Post apocalypse stuff

Post apocalypse stuff.

Looking for movie and book recommendations but also weapons, gear, games, graphic novels and shit.

Will dump images and moveis I can remember.

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The Cured. Good post virus outbreak, kinda like 28 days later.

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The night eats the world. A french zombie survival movie. Really worth watching.

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The Chrysalids

The Survivalist. British movei about a lone survivor in the woods. I really liked it and there's a tidy forced sex scene in it.. lol

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I'm not sure that the books were translated into other languages, but the "Epoch of the Dead" by Andrei Cruz. There about zombies.

Right at your door. A dirty bomb goes off and people board themselves indoors, good ending too.

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These final hours. Australian movie about the sun incinerating the world. Guy trying to get to his pregnant girlfriend before australia is effected but saves a girld along the way. Kinda brutal and awesome

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The Metro series of games is pretty good. Post apocalyptic Russia.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is dope.

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I'm just gonna dump some photos

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I completeed the first game. Was gonna buy the newest one but never got round to it and my ps4 is so loud these days.. lol

I did buy the books though and will reda them when I can focus.

There's a russian movie called Stalker which is decent, all fucked up world and strange alien zonesa round the world. Based on a book called Roadside picnic.

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>post apocalyptic russia
Was there ever a pre apocalyptic russia

This is what i was gonna suggest

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you should check out this guy
displate com/jakubrozalski/world-of-1920+

Anarchist Cookbook
Has a lot of handy things you can use when the time comes

lol there was not.

The Divide is a great bunker movie set just after a nuke and the people going stir crazy and sick.

And one of my crossbows cuz I ran out of images

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Threads, is really realistic and depressing looka t post nuclear aftermath..

I turned this old carpenters axe into a tomahawk

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I like making shit and modifying shit. The axe cost me £6 and I sold the modified version for £90 on ebay which shocked the hell outa me. I always hunt for old tools.

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Hardware is a sweet post apocalptic sci fi B movie. Cool opening scene and an overal cool movie.

I need body armour too.. I've got penty of gas masks as I live near a chemical plant but sold all my bullet proof jackets. I might make some from aluminium street signs and a cheap tactical jacket off ebay.. thoughts??

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dont let this one die its cool

A boy and his dog. There's some books too titled Vic and Blood by Harlan Ellison

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I like how the movie goes from 'let's find a girl to rape' to absolutely mental underground sperm theiving crazies. great flick!

anyone practice or read up on survival skills?

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