President Donald Trump is a fascist

President Donald Trump is a fascist.

Trumpism is a fascist movement.

Fascism is unique to its nation and leader using comforting and familiar imagery and is a reactionary movement against the left as a traditionalist rejection of feminism and socialism marked by scapegoating brought on by a fear of difference of pale genetics, ultra nationalism, chauvinism, disagreement being treason, popular elitism, contempt for the weak, the enemy being both strong and weak, everybody being educated up to being a 'hero', and obsession with a plot, machismo and weaponry, permanent warfare, and many other things.

Two Scoops of Ice Cream

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Keep crying faggot

I agree but say it simpler so plebs can understand it:joy:

"If we don't want problems in the world, stop making things a problem"

-Morgan Freeman

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You were until you put an overgrown orange toddler in the top office. He's like a special education version of Hitler, but impotent and less liked.
We are laughing at the USA when not cringing.

>Giving a shit about america and their bullshit politics
>Not moving to a eastern european country and living like a king

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>fascist movement
Fuck i wish

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>President Donald Trump is a fascist.
ok, so?

>Trumpism is a fascist movement.
ok, so?

Trump was the first president to make peaceful contact with North Korea since the Korean War. TWICE. Please just face it; our President won fair and square. Even if he was a so-called "fascist", government checks and balances would get him booted out of presidency very quickly. Please, stop hiding in your pit of liberal denial and realize that this isn't the end of the world

Serious doubt

suck it

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> He's like a special education version of Hitler
>muh hitler
>muh nazis
>Dumbledore rise up!

And you're not a fake retard but an actual one.

I feel like abortion is avoiding the consequences of unprotected sex/whoring yourself out

Im all for it. im ready to kill some bundles of sticks and watermellons. cant wait to get rid of the tacos and aloha snackbars.

Im pretty conservative but it has its places. When the mother is in danger and shit like downs, or a fatal deformity to me warrants a consideration. Just because you left it in and dont want to watch it grow up should not.

Lol at this typical "even if he was" argument. Congress ain't gonna do shit. Republicans are all but bought out cause he makes them rich. Typical white shit:sweat_smile:

sure kid

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>all but bought out
I dont think that means what you think it means, dork.

I think it needs banned outright, not because I want to protect the babies that would be raised by retarded liberals, but because it gives women a choice, which is inherently wrong.
We had it right back in the olden days. Barefoot, pregnant, silent, and in the kitchen.

God youre a dork. My previous statement still stands. It has its place, but not just because you dont want to own your poor choices.


ban after the first trimester except for health concerns. its enough time to decide if you want to keep it.

I've said this before and I'll say it to every copy and paste shillary fangirl I meet:

If trump were fascist, I would be forcibly silenced for speaking against him. Funny thing is, when I speak in favor of him, guess who tries to forcibly silence me? You, the humble NPC.

Go back to college and pick a major that existed before 2000.

First trimester seems fairly reasonable. I personally agree with the second, only because you have a lot more information on the health of the baby. I just personally feel that having a child live completely disabled or with a terminal illness is worse punishment than aborting.

its sensitive in this case because who says it's our right to decide whether the kid will want to be alive in a few years? I think in mental cases where the baby will be incapable of anything like sentient, stable thought, the parents should abort, but physical abnormalities absolutely can be overcome

Go back to tumblr gay fag

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Opinions aren't facts. I on the other hand am racist and you're a fucking nigger.

Nobody cares here in the first world. You fags can laugh all you want. You're just lower forms of life.

The only facists are antifa. What kind of twilight zone reality is this where the group that literally calls itself anti fascists are the fascists themselves.

I rest easy knowing at some point california will be eaten by an earth quake and 75% of these rejects will be swiped from the gene pool.

How is this even fun for you faggots anymore. Seriously, get help. Move the duck on for Christ's sake. You all sound and look like cucks at all times, you might as well be Bronies

You'll never meet a leftest that can accurately define the word fascist. They will always make up their own definition and try to adopt pre-existing connotations. It's so easy to see through it it's no wonder they're dying.

Says Morgan Freeman, who makes everything a problem and still clings to Trump/Russia collusion to his dying breath.

>being this brainwashed to the democrats who lobby cheat steal and lie

I assure you whichever pissant country you are from is at least equally laughable

America. First world. pfftahahAHAHAHAHA

> impotent
> has 5 kids

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I agree with the physical stuff for the most part. Severely mentally disabled being forced to be alive have made parents kill themselves. Makes you wonder if those parents who have killed themselves in these situations may have had better outcomes and lead otherwise productive lives afterward, or had a child who could have changed the world. I just do not feel a persons life should be forced to be drowned to take care of a child with severe, lifetime illness. Its not productive and it does not make the world a better place. It just drags down two or three people minimum.

Ah you're psychotic. Take your meds europoor

Well let's say it was illegal (as it is in some states). Who would suffer the consequences? The adult? I seriously doubt it. The child is the one who suffers he will grow up with extreme issues due to incompetent parenting simply because the parent was to mentally challenged to have sex responsibly. These are not the kind of people I would like to raise our children.

Good because racism make my nigger pussy soaking wet

Oh sweetie, you do try.

The ability to have sex without consequences should not be just a male only privilege. Sex is incredibly fun and if you think marriage is sacred then it's more of a reason that only adults should have kids.

Elsewise, why the fuck do you care if they're 'avoiding the consequences'. This is attributing all actions to free will.

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Need to stop it before the next war happens.

>Funny thing is, when I speak in favor of him, guess who tries to forcibly silence me? You
He says freely.

It's the United States, not America.

Who do you think will win that war? The lefties that want to ban all guns or Donald Trump supporters?

>What kind of twilight zone reality is this where the group that literally calls itself anti fascists are the fascists themselves.
>The only facists are antifa.
This is your own reality. Protesting fascists doesn't make you a fascist. Wanting to consolidate and isolate power makes you a fascist.

Even the KKK being almost identical to Nazi ideology was never considered fascist because of the lack of political aims. Fascism is a reactionary movement not a protest. It's to implement power, not ask for its limitations or mitigation.

Fun? So fucking brainwashed you kids can't even understand why anyone would actually care about politics besides trolling people.

Really kind of telling.

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Donald Trump supporters will win the war in the south. Because they got guns.

All the left has is... the rest of the planet. All of this shit is going to seem so stupid in a few years.

Plenty of people from all directions have guns not just the south. Do you really think the left can convert states like China or Russia?

fatherhood is a consequence


Nobody likes the left. That's why trump won. Society is getting sick of your retarded asses.

But not the same on your choices in life. You can still run up a flight of stairs every day.

>majority votes are by Democrats every election since Bush Sr. in the 1980s

You don't know how elections work do you fucking retard.

take the elevator , its only a few months

How the fuck do you have the face to call the Capitalist God Emperor a Fascist? He isn't even military, this right here is a business man! Not my fascist leader!

Capitalist? The guy inherited the money. He's more of a socialist then Bernie

Imagine thinking this and not realizing how retarded you are.

it's not like he's saying it on an "uncensored" platform where the mods only care about if you post something illegal

Lot of great arguments here.

Right. It's just common sense, except if you look at it practically.

Shut up dad

We demand special rights for our side, and we'll break your shit and violate your rights every chance we get until we get what we want!"

- Antifa, 2019

Nice b8

>Nobody likes the left
>Actually, we've won majority votes for the last nearly 30 years
Who dresses you in the morning?

What did she mean by this

She means that she's retarded and thinks that abortion is an acceptable form of contraception.

By outright trying to rid facism. You in turn become one. Intolerance

It's not an elective surgery like breast implants.

That's not even close to true. That's like saying by locking up criminals you become the criminals.

your problem is that you´re so deep into your own reality that you don´t even consider to possibility of being wrong anymore.

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Methinks you have no clue what Fascism is. Any extremist or bigot is almost always a fascist to include you.


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Fascism is a mixture of the economic and the political, the identity as the group being more important then the individual, and moral naturalism.

Being white supremacist does not make you a fascist. Peron for example in Argentina is regarded as a fascist but was not racist.

The kkk is a conservative Christian white supremacist group, very far from fascism. More neo - liberal then anything.

There were Marx Leninist who opposed fascism that consolidated power like Mao, Lenin, Stalin, etc.

Cuckservatives and libtards have been using these terms so often that you have no idea what they even fucking mean anymore.

I'm gonna watch while you eat yourselves alive

~sincerely, Syndicalist

The point of the electoral college is to prevent mob rule. Of course democrats get more votes they run the big cities that's why they want more gov funding so you become dependent on their system. Shillary fucked up by ignoring the "fly over states" the ec saved us from mob rule.

States with most federal aid: Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana

I don't like fascism but it isn't any worse than liberalism. Capitalism is bad but it's one of the only forms of governments that works. Rejection of socialism is of just cause because it has never worked. I mean look at Venezuela(I know it's rather cliché at this point, but I digress). Anyway, my point is no one thing will ever make everyone happy so it's better to just deal with it and move on, however retarded it may be.

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You should be drug out into the streets and killed

Source: your own ass

No, from your mother's ass.

That could be true like the KKK having a lot of the similar policies that neo-Nazi have, the only difference why Nazi are fascist is because they want political control. KKK although the same level of racist and bigoted are not looking for an ethno-state with isolated and consolidated power so only a few have say over everyone dismantling democracy as we know it.

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Kkk is pretty much just a club at this point. They're all pussies now. They should start killing again.

White supremacist are fascist. You might think there's varying shades in totalitarian despotisms. Fascism isn't based off of racism, but it can be. It's whatever imaginary line someone wants to draw between the 'chosen' and the 'degenerate'. In Nazism as a type of fascism drew it on Jewish, gypsies, and even blacks but also on political offenders which contains anyone for any reason.

Fascism is not a logical political platform. It's the manifestation of corruption.