Is this alpha/beta male a thing? Is it real?

Is this alpha/beta male a thing? Is it real?
If it is, it has to do with what? Genetics?
How do I know if I'm alpha male or beta male?

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you know you're a beta if you ask that question

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Yes, it is real.

It's a mindset

Just get buff and act like you don't give a fuck.

I'm gonna bite on the assumption that you're young and actually asking rather than just trolling in a sea of trolls.

Yes, according to psychology it IS a thing, but like all areas of that field it needs more research and should not be taken as fact. There are a lot of aspects of our society that are built upon the principles of being an "alpha" - you're more successful than your peers because you've been gifted with strength, beauty or intelligence. But its not some flat you're either alpha or beta - there will be some situations in life where you're going to outright win because you have an advantage and other's you're going to lose because your opponents/peers had that advantage. Its more of a scale.

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Not trolling at all.
So a very smart guy, though ugly and even unlucky with women, could be an alpha male?

>How do I know if I'm alpha male or beta male?
if you can't tell which one you are 99% chance it means you're beta.

Women aren't the be all and end all of life. I had shitty luck with girls when I was younger because at that age its a woman's market. As you get older (mid-late twenties) and you get some more real tangible achievements behind you and figure out who you are your life improves. Just because you have bad luck with women doesn't mean you can't lead/inspire others. I knew a guy who could really have a crowd follow him around and do what he said, but he couldn't talk to a girl to save his life.

The more you limit yourself to labels like alpha and beta the more you'll struggle to be you and find what drives you. And that drive is what being "alpha" ultimately boils down to.

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>Is it real?
of course is not real, bill gates, suckerberg, buffet are nerds

I'm just looking for a more precise definition of what it's like to be an alpha male, if that's real. Considering your point, Isaac Newton was an alpha male. Although he died virgin at the age of 84, he was one of the greatest (if not the greatest) scientist of all time, inspiring generations of people and writing his name in history.

But sounds weird to me to consider him an alpha male...

No. Not even alpha wolves are real, that was also a myth thanks to some idiot deciding what he saw at a zoo translated to wild life
Alpha beta shit is just that, bullshit

If you have to ask..

You’re on the fucking internet OP, look it up

It was. But society today turns all things on its head. Most alpha animal is about to be extinct. All traits alpha are worthless today. Look at zuck - that little twat kicks a thousand alphas to narnia.
Which again means nothing anymore, because we are just food for the gods of our times- companies, living, breathing golems made of people who eat people, hack people, swimming in this ocean of faces.
All those fine tuned instincts on who has to go on- worthless, because what if your instincts tell you that you want to bang that body behemoth? Nothing, that little twat comes along and takes away everything from that guy, job, dignity and with that future.

Money is what we replaced instincts with. Cause money is faster to adapt to what is valuable. Dont listen to your feelings, use your head and you can hire /fit/ to carry your stuff into your rooftop mansion. For 5 $ extra, they may even dance the alpha dance. Do you even lift a finger?

If it isn't real, why does everybody talk about that all the time? Is that some kind of conspiracy theory spread throughout the globe?

>Is this alpha/beta male a thing? Is it real?
No, it's just neocons trying desperately to justify their racism, sexism, and general stupidity. Hell, even the guy who first published the whole "alpha male" thing recanted it later, saying his methodology was flawed.

Yes. 11 dub speak truth
The guy who wrote the book about alpha wolves regrets it and couldn’t stop the spread of misinformation. People still believe alpha wolves are a thing. Then pick up and bullshit artists started to apply it to humans and now it’s hard to kill the idea when so many people believe the wolf thing

Success doesn't equate to being alpha. Those guys could be made someone's bitch really fast

Simple answer, if you ended up in jail, would you be someone's bitch or the other way around?

I’m an omega, bitch

Bill Gates is a good looking super intelligent chad

You are an omega bitch

11 speaks truths, you’re right

He's a muthaphuckin omega bitch

It's based on pack theory, but is it real? Not in the way we use it ... but yes.

Alpha is the leader of a group.
Betas are the right-hand men, alphas who choose to support another alpha.
Omegas are the rest.

Around here, people seem to flip Beta and Omega, but yeah ... it's real. You're either a leader, enabling the leader, or a follower.

Didn't know about that guy. Thought it was some kind of collective consciousness, a general knowledge about the structures of our behavior.

I'm not one to drop YouTube links on Yea Forums so I won't, but if you actually care and want to see the studies and responses and shit, hbomberguy did video about it.

Tl;dr alpha/ beta shit happens in wolves, not humans. The only one scientist that endorsed it later went "actually no".
Literally the only people who think it's real are young dudes.

If you have to ask

the alpha is just the one that proves to the rest of their pack that they are fit to lead the pack
start a family, take care of them, look out for their best interests and bam you're an alpha in your own right, then get overthrown by your son, son in law, grandson, whichever comes first when you are to old and feeble to continue.
the circle of life goes on