So, the neighbor kid broke my dog's nose

So, the neighbor kid broke my dog's nose.
He has 2 dogs in the outside space of his house just on the very reach of mine.

What kind of poison is the best to kill at least 2 dogs with 6 sausages?

Attached: Sausage.jpg (480x360, 13K)

please. poison the kid not the dogs. they have done nothing. just kill the damn kid.

Kill the kid not the dogs you monster

I cant, also there's not animal protection laws here yet.
Come on Ideas

what kind of fuck are you?
the dogs didn't break any noses
fucking pussy

Dogs didn't do shit. If anything get the dogs re-homed if you can. Obviously your neighbor can't parent well enough to keep dogs safe from the little shit.

Kill the entire family, adopt the dogs, win/win

Attached: Phineaus.png (609x497, 8K)

Probably some kind of rat poison I'd think, no real clue to be honest

You could do the following
>Take out the dogs
>Hold the dogs for ransom
>Break that kids nose
>Its your decision

Poison the kid not the dogs dumbass

Call the police on the kid for hurting your dog.

>Step one
>Aquire Firearms Permit
>Step Two
>Buy Black Frameless Sunglasses
>Buy 3piece Gray Suit
>Buy Desert Eagle in .50 ae
>Step 3
>Go To Kids Home
>Step 4
>Goodbye Mr.(Insert Kids Lastname)
>Be proud of your shitty Matrix Refrence
>Finish it.
Step 5
>Acknowledge that was breathtaking

do it faggot, kill the kid

kill the kid, faggot

anti freeze.

Cyanide, it just smells and tastes like almonds


anti freeze is sweet in taste and dogs will lick that right up

Leave it for a while or they will know it is you

Maybe you should control your dog that way your neighbor don't have to

Fake and gay. Kys