>not being a Jehovah's witness

Why not /b ?

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because the only thing i agree with them about is that we should be good stewards to our environment


Otherwise the Jehovah's Witness "religion" is a false cult and a perversion of the Word of God.

jw is one letter away from being jew
fuck off kike

I like birthdays, Christmas and getting blood.

Because I already was one for most of my childhood. My mom eventually got tired of the witnesses and all the dumb BS rules we had to abide by so we stopped going and just overall became less religious. It really had a negative impact on my childhood looking back on it. Never again will I do that shit or be a part of a "normal" church.

Because I enjoy my birthday, holidays, other people's birthdays, blood transfusions, not being cucked out of all previously mentioned things, and not being dragged around by shitbag parents as a tool to soul harvest. Is that enough?

based /pol/ coming in to save the day

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Because all religions defy logic and reason, but JWs are a special brand of ignorant. They take it to another level of wackadoo.

What was your worst experience related to being a Jehovah's Witness guys?
The worst one I can remember was crying in front of the whole class during Kindergarten. The teacher was going around asking what kind of fun shit we were doing for Halloween and all the other kids had a bunch to say. Then she got to me and I had already been tearing up because it was the first time I noticed just how alienated I was. I said that my family doesn't celebrate Halloween then I put my head down. It wasn't really anything to cry over but like I said, first time I really noticed that I wasn't a normal kid.

Try having a brother that you love obviously bc hes ur big bro and then being shunned by both your parents and everyone you where close to bc your brother is gay and you refuse to stop talking to him and to top it off the elders came to my house to try to tell me that"my thinking was in error" i threw my coffee on them and slamed the door

The shunning is the most cruel thing about JWs. They say you have to be “reproved” to get back in good graces, but I would just cut my losses and tell them to fuck off.

Sounds shitty. I wasn't old enough to experience anything that terrible. We stopped being JWs when I was like 8. Being older than that in any type of religious upbringing sounds worse than death.

my parents met someone who they had been friends with for a long time but didn't know that they were a jw. anyway, the family friend gives them an invitation and they go, expecting to hate it. i tell my parents all about the pedo scandals and the list of 1400 known pedos in the church, but they still didn't listen. So, they went, and they loved it. This was when i was 15 or so, so of course i was dragged along to the next meeting and then the next until i was forced to go eventually every sunday and thursday. They took the bait- hard. they tried to get me to join and they even bribed me but i still used my evidence and shit against everything they were trying to teach
me. they shrugged it all off, saying "why are you so against it" and stuff like that. i was fucking mad at my parents for making me go and them being retards and not believing me. They're still going to that church (i wasn't forced to be baptized, which is weird), but we still don't talk. i Fucking hate jws. however, their stance that all the governments in the world are incompetent is highly based as fuck

Cause i have divine intellect and don’t need that ass backwards Abraham off branch niggerligion you cuck
Besides on the off chance you’re not ant obvious troll, what the fuck would a Jehovah’s witness be on this hellhole you heaten scum fucknugget niggertits cocksmoking soycuck fatherfucker?
>srs question
srs answer pls

OP pls respond

>144000 people
LOL with chances like that why even bother

I fucked 2 JW girls in 8th grade. They knew each other and both hid it from their parents until high school. One used to live on the corner 2 houses away and we'd fuck after school. Never got caught and she always screamed "oh fuck" instead of "oh god"

Aren't they the guys that said the world would end on (insert date here) about twenty different times with absolute certainty, and then came up with bullshit excuses every time it didn't? They're just scientology without the funds to supress dissent

>she always screamed "oh fuck" instead of "oh god"
You say that as if they're not already interchangeable regardless of your religious status.

My cousin recently called members of my family to make a cry for help because his mom and dad (my aunt and uncle) have been far brainwashed by the JW's and they are literally becoming unhinged people. Fuck JW'S

Some people are more devout than others and think it's taking his name in vain. You ever thought of that? I know it might be difficult, virgin.

So many people have done it at this point that it's not fair to pin it on one group. Every ancient religion, every modern religion, every person who claims to be able to see the future, every crackhead who thinks they got abducted by aliens, everyone has made an "absolute" prediction on when the world will end. It's usually individuals or smaller non-religious groups that have been making these claims lately anyway.

Some people have more virginity than others and think it's necessary to tell lies about the time they totally had sex in a completely unrelated thread. You ever thought of that?