GF is constantly jealous and trying to start fights. My 3 “friends” do not care about me whatsoever...

GF is constantly jealous and trying to start fights. My 3 “friends” do not care about me whatsoever. My constant cries for help go unnoticed. Therapy costs money that I don’t have. My livelihood depends on wether or not I remember to take a fucking pill every night.

What keeps you from ending it Yea Forums?

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i absolutely hate living, but the only thing that stops me from ending it is the possibility of it being worse after death. If there's one thing about life, it's that i know what it's like, but it could be a whole lot worse after death. no one truly knows

Kamen Rider Reiwan comes out in a few months
That's what gets me through the day at the moment

good question.

i find peace in nihilistic materialism. we're all connected but it doesn't matter if i see it or not. i enjoy thinking, and talking, and seeing new shit. i'm built that way though. also a determinist.

tl;dr i wanna learn how to navigate through the bullshit

On my early teenage years I promised myself that I wouldn't die sad, I would find a moment of happiness and before going back to normal sadness I would kill myself, just so I would know what it's like before dying. I haven't ever felt happy so here I am. I now consider overdosing on hard drugs for the same effect

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Y'all fuckin' know it's edgy 14 year old time when nobody replies to each other and everybody is posting "SO DEEP BRUH" shit.

way to contribute pal, you're one of us now. wanna share now, or u just gunna keep repressing it cause ur too cool and have everything figured out?

We got ourselves a cool guy

That’s a pretty good way to go out. But I hope you find closure however you wanna go through this shitty journey, suicide or not

That shit happens in real life too. Comfort zones are a bitch

>edgy 14 year old
So, Yea Forums?

Dunno, will to live I guess. I just always think that as fucked up as my life gets, somebody always has it worse. Take me for example. I hit a deer on my motorcycle and took some antlers to the throat. I survived with most of my functuonality intact, but I'm permenantly mute. Doctors say I'm lucky I can breathe and eat fine. At least I got to keep that much. And at least I'm not paralyzed. Besides, being completely mute has it's own advantages.

If everything sucks, why not say fuck it and do something crazy. Move across the country, just change your life drastically. What's the worst that can happen your life still sucks?

That idea always interested me, but my lack of motivation keeps me from doing shit like that. I could do it easy, though

this is a conflict I've seen many times. lethargic with nothing to lose. try doing a psychedelic?

Only drugs around here are weed, cocaine and meth. Have to go far to get good psychedelic.

order online my man.

Maybe take your meds in the morning instead of night. Right now they're most potent while you're sleeping, so that's not helping much.

Sounds like it’s worth looking into. Not too sure though because it’s hard for me to nut for 20 hours after taking it but that might just be a side effect

If he's taking a SSR (modern antidepressants) he gets sleepy from taking them. The one I take knocks me the fuck out, and if I insist too much on staying up my head starts hurting

Hopefully I’ll find a good dealer online, save up some money, and do it.

I’m sleepy all fuckin day. I’m addicted to energy drinks it’s the only thing keeping me up.

i need to see eren commence the rumbling

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i would if i really felt i had nothing to lose. i'd do it in a heartbeat.

hope it helps if u decide to go through with it.

I have only two things I have to lose, my grades (no appreciates those anyways), and my cat. If those two are gone, I’m going all out.

well, i've gone psychotic from doing too many drugs, and now because of a lot of medication and years, i'm sane again.
I don't want to lose that. so i understand. we all have that thing that keeps us alive.

Why don't you break up with your gf? She seems like a hassle.

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Don’t want people to tell me that I was responsible for a suicide. I love her too but that doesn’t matter if it isn’t reciprocated :\

keep fucking this dumb fuck till she gets pregnant and have another trash human being like you both.

seems like the kinda of advice youve been looking for.


Harsh but agree. OP is fucking stupid.

Finally someone who recognizes real solutions :)

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Buddhism helps user

Then kys. Does everyone need to explain everything to you? The world sucks because of overpopulation, and you can't get fucked because you're boring and sad.