Kill myself or not ?

kill myself or not ?
trips decide.
will do opposite of whatever that is.

Attached: MadBlueFemalePlayingBatman.gif (351x263, 779K)

thinking the same

user dont cut of ur dick and post the video here

Attached: squarepad-ties-hard.jpg (296x170, 6K)

Do a flip faggot.

user dont cut of ur dick and post the video here


Attached: 3z5xlilk2tf21.jpg (796x711, 40K)

just do it already

Don't kill yourself

user don't cut your dick off and post the video here

don't shoot up a school

I don't want you to carve "MoM" into your dick while you sing along to Mary had a Little lamb and post the video here

Blow your head off

Attached: 1150300.jpg (299x268, 25K)

Don’t have sex

Fuckin end it

Believe in a future that's different from your present. Never spend a single day living like the girl in OP pic. Challenge yourself to baby steps each day. Some tiny gesture that doesn't have to be really meaningful. Esteem able acts give us self esteem, so do little things each day that give you just a tiny smile when you look in the mirror. When you've finally reached the top of the mountain you didn't even know was there, don't jump in front of a moving car.

Kill urself

Definitely don't live stream yourself shooting up a mosque

dont lol

yeah, don't do this

Don't shoot up a mosque and definitely don't Livestream it.

dont shoot up a mosque and dont live stream

just say fuck it

don't nuke Japan, user

Trips says I die tomorrow

Never get help for your problems and suffer in silence until you snap and either snap your neck or snap a mag into your rifle on the way to the nearest school.