Spot the trap or get fucked by the trap

Spot the trap or get fucked by the trap.

Find the trap. Guess wrong and you become lifelong sex slave to the trap and its homosexual friends. Guess right and the bitches become your slaves.

round #1

Attached: which.png (1404x702, 1.1M)


Are they all going to be this obvious?

I know the first one isnt a trap, shes a porn thot
Its the middle, man jaw/chin and obvious boob job

On the right

middle. duh.

Theyre all traps.

middle, i think i see boobjob scars

Middle. How long you gonna take?


but i want the cock

The one on the left is the trap.

C'mon op give us the answer

OP here, tbh I was looking for next set of pics before revealing first one and was trying to find some nice and tricky bimbos but then this revelation has confused and distracted me beyond repair

Left or middle is the trap

so you gonna post soon or what


screw that noise, just post your cutest traps

Attached: 1560826276716.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Attached: Daisy Taylor.webm (1280x720, 789K)

Attached: 9A78AB2C-7C03-4063-BD37-D78F5937C7A4.gif (244x174, 411K)

Attached: 1550220999834.webm (360x640, 876K)

Attached: 1550213248682.webm (632x1128, 1.2M)

full vid?

OP ain’t coming back aye?

Attached: 1533066590076.webm (638x414, 1.99M)

Middle. Even more obviously, OP is a raging faggot.

who dat be on the left tho

All three are traps, I bet

First one is the trap