What mental disorder/disease is the correct term for people who change genders? I cant find it on Google

What mental disorder/disease is the correct term for people who change genders? I cant find it on Google

Attached: u391tqmxex831.jpg (750x800, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gender dysphoria

''In most cases, this type of behaviour is just part of growing up and will pass in time,''


Attached: passable.jpg (720x600, 159K)

On behalf of the impolite, lazy OP, thanks for taking the time to find this.
And you can piss right off.

No problem m'am
I guess you're pre-op?

Someone helps you find a term, and you're ungrateful towards them in a trollish fashion.
I point this out and more troll comes out of you.

Attached: TROLL.png (500x283, 41K)

it doesn't matter , they are not human/

Attached: 1558309212144.jpg (403x394, 71K)

Jesus Christ this isn’t fucking reddit newfag

Why's its shoes untied? Shouldn't it know how to tie them already?

deserve respect? since when?

>ME: is not a girl
>other girls

Attached: 1558629517532.png (1400x1080, 1.08M)

>Jesus Christ this isn’t fucking

leave. Now. PLEASE

here you go me dude it is known as gender dysphoria and here is a link to more info might want to find a different source as it is kikeipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_dysphoria

The word "assigned" to mean "physical" or "born as/with" is making my hackles rise.
It's the fucking 1970's all over again, only this time the Hippies are insane.

>Be Me
>Be Op
>Make This Thread
>Pretend to be a Troll Trying to bait
>Pretend to Take the bait as a user
>Pretend to Tell a user who laughed a user taking the bait to kill himself thus making a user take the bait on More things.
>All According to Plan

Attached: H O N K.gif (607x609, 88K)

Attached: 1561632729092.png (738x669, 186K)

The newbs can't into number of posters.
Gives them away every time.

While I do agree, you litterally just used namecalling, and so I will call you a faggot

uhh attention gendering?

this image is the fucking opposite of what the dickhead SHOULD be suggesting. by saying 'other girls' do all this shit actually implies that these characteristics are inherently 'girly'. im drunk but you get the gist

transtrender or you can use what i call them mentality retarded

"suicide in 3, 2, 1..."


just another girl raped by dad denying her gender... thats your "disease" name, sweety

Genger dysphoria is feeling out of place in your body. Not everyone who transitions has it, but it is common in those who do