Heard any more about the Epstein case, boys?

Heard any more about the Epstein case, boys?

Attached: TrumpClinton.jpg (650x400, 210K)

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Is he grabbing his dick?

Possibly. Trump does like to grab things, after all...

>Heard any more about the Epstein case
Yeah. Trump banned him from his golf course so you can stop trying to distract from the democrat pedophiles like Clinton.

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Attached: trump-epstein-florida-getty.jpg (500x466, 43K)

Clinton has never been accused of touching young girls or trying to see them naked by walking into a dressing room. Trump has.

Not saying Clinton isn’t a pedophile I’m just saying there is an appointment equal if not greater chance trump is.

Banning someone from your club when there illegal activity is discovered doesn’t mean you don’t participate it just mean you don’t want to get dragged down.

No one knows but the parties involved. Let’s wait and see what happens before we make sweeping claims to either side.

JFC, you're a stupid motherfucker.

>Trump was never impeached as president for lying about sexual misconduct
>Clinton was impeached for lying about sexual misconduct
But you're right, Trump is always worse of course.

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Fantastic argument! I've seen the error of my ways. You sir are a master debater

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Should be fun in the coming days

this image is incredibly fitting.
I hope u intended what I saw

Did you read my post? I said they are equally as fucked up. But Clinton was a known fatty chaser but there is no proof he is a rapist. Trump chases young women but there is not proof they are underage.

Both probably are rapists though and both deserve to be in prison.

Despite what the blogs tell you not everyone who doesn’t like Trump supports the Clintons

>But Clinton was a known
>Trump chases young women but there is not proof
Yes I read your post, and I read this one too. If you can't see where you go wrong I can't help you.

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don't you guys read anything? I realize how redundant this question is when asked to a liberal, but curiousity has killed me many times over. (this is directed at OP, despite him being a Shariablue employee). I just don't understand.

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Yeah, all you Democrats are gunna hang.
>most corrupt party ever

Picture of Trump grabbing a pussy

I said no proof of either committing sexual crimes retard

Epstein had both of their phone numbers.

Good. I'll donate some rope!

MAGAhead has rope
what a surprise

If you'd move out of your parents' basement sometime, maybe you'd have a use for some too. It's handy.

2003 called. They want their burn back.