

remember this time i was out with a girl he knew

and i was tired as fuck and little bit depressed on the fact that we were out there to do drugs ( it was around this time i was quitting)

and he asked me if i was down/sad because i could not fuck the girl he was hanging with ( he didnt fuck her either)

but he asked in a very agressive and provoking way almost trying to tick me off?

not sure if he was delusional bc of the drugs or some shit but fuck me that was cringey and gave me insight on what a fucked mentality he has

i forgot to mention that i fucked a girl he was trying to fuck for atleast 4-5 years?

also got one of his close girl friends to smell my fucking socks on regular occasions? and she stole my fucking socks too?

she was 11/10 but i was too fkn retarded to realize she was trying to bang me

Don’t tie your destiny to that faggot

Don’t tie your destiny to that faggot

Blame him in the note, if you don’t have enough conviction to ruin someone else’s life, why would you end yours? You are either a complete pussy ass fagot that will bitch out and do it the easy way... or you have some shreds of humanity and work to get your shit in order. One is better than the other, but the universe gives no fucks about either.

Don’t tie your destiny to that faggot

Real men will fight against men

lazy nerd u cant copy nothing to a new tab\invite\zSyp9sX


Nigga u gay... Move on, crush with your fists or wallet in a few years

Hey OP. I hope you dont do it, but I would love some satoshis...

heres my QR code because I cant submit an address.

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Put the reason for your suicide is because Half-Life 3 never came out

Instead of being an unimaginative faggot, you could buckle down and focus on getting rich as fuck then pay someone to off that dipshit.

Or just be a lame and kill yourself none of the niggers you know will care that you're dead in your current state.

bitch pls. ur not suicidal. real sucidal ppl usually feel like a burden to thier loved ones not dump all personal responsibility onto one person like a child. bitch i was raped as a kid and u dont see me blaming my life on that guy.

can you at least tell us what he did to you?

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U just did

Nobody cares but you really have nothing to gain, so you wanna be a statistic nigger?

not worth it. dont let him get the last laugh/victory.
forget about him, move on, work on yourself, IMPROVE, become better then him

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stop being a pussy you're not gonna kill yourself. "wah wah wah it's everyone else's fucking fault wah wah wah my friend ruined my fucking life"
bull fucking shit. you can stop hanging out with someone any fucking time you want, if he "ruined your life" then just don't fucking hang out with him anymore you absolute retard. whether he's a piece of shit or not is irrelevant, you could've stopped seeing him any fucking time but you didn't, you CHOSE to keep hanging out with him and now you want to blame all of your problems on him because you're too much of a pussy to own the fuck up to your own issues.

either kill yourself or don't, but don't fucking pretend like your faults are anyone else's but your own.

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