If you think this is possible

If you think this is possible.

You are mentally ill and successfully brainwashed

A pressurized system cannot co exist next to a vacuum without a container.
Undisputed science

Stop living in space fantasy land. Wake up

Attached: 5xif7TH.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ITT: newfriends try to troll newer newfriends with a worn out meme

Attached: lololol.jpg (607x960, 74K)

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Reality denier

muh enthalpy?
the difference in energy at the upper ends of the exosphere compared to the vacuum of space is next to nothing, thats how the can exist next to each other

here educate yerself

I know this is bait, but thats like saying the oceans don't exist because theres nothing keeping the water from going everywhere

Attached: trophy.jpg (1280x1280, 150K)

That's nothing. You ever hear of a "false vacuum"?

ITT: a newfriend successfully trolled newer newfriends with a worn out meme

imagine believing water bends while never ever seeing it happen and knowing its called sea level and water always finds its level.

the indoctrination is strong

Attached: images (2).jpg (183x275, 11K)

well they dont believe in gravityand just say 'density keeps it down to the flat earth, praise jesus' so you won't get far with that argument.

Imagine believing this is happening.

While at the same time,
We see the same stars throughout thousands of years never to be moved.

The hypnotism is strong

Attached: images (1).jpg (262x192, 9K)

welcome to gravity

Holy shit you are retarded.

Attached: DRYSXg4UQAAztxN.jpg (1200x1200, 149K)

>A pressurized system cannot co exist next to a vacuum without a container.
>Undisputed science
That's not undisputed science.

Imagine taking a photo of the Apollo 11 moon landing from nasa.gov.

simply placing it in photoshop and changing the rgb settings

then seeing a box around the earth.

and still believing we went to the moon and that space is real.

imagine the mental illness some people accept.

go and test it for yourself at nasa.gov

Attached: aeeasasfdf.png (443x343, 201K)

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You know, you're correct.
CO2 and CFCs would only damage ozone and cause global warming on flat earth, since they would get high.
But if earth is round, they act like a liquid.

I can say 100% that Earth is quantum object. It is flat and it is sphere at the same time

I've missed these threads.

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God globe earth is so fucking embarrassing. it hurts my brain

Attached: 19dd17fa007400ac47457ab223d3cbaf.jpg (540x540, 42K)

what do you get out of making these posts?
>it goes in all fields

Attached: 1486735648085.jpg (650x560, 66K)

Attached: getwrektscience.jpg (1028x705, 298K)

It's bait. Just laugh and move on.

Attached: rich.jpg (800x813, 160K)

I think you meant new FAG.

Bruh you really think OP can read?

>Tiny square of differentiated pixels around the earth as if it was copypasted on

It makes my pee pee hard knowing im spitting straight truths to poor brainwashed sheep

lol your brain wont comprehend this stuff so you call it bait and flee

youre right, it was

What is gravity?
What makes air different from all other kinds of matter?

Its not a hard wall dingus
Its a slow gradient.

That and gravity holds the atmosphere on the earth

>A pressurized system cannot co exist next to a vacuum without a container.

Your religious unproven gravity god wont save you here. Real science will always trump over Pseudoscience garbage

Attached: uhzetheotj.jpg (615x409, 61K)

Attached: globetard.jpg (877x675, 95K)

Gravity + an electromagnetic field. Isn't science fun?

Why doesn't everything sink in water?

there is a scientific way to measure the curve of the earth by the suns angles at different latterals you can litteraly drive far enough to do that but im sure the math and science that goes into it is far too complex for a flat earther to even begin to comprehend.

lol, as you state unproven pseudoscience

how do you not feel embarrassed?

Its spinning with us you fucking retard.

Attached: 1562526597362.jpg (600x450, 53K)

Lol no one has ever seen curvature. enough with your indoctrinated pseudoscience delusions.
Its flat 135,000 feet up. what curve...


Huh no practical demonstrations? Tickle me surprised.

I understand that you sheep cant comprehend obvious flat earth truth. its very hard, i understand. i was fooled too.

But AT LEAST use your critical thinking skills in regards to the moon landing

This box around the earth is PROVEN to be there. Anybody can do this themselves.

If you truly believe we went to the moon in 1969

Attached: Nasaareliars.jpg (480x475, 43K)

Attached: fooled.jpg (214x236, 9K)

Attached: The average human.png (721x722, 342K)

Imagine not understanding image compression at all

Attached: img9471.jpg (1800x1800, 576K)

photoshoping a jpg which is known to be highly lossless in quality and draws squares around everything because thats what its programmed to do.

hurr durr the earth is flat I know its true because jpg.

Give your fucking head a shake man. I seriously hope you are a paid shill, if not, you are so far under a thumb

Attached: conservatard logic.jpg (552x361, 28K)

Hold on tight to that lie my friend.
if you think a perfect square over the earth is image compression. your mind is truly gone.
I beg you to use common sense. please

im so sorry for you


woah.. powerful

yes, it was, by someone photoshopping the image to make you believe it was photoshopped by NASA. There are real hoaxes, and there are fabricated hoaxes. You believe in the lies of idiots and trolls.

Too bad that the earth is perfectly clear and high quality. showing that it isn't image compression. come on guys, this argument is trash. please wake up.

I wonder who might be lying to me.. NASA, or the odd, anonymous people out there on the internet claiming that NASA lies?

Occam's Razor.

dude.....the imagine is from nasa.gov

do you realize how dumb you sound?

you see, this is what hypnotized indoctrinated sheep say. And we just pity and feel bad

Attached: Sheeple.jpg (480x480, 39K)

and it's impossible to take an image from nasa.gov and shop it?
>m-muh sheeple npc hurrr teh jooz durrr kekekekek
sure kid

Behold globe earthers!!! This little doo-hicky right here is called a attitude indicator, this cool little contraption it equipped with a tool called a gyroscope and displays a artificial horizon for the pilot so he/she knows when the aircraft is LEVEL and when it is not. The gyroscope calibrates the FLAT, LEVEL run way before take off, and once the aircraft is at its desired altitude it, you guessed it, LEVELS off for the duration of the flight. Now how do you fly straight and level from one hemisphere to the other hemisphere without accounting for curvature?

Attached: Attitude_Indicator.png (823x762, 175K)

even if you had a perfect image of the earth from nasa if you put it in photoshop and save it as a jpeg you are the one creating the square around the earth fabricating your own proof.

>if you trust NASA when they say we went to moon you also have to trust the government when they say Iraq had WMDs
doesn't work like that, sorry.

Dude...... find that same image from nasa.gov and do it yourself right now. How are you not comprehending this. The photo has been untouched. you RETARD. ugh

Attached: 1550033652617.gif (300x300, 185K)

the G in jpeg stands for grouping because it creates squares around things and groups stuff

Attached: a-JPEG-coded-Claire-image-at-04907-bpp-b-Detection-of-blocking-artifacts-at.png (746x355, 49K)


>The photo has been untouched
sure, sure it has.

No, what were saying is. that box shouldnt exist at all if thats a real photo from the moon unedited. get it?
the box around the earth proves that it was a separate jpeg copy and pasted there. this isnt hard to comprehend.

this thread is a preponderance of gravitons

Ya, the government lies about everything. nukes dont exist

>the box around the earth proves that it was a separate jpeg copy and pasted there
then where did they get the image of the earth in the first place?

>Iraq didn't have WMDs
>nukes doesn't exist
user, I...

holy shit my sides, why is this so funny

flat earther's ass just got reamed

really? so now youre just denying that the imagine is straight from nasa.gov. this is why we call you people sheep. you deny deny deny. its literally from nasa.gov dude. you should feel embarrassed


to create perpetual motion, you have to break the law of thermodynamics. magnets cannot work because they lose their charge.

idc if troll, just saying, because i find it very interesting.


How much pussy you getting ma dude?

Imagine that your sophomore class is so fucking lame that instead of going to the moon to see if it's there they just bitch about the seniors who went there lol

Imagine when the freshman class, aka us younger guys, go to the moon and laugh at you with the seniors.

Imagine how much of an embarrassment your class is lol.

Also fuck Europeans.
This is basically how my peers feel.


right.. right.. but, why not cgi the whole thing from the get-go?

>put up fake lunar surface
>fake lunar module etc
>take picture
>cgi the fucking earth
>copy picture of cgi'd earth
>paste cgi earth unto fake moon picture
>hurrr imma durr da derp herp
>something something niggers
>cgi the whole fucking thing and hope no one finds out kekedikukkedikæk!
>no glow niggers here, senor!
>holy shit we actually went to the moon lol


>so now youre just denying that the imagine is straight from nasa.gov
the point


your head

Attached: 00_06_55_640x480.jpg (640x480, 21K)

Why is the earth the only thing with a PERFECT box around it? no box for neil. no box for the lander. saying jpeg compression hurr durr doesnt explain why there is a perfect square around the clear non compressed earth. Anyone with a brain can see that the earth is just another image copy and pasted there. the square proves it

This is honestly the most pathetic shit ive ever witnessed.
you guys are sheep and you deserve the label. Wake up from your pseudoscience made up math equation fantasy religion all from a big boom with mystical dark energy everywhere only believed by what your government/school tells you and what tv programs you to believe and accept with 0 proof or the scientific method. Goodnight you random space monkeys flying on a rock.
God i love being awake

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censor test: newfag

You are so fucking retarded. Which theory of gravity exactly? Einsteinian or Newtonian? Also do you honestly think "mathematics" is a better practical science than natural science? You do realise mathematics is a formal science right? So essentially it's the science on language, and like any language you can lie and manipulate it to fit whatever bullshit you are trying to push. I bet you think (-1) exists in objective reality too don't you?? Lol

Earth is ass shaped.
There are shithole countries which are close to shitting hole, thus people there are brown and it smells there bad.

Attached: 1562551960881.jpg (400x400, 33K)

Thank you for having a brain

awwwh dang what a legit argument yo. ur so aware and smart bro

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>a gravity well isn't a container
this guy

I swear threads like these wipe away any doubt in my mind that there are paid shills on this site trying to (((shut it down)))

Jump off the edge then

Attached: Poppy wip1.jpg (800x480, 59K)

>f you think this is possible.
>You are mentally ill and successfully brainwashed
If you don't understand it, you're retarded.
If you don't believe it, you're an arrogant idiot suffering from the Dunning-Kruger delusion.

>I bet you think (-1) exists in objective reality
it doesn't, and neither does 1. They're both concepts, tools with which to describe reality, like you said; language.. just like the language you're using right now to try to discredit mathematics in favour of what you call "natural science", well.. guess fucking what; natural science is also a man made concept, a tool with which we try to describe objective reality. Reality doesn't know reality exists. There you have it.

what are aerodynamics

Pot. Kettle. Black.

you got me, I'm a Shareblue shill. I get 1½ shekels for each of your replies.

pls respond

How do water even stay in ocean???????????

Wake up sheeple

Uneducated to the max but still able to go online. Must be an Ameritard.

>what are aerodynamics

>common sense.
Uncommon as you yourself have proven.

Neither Science nor Religion has all the answers. The truth remains somewhere in between the two. Christ existed but he fought against organized religion as it was corrupt..

>the G in jpeg stands for grouping because it creates squares around things and groups stuff
right and wrong simultaneously
not many people have this power

CGI in the 1960s/1970s hahahahah

Here's some examples of the kind of CGI they had 2 years after the moon landings:

A Computer Animated Hand youtube.com/watch?v=fAhyBfLFyNA


Hang yourself

Attached: c14c258ec7188a6d3cf4a38bd35fbecd.jpg (564x752, 79K)

ok. i notice there are no atheist flerfers. you're conspiracy... there's no logical explanation for why this would all be made up?

>Christ existed but he fought against organized religion as it was corrupt
Jesus existed, and he pissed off both the priests and the Romans, that all we truly know. But hey, that's enough to make me like him.

it proves that something was done to the pic, nothing more, nothing less.
it could have been that there was a picture inserted.
but it could have been that there was someone that just said "lets improve colour and contrast on the earth a bit to make that pic more appealing".
it is no proof at all there is no space, there was no moon landing, there is no moon, we never were in space, and a lot more of your conspiracy theories.

Hot air balloons fly because of gravity, not despite of it

Of course not. But it proves I can get all the (you)s I need to fulfill my life.

jesus probably didn't exist though. outside of the bible, there is no evidence a jewish man was performing miracles, had 12 disciples, fed tons of people, was a carpenter, crucified under pilate... etc. search it yourself without bias.

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This one made me think tbh

So if you don't like old pics (and by the way, keep downloading and using your technique on *all* the pics, and tell us about the results, instead of hand-picking one image that someone else provided you), why don't you go download an image that's say... at most a half hour old? In any of several different wavelengths?

the Romans wrote about him.

>This one made me think
Doesn't sound like it.


Yes, on average. FYI, that's not very much per mile.

..... it doesn't How high have you been? 6 miles? you realize that is not high enough to make a perceptible difference, right?

There are

They are, but the "slant" is so minuscule as to be completely undetectable. Over 60 miles, it would be less than 1 degree.

there are only 2 "interpolations," one of which proved to be a forgery. 1 by tacitus, and one by josephus. both were written almost a century after the supposed death.

How tf does fake moon landing prove the earth is flat anyway????

nigga what? Birds fly using the same principle that fish use to swim.

Wishful thinking? Do you ever use a search engine to confirm your ungoverned bias? Here's one hit from a decidedly left-leaning news org:
www theguardian com/world/2017/apr/14/what-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died

Do you really want answers, or are you being purposely stupid for laughs and "(You)"s?

It doesn't. I just like being retarded in an anonymous forum where there's no consequence to my being stupid.

I really wish that I could believe that you were trolling, that there aren't people that stupid. But there are.

I really wish that there was some way to help you overcome the mental illness that led you to be like this. But I can't.

Stupid this big isn't an accident. It's deliberate. Only you can learn, we can't learn for you.

errrm, no.
fish use an air filled bladder and flap just to get to another location, they can change depth just by compressing the bladder and do not need their "wings" at all to swim
birds have wings to provide updraft.

so fish swim with variable density, just like a hot air ballon
while birds fly because of the updraft of the air flow on the wings. without air flow any bird is a rock. in terms of droppiness.

okay, what about parachutes????

What about them?

Pressure is force exerted in all directions (on average, over a time dependent on the nymber density and temperature) on particles by adjacent particles through repeated contact. Gravity introduces an additional force that has a distinct net direction. This results in a density gradient, where particles appear at a higher density closer to the gravitational source and lower density farther away.

Also, space is not a true vaccum either.

I highly recommend the flat earthers documentary on Netflix. Those idiots absolutely own themselves trying to prove flat earth multiple times. Fuck its hilarious.

dude, to believe in it would be falling for a self-fulfilling prophesy. Both references to jesus mention nothing notable. rip off the band-aid please. even if a man from bethlehem was born and was killed. there is no evidence of his miracles outside the gospels.

swear, i'm not trying to troll. it's just really unrealistic to believe in jesus. and much less the god that christians promote.

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Hey, what about some bleach? You look really thirsty.

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Or my brain, eyes and observation, you Vacuous twat.

there's probs no point in trying to convince, but just ask yourself, if god existed... then why would he allow pain and suffering?

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Your stupity hurts my brain.

If the earth is flat why does the fucking sun go behind it

newfag bait

Attached: not-even-bait-at-this-point-20002107.png (500x522, 64K)

Posts like this make it easy to identify flat-earther retards.

Attached: 1521376687967.png (500x294, 12K)

Who benefits from this alleged round earth conspiracy? Globe manufacturers? They're the ones pulling strings from the shadows?

what about Pilates?

Drill a hole and see how long it takes you to fall through the floor to prove your theory.

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Because we are being punished or educated.

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Dude, you made one specific point that I replied to: that there is no secular record for the existence of Jesus. You also mentioned there was no record of a crucifixion under Pilate, when in fact Tacitus (much later, granted) documented it. Okay, not so much the miracle stuff, but to the victor goes the history.

Attached: 1536255450510.jpg (1200x1200, 208K)

Hey, some people *like* being punished.

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he never wrote, and there is no death record of all the people he sentenced to death.

please, do yourself an intellectual favor and look up some stuff that would go against everything you believe in.

Attached: high bait.jpg (3840x2160, 695K)

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LOL you can't triangulate the sun bud. Try again faggot

Fraid not. Flat Earth is a demonstrablyu sure-fire way to collect (you)s.

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I'm using the thread to share bait images, sorry

Attached: 1517856226835.png (625x626, 66K)

>far too complex for a flat earther
Proof of argument:
>you can't triangulate the sun

Didn't even understand your point.

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Attached: baitrix.jpg (600x600, 42K)

Oh! No prob. That's more interesting anyway. The level of trolling here is too juvenile to respond with any effort.
Please continue.

Attached: unlimited bait.jpg (622x626, 91K)

It's actually heading closer, not towards, but closer.

Strange, I thought I had more bait pics.
Here, have a porg

Attached: 1513832151462.jpg (781x487, 47K)

Found them

Attached: 4bf.png (625x626, 181K)

Attached: images.png (224x225, 8K)

OP if the earth so flat walk to the edge and leap off tough guy

Attached: a8a.png (625x626, 150K)

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Attached: Nice+bait+mate+_8334e68afdcf382dbd72aff0ddff9a7d.png (225x225, 4K)

Attached: 796.jpg (625x626, 33K)

That’s exactly how a rocket works...

Attached: 1475713176981-3.png (1252x1252, 75K)

Just because you don't understand how gravity works doesn't mean it's not part of our reality.

Attached: 492.png (930x794, 41K)

There's an incredible amount of wrong in that meme, as is the case with *every* flat Earth meme. The North Star does *not* remain fixed. The whole coordinate system precesses around the north ecliptic pole once every 25,600 years. At about the time the pyramids were built, Kochab was the pole star.
Perhaps you mean it appears fixed relative to the other stars? Oh no! That's a lie as well. Here's an article about what's called "Proper motion" (not that you're actually here to learn, but others might be interested):
www fourmilab ch/yoursky/help/proper.html

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checked but fuck your nigger-ass reddit spacing

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Jesus existed but no one ever wrote about him until 20 years after his death, got all the details wrong and then didn’t write about him for 60 years...


Sorry I couldn't keep this thread with useful content anymore, this is the last bait I had

Attached: 9adx47F.png (622x626, 4K)

>right and wrong simultaneously

that's an oxymoron, and you're an oxydumbass

Attached: 1413127972495.jpg (385x601, 26K)

>be first astronaut shot into space
>cross fingers at lift off hoping ship doesn't explode like the others
>actually makes it off the ground
>thank God because I still haven't finished Scandal
>windows rolled down at 30000 feet
>just wanted some fresh air
>launch going well
>realize no one has ever broken earths vacuum seal
>fuck is the earth going to spoil?
>Turn up radio to distract me from unnerving questions
>minute warning of reaching the seal
>roll windows up
>can see the seal approaching
>crank Bowie's "under pressure" when I see hard wall of space
>fukken gun it
>this is it boyz
>drop space suit mask in case
>hit the seal
>ship doesn't take it well
>blows up
> launches me at satellite velocity just outside the vacuum seal
>I'm feet from breathable, pressurized air but I can't reach it
>air depletes in suit as I contemplate my life
>with my dying breath it hits me
>shoulda been a flat-earther


Nice... and you're too ignorant to know what you just said.
Protip: you're looking for "paradox," and that's his point.

Attached: ThatWord.jpg (625x625, 78K)

>what is gravity

Attached: 65B535FD-F42F-4807-9B78-66A9F5555C67.jpg (700x557, 41K)

imagine not understand image compression

the LEVEL is curving you autist

What is Gravity for $500?

Awww... did I fry your little brain? Sorry.

imagine not understanding tangents

Attached: tangents.png (712x684, 8K)

Buoyancy, dipshit. Hot air balloons do not fly. They float.

so were in hell?

Weird how Jupiter is much more massive than earth but has more gases. You'd think if gravity was real the gas would be condensed into a solid ball

it is solid near its core

Stop contradicting me with facts!
And double-dubs checked.

It's too hot to be entirely solid, kind of like a star. If it were much bigger it would be a star.

Tangents meet at a POINT
Not a fucking HORIZON


Attached: 19E07F2D-5553-41E6-A4D0-28E7FD961EF1.png (1600x900, 237K)

wtf are you talking about

Flat-Earth retard user is actually kind of right here. The meme is explained using two facts: the *apparent* flatness due the the sheer size of the globe for an observer of our size at the surface, and equidistance to the center of the Earth, mislabeled a water's "level'. Try that tack instead. Tangents don't quite help here.

Please consider attenuation, which the atmosphere experiences progressively until the gradual fading of air pressure reaches a state of vacuum.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled trap fap.

Its science you faggot
Tangent by definition meets at a point
If the world was a sphere the horizon would be curved not flat
Since a tangent can not take the form of the flat horizon as we observe it
Hence the earth is not and never can be a fucking sphere
Are you legitimately retarded

Satan bro

Eric Dubay fag

>Ugh muh bullshit failed
>Imma try another bullshit

Attached: F9EAFB02-BF61-439F-AAD6-79FBF4534D18.png (478x523, 80K)

Im talking about why the water appears level.

Density bro Montana. Gravity is a farce. Admiral Bird
Antarctica treaty

jesus christ people still falling for this bait?

Same thing you fucking spastic
Its flat for a reason
Kys honestly you’re bringing nothing of value to the world

Attached: 88C50E24-C20F-4ACB-96A9-006934DD1571.jpg (553x538, 155K)

The North Star is far away. It's so far away it appears to be fixed in space, although it's position does change very slightly. After ~26k years, it will be 1/12 of 360 degrees away from it's present position.

Dont get caught up with the academia snobbery. Stay true to your senses. Eric Dubay will help you

you haven't been there so you can't know that

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Jews are satan's minions. Be careful bro

Attached: 1562401732676.jpg (768x768, 97K)

its called calculations fucktard, also that was just me talkiing out my ass. Its just really dense

Attached: ap_space_spacex_new_rocket_97189852.jpg (534x401, 42K)

calculations are all theoretical unless you can observe and measure physically

No, it is not. Wake up fool

Attached: 1539485165479.jpg (500x526, 63K)

not even a good photoshop

Exactly. Of course it isn't flat: the surface of the sea is at any point the same distance from the center of the Earth (with some bulging at the equator due to Earth's rotation). So the Earth (sea) as a whole forms a sphere, but it appears locally flat because the globe is so damned big.
His retorts are otherwise typical juvenile trolling.


Honestly wtf calculation can tell you whats inside a fucking planet a fuckton of light years away?
Are you that daft that you don’t question these things?
What calculations?

Attached: 8EB08664-3D2A-4511-8B0B-05D08FB4FBA8.png (1000x432, 165K)

Right. Don't take measurements or learn on your own: follow Eric and be a sheeple.

>every large object in space is spherical
>earth is a giant dinner platter

makes sense

Exactly. Density is what controls shit. Gravity is a farce doggie

Attached: 10391706_10208153869661133_3362455133059177688_n.jpg (833x464, 80K)

But you're basing "evil" on your morals; god says that evil is just simply the lack of him. And he gave us free will to see if we would choose him or the world; he already knew the answer it's not a mystery.

You haven't been to the edge of the Earth, so you can't know there's an ice wall there.

Attached: flattard.png (1816x617, 1.27M)

Use a globe and a string, and find the shortest path. Of course a Mercator map will show a curve.

It is. Wake up, non-thinker.

Yeah! I'm w u bro. Get these fucks to wake up and see that shit is not the way they have fed us and conditioned our minds to think.

Attached: download (4).jpg (259x195, 10K)

gas compression, measurable on earth
gravitational force, measurable on earth
gravity to mass ratio, measurable on earth
jupiter mass, measurable by sattelite
jupiter size, measurable by sattelite
jupiter average density, calculatable by mass and size
jupiter composition, measurable from earth using specular scanning
then calculate the compressions bsaed on those gases.
core density calculated

Dunning Kruger in full effect here.

How dumb do you have to be to think the earth is flat? Much like the licks for a tootsie pop, the world may never know.

Attached: antarctic2.jpg (1200x777, 141K)

Nice. I guess we'll wait to see if u are right queer

Density and buoyancy are ineffectual without gravity or acceleration.

So this is it? Three million years and humans can't grasp gravity?


Attached: temp 1.png (646x72, 7K)


just like GoT

Thats spacex fault guy. The mockery that Elon exhibited in that stupid stunt. A freakin car in space, upsurd

It's not that big.

Attached: download (8).jpg (259x194, 9K)

>when real life looks so insane it looks like photoshop

Protip: they don't. This is just a troll thread.

Please visit my website if you want to know the truth. I've spent my entire life studying and I have multiple degrees in math and astronomy. Google Mark Sargent and let me deprogram your mind. This website is not letting me show you all the HARD EVIDENCE and EXPERITMENTS that I have done to prove my point. Also, visit globe smashers on you tube and subscribe.

I've been trolling flat earth shit since I met one of those loons around 2006. I guess this is partly my fault.

Its all speculation
Theoretical speculation
You base your worldview on hokey pokey nonsense
I feel sad for you

Attached: 0F82E4E6-7F0A-40B3-A7FF-53446DF26A66.jpg (720x583, 28K)

Okay dweeb. Just trying to help.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 13K)

I have a globe. They're easy to come by. This one's .305m in diameter (about a foot).

The Earth is 12,756,000m in diameter, yielding a scale of about 1:41,822,951.

At that scale the tippy-top of the 828-meter Burj Khalifa would jut out of my globe .00002 m or 0.02 mm = a fiftieth of a millimeter, something like a flake of silt. The texture of the globe material would obstruct any view of curvature.

How about in an airplane at 12,000 m? It'd be .00029 m or .29 mm = one third of a millimeter above the globe - something like a grain of salt. *Maybe* I could see a bit of curve, but I doubt it.

The ISS orbits at about 395,000 m. That would put it about .00944 m or 9.44 mm above my globe, about the length of a coffee bean. Yes, you should be able to see curvature from there (protip - they do).

Fuck you and your web site, liar.

it\s all lies because nasa is afraid of Mark Sargent and his knowledge. Mark Sargent is suing Netflix.

>water seeks to be level
>water drops bead and turn into little spears naturally
Wtf are you going on about?
I swear flat earthers get dumber every year.

round earth is just an attack on christians by the science fascists

it is speculation that is correct

Flat earth map. You are seeing the light slowly, progress is good!

Attached: images.jpg (190x265, 12K)

Its funny as shit

thats a globe map autist

No you're not. For one thing, you didn't post a web site. For another, flat Earth is either Charlatans or marks. Sounds like you're the former.

absolute retard

the government has the power to even simulate time zones and setting suns in different locations, shit is spooky

And your view is entirely fictional with imaginary 'facts' and deceptive memes to take advantage of the stupid. Nice.

Attached: temp 2.png (774x726, 302K)

wait? why? we can see the change today, YOU could see it if you measured it you would be able to verify the model.


Mark Sargent

Soo smart but still, ego to fragile to keep an open mind and see that the church of science u prescribe to has clouded your critical thinking ability.

Attached: download (5).jpg (220x229, 14K)

Mark Sargent

Mark Sargent

thats a fish eye lens

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That's what u think.

Attached: 1518182636335.jpg (530x397, 84K)

>what is perspective and advancement in photography technology

Gods, you're stupid.

Attached: PerspectiveAndZoom2.gif (200x150, 537K)

You need a web address to watch and listen to eric dubay??? Retard, or I suppose GLOBEtard would be more appropriate

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>upside down
Kek are you retarded?


I literally made the image its a globe map

The atmosphere is the container, numbnuts


Attached: WhoIsDumb.jpg (960x640, 140K)

>i don't understand gravity

Attached: download (3).jpg (259x194, 11K)

Attached: images (2).jpg (225x225, 12K)

do you have autism

Let's be fair, I'm pretty sure he nailed that crazy bitch from the doc who seemed to be in love with him. I mean, christ, I'd be a flat earther if a hot enough bit of trim showed interest in me because of it.

Geez... how was I to know he's such a famous Charlatan? I don't follow idiots.
I have seen enough flattard vids to know within a minute or two it's typically obvious that there's a real problem with the shithead making the video though. Why would I have to keep wasting time? Because some upstart has a new way of saying the same thing? It's bad enough I'm spending time on you.

Attached: Idiot.png (815x364, 155K)

ITT: a newfriend successfully and en masse trolled newer newfriends with a worn out meme

Attached: ParallelLines.png (400x266, 233K)

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The change in daylight hours over the year in the north doesn't support a earth centric model. Flat earth only works with an earth centric model ergo OP is a summer fag.
>in fact
Seasons dont work at all on a flat earth model
Opposite flowing cyclones in the north and south hemispheres do not work on a flat earth model.
Earths Earth's magnetic field doesn't make sense in a flat earth model. Its almost like... again... OP is a summer fag.


Attached: 31MBZ2h06PL.jpg (375x267, 11K)

so true

it does, it has about a ~1 degree change

Yes. Because the scale is so incredibly vast, that our motion and the relatively to the surroundings universe is insignificant.

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Attached: 1546342494631.png (960x638, 999K)

G stands for group, as in "Joint Photographic Experts Group" - the group of people who created the spec
It does group pixels into squares etc but that isn't the group the "G" in the name refers to. Hence
> right and wrong simultaneously

She said in a recent interview that they were never intimate because he always had BO and was constantly passing gas and blaming it on her cats.

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underrated post

more proof that the right cant meme

10 years ago i would of thought this was 99% troll bait. today it feels as though it is 99% serious degenerates... holy fuck.


Gotta hand it to the guy. He manages to keep convincing people that the earth is flat.
It's getting really easy to understand how people like Hitler rose to power.


dunning Kruger effect.

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