Jungian mystic here again. I created a thread yesterday because I felt myself being called...

Jungian mystic here again. I created a thread yesterday because I felt myself being called, but the feeling hasn't gone away. Whoever you are, I hear you. Yes, I'm talking to you. I understand you feel nervous about revealing yourself, but the whole reason I create these threads here is because the sleepers create so much ugly churn here that the signal-to-noise ratio hides us. The kids here think I'm just a middle school LARPer.

While I wait for the person ringing my doorbell to put in an appearance, I will try to help people with the Deep Mysteries. If you don't know what that means or you think this has something to do with the supernatural, then just assume I'm role-playing or mentally deranged and move on; this thread isn't for you.

Reminder that I will answer questions in the order I receive them, and that some questions take considerable time to answer. Please be patient. All shitposts will be ignored.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is the Kybalion bullshit?

Why is a "Jungian mystic" (whatever that is) posting a sigil from Lemegetton Clavicula Solomonos?

Yes. And no. You need to understand that the Archons actively seek out and destroy those who reveal the Deep Mysteries, so those who teach must hide it. With time, experience, and insight you begin to read past the text. On the surface, books like the Tao Te Ching, the Dhammapada, the Bible, the Kybalion, the Baghavad Gita, et al. have either a straightforward meaning or are written to sound deliberately cryptic. Once you can see past the words, an entirely new level of meaning will reveal itself. Sometimes several.

If you think alchemy is about transforming metal molecules into different metal molecules, then you haven't understood what it really means.

What exactly is any of this? Deep mysteries? Mystics? I mean what even are you claiming to represent?

Finally showed up at the beginning of one of your jams and I can't think of anything.

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Not sure if it's just synchronicity but shaman here again. Any useful advice on encountering your anima?

Are dreams prophetic, or simply manifestation of desire?

Is it possible to offer your body to an angel for it to possess? How do you summon one? The shit on the internet is just bullshit roleplaying. I want to know how you really do it.

A Jungian is a person whose primary paradigm is the psychological model of Carl Jung. In the Aristotlian model, there are three methods of obtaining knowledge: empiricism, rationalism, and revelation. The application of pure empiricism is science, the application of pure rationalism is philosophy, and the application of pure revelation is mysticism. Mysticism, then, is the use of unconscious, non-logical processes such as dreams, intuition, hunches, feelings, evocation, and invocation to achieve understanding.

And I use this particular sigil as something of a signature so people can find me in the index. As for why I use it, that's between me and the servitor which guards my psyche when I create these threads.

Interesting secret, when psychoanalysts are making notes during therapy, they're not listening to what you're saying, they're listening to how you say it. The use of negative language is one of the most important "tells" a person can use, since there's no such thing as an anti-thought. You must have the positive thought first, then invert it. This indicates the existence of a denial structure.

What I really read is, "I can think of something I very much want to ask, but I'm preventing myself from being consciously aware of it."

Carl Jung warns that the Anima may be hostile when first encountered for those whose relationship with their mother-figure was cold or abusive. This is because we pattern on our mothers, so the Anima is based on the template our mother-figure created.

It may be necessary to coax your Anima into revealing herself, and she may not take a pleasant or kind form. The Anima, after all, encompasses archetypal manifestations like Kali and the Dakinis and Lilith. It may take time to gentle her by being open and showing her trust,

So just as a response, I'll be completely honest.

I wound up studying the occult for years. I actually went to a seminary program and studied the Bible, along with fulfilling a bachelors degree in both psychology and a separate one in philosophy from an accredited university.

I went all around the world trying to get any empirical evidence whatsoever of anything supernatural. I spoke with cult leaders, traditional satanists, Christians, Bhuddists, street preachers, Muslims -- anyone who would listen. I did the banishing ritual of the lesser pentegram -- nothing. Every single one had a ton of claims about their access to the supernatural and absolutely no evidence. In fact, it was very obvious to me that their "revelations" were just really obvious biases that lead them to rationalize completely unrelated events were influenced by their behavior.

This all being said, I want to approach your belief system with absolute respect. I want to ask if there's anything you can show me or that I can do to even illustrate any of this supernatural stuff isn't just hocus pocus or people wanting to believe things so badly that they just rationalize "revelations" they don't actually have? I'm not even interested in power so much as I'm just interested in having knowledge and greater access to greater wisdom about life.

Our best understanding of dreams is that they serve the function of sifting and processing learned information so that it can be stored and incorporated into the overall body of knowledge. This is why the imagery tends to be a mishmash of things and people and events you've recently experienced combined with your current thoughts, imagination, desires, and expectations.

Freud did experiments where he had people write down their dreams immediately upon waking, then 15 minutes later, then an hour later, and so on. What he found is that the details of the dream change without the person's awareness, events and identities shifting over time. What this suggests is that it's not necessarily the dream which is important but our interpretations of them. The same way we project our unconscious onto a tarot reading or an astrology chart through the phenomenon of apophenia, we likewise project our unconscious onto the dream.

What is your opinion on his logs, OP??

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Oh yes, absolutely. But that "bullshit roleplaying" is how you really do it. See, these entities aren't "out there" somewhere, they're already resident in your head, built into the structure of the human brain, probably through epigenetic methylation with RNA encryption as "racial memory."

When you are invoking an entity, what you're doing is tracing back the elements of your own personality to their source, to the raw primary colours which make them up. These archetypal entities exist as egregores, as collective narratives expressed across multiple brains. They are immensely powerful and wise -- and extremely dangerous. They have the capability of completely overwriting your own sense of personal identity. We call this "demonic possession" when it happens.

Traditionally, shamans and wise women and oracles and such have use auto-suggestion through the use of fetishes, sigils, masks, and so forth to strengthen their own sense of identity and to make it possible to unmake the archetypal personality when they're done with it.

So the answer is, yes, you can do so, but it's not advised unless you are an adept, and even then one must be cautious.

I don't mind being overwritten, as long as the entity is benevolent. I've always felt connected to the archangel Michael and wouldn't mind him wearing my meat, even if my brain gets toasted by him. Whatever is necessary to serve God to the best of my capabilities.

Sounds like Carl Polk Runyon stuff. .

Not OP (he's a dork anyway). She will appear in your dreams when she's good and ready.

No, that's not what angels do. You can however open yourself to allow contact, if you have a specific aim. It has to be the angel *of* something. If there is something you are interested in, art, music, politics, whatever, sit quietly, and ask for the presence of the angel of that thing. Allow whatever sensations or thoughts you have to move through you. Feel what it is like to be the perfected idea or plan for something. This is what angels are, carrying that information for us.

None of this has anything to do with the supernatural. Jung's model treats all of these entities as archetypal narratives, stories we're born with as part of the basic operating system of the human brain. The nice thing is you needn't take this on faith. Jung developed a large part of his model from long discussions with a demon, the manifested form of his own Shadow. I have spent many years likewise learning how to evoke and communicate with my many unconscious selves, whether through lucid dreams or Jungian active-imagination exercises, and confirmed this through discussion with these same archetypal entities.

What I do as a mystic is the use of meditation, biofeedback, brain plasticity, and repetition to reprogram how my brain functions. All of these religions, philosophies, and traditions are paradigms, tools for conceptualizing the processes of the mind. Since it causes physiological changes in the brain, it's not at all a safe procedure, which is why it requires many years of work, dedication, and discipline to do it properly.

If you're interested, however, I can teach you a simple exercise to demonstrate the phenomenon for yourself empirically.

Ring around the rosie
Pocket full of Posies
We all fall down

Dreams are communications from the unconscious, expressed as metaphors. They are often exquisitely artistic. Try recording your dreams to see how often the themes recur. Your unconscious is telling you something, and is frequently very insistent about it.

You haven't a clue about Jung if you're capable of writing this shit.

That is very interesting and I would love to learn more. What should I start reading to begin learning this?

And please, share what you know.

This isn't what angels are. See This is bullshit. You "serve god" by becoming the best version of you that you can.

i'm worthless to anyone, let alone God. I just want someone else to take the wheel and be useful for once.

The Kybalion is an interesting and useful metaphysical treatise. Notice especially how it never contradicts known physical laws, and chimes well with everyday experience. Occult philosophy makes more sense than established religions, and doesn't insult the intelligence either.

how can women be real if birds arent' real

What simple exercise would that be? I'm someone who requires hard proof of anything. So what could you do to prove these quiet, dormant "entities" whom exist within myself and of myself?

Secret societies like the Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Bavarian Illuminati, and other such groups stretching back to Pythagorus and beyond, exist for the explicit purpose of teaching people how to burn out their own sense of identity and replace it with a Goetic archetype of power.

If what you're looking for is temporal power, then there are plenty of groups out there which, once you are admitted to their inner circles, have rituals which will help you replace your identity with that of a potent archetype.

Just be aware that there's a reason why everyone doesn't do this. It's difficult and it's dangerous. The streets and mental wards are filled with people who broke their brains doing this kind of invocation. Even if successful, the strain on your mind and physical body is terrible. Jung, for example, believed Hitler succeeded in manifesting the Shadow in its pure form, which is why so many millions of people following him into madness; he spoke to them with their own internal voice. In the end, the Shadow consumed and destroyed him. I also believe that Heath Ledger was murdered by the Joker, as Method acting uses many of the same techniques of invocation.

Kindness is more important than wisdom. Knowing that is the first step to wisdom. Anything else is just humans being clever.

That's a conversation you're having with yourself. If you actually want to be useful, ask yourself what inspires you, what makes you feel alive. What the world needs is people who are inspired and alive.

Did you ever try divination? If not, I recommend it. Make sure you record your readings, and verify them against resulting developments. This should give you your first evidence that there are mechanisms that trancend physical laws (which can be called "supernatural" is you like.)

How do you know when you've been contacted by the one you are looking for?

>You haven't a clue about Jung

You do you. I share my own personal understanding and insights. If they differ from yours, it's because we're touching different parts of the same elephant. The Gautama Buddha said that a person accept nothing which contradicts their own personal sense of rightness -- even if he, himself, has said it.

I am not going to pretend like I have any knowledge of what this concept is, nor Am I going to search online for multiple answers just so I can pretend to be knowledgeable.
I am completely ignorant to all this talk of possession, angels, and that symbol. But it all sounds immensely intriguing and I would like to know more. Can you please start with the basics, and walk me through the more complex aspects of this topic?

is there any way to communicate within the subconscious part inside of me? or even bringing it out consciously? sorry for the dumb question

The "Archangel Michael" is nothing more than the human assertive instinct. He also appears as Mars, Ares, and innumerable other war-gods. He will "wear your meat" at any time in your life when you are called upon to fight. He is the personification (i.e. "archetype") of an evolutionary drive, nothing more.

Not OP, who is a faggot. Pay attention to your dreams (including daydreams). Jung states that where conscious thought ends, unconscious thought begins.

You can't call yourself a "Jungian mystic" if you directly contradict Jung, you fucking huckster.

Yeah, I received no results.

Show me how to contact this stuff. I want to know.

I'm not familiar with him.

I suggest starting with Jung's "Man and his Symbols" to get an understanding of his terminology and the particular nuances of meaning that he develops, then his "Red Book," which was his personal journal of his experiences in reprogramming his brain from the inside out. It's generally believed today that Jung was a self-treating schizophrenic.

Here's an exercise for you and the person above to try. It's simple and relatively risk-free, but will demonstrate the power of biofeedback and the method by which a mystic changes the way the brain operates.

Get a flat tack and a straw broom thistle. Impale the straw vertically on the tack. Take off your shirt and lie down on the ground. Balance the tack on your breastbone so the straw stands straight up in the air. Every time your heart beats, the end of the straw should be seen to wiggle.

Now all you have to do is watch the end of the straw for half an hour. That's it. At the end of that time, will your heart to speed up and it will speed up. Will it to slow down and it will slow down. What you're doing is taking advantage of the bi-directional way brain signals work, altering its operating system by essentially installing your own switches to make normally autonomic processes more consciously available.

I don't, unless they tell me. But I listen closely to my intuition, and when I feel an intense need to create one of these threads -- and it doesn't go away when the threads is done -- then I know that the person who was calling me hasn't stopped.

I don't know what process is at work, but I suspect it's connected to Sheldrake's morphic field, the same one described in his work on the sensation of being looked at.

I assume you could do something similar by just monitoring your own heartbeat and willing it faster or slower

You can't be bothered to spend any effort to look up any of the concepts being discussed, but think you're magically going to achieve insight if I hold you by the hand and give you the Reader's Digest version? Really?

Nothing happens without discipline. Nothing I've been discussing will make the slightest sense without the use of your own insight. To quote Zen master D.T. Suzuki, "To point at the moon a finger is needed, but woe to those who take the finger for the moon."

What about the elixir?
Not really concerned with the gold.
Heard it's really meant to be a way of making sure the elixir won't poison you.
Any helpful pushes in the right direction?

And, you can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think. (not op here.)

And I've heard stories about people who can do small stuff like that. But I don't think proper breathing technique implies a greater force or anything. Perhaps I'm just to close minded or set in my own way of thinking to believe any of this.

There are as many methods as their are paradigms, and which one you use will be determined by what you feel most comfortable using. Generally it's a good idea to start with the religion in which you were raised. For example, I sometimes recommend Catholics try reading Meister Eckhart, a mystic and a German Catholic monk whose work on the Godhead roughly parallels the Ataman.

I strongly recommend you don't just throw yourself into the occult as popularized by the Internet; this kind of work can be very dangerous, and the risk that it might actually work is probably worse than all of the deliberate misinformation floating around.


I'm not sure where this hostility is coming from. Are you the transgendered person who got all bent out of shape because I disagreed with your moral prosletyzing over how evil transitioning is?

ok I will try thank you user. I kind of want to ask more cause this thread is interesting.

What systems did you use? The tarot is the most expressive, but also hardest to interpret - it takes a lot of practice to become a good cartomancer. If you never tried the I Ching, it's excellent for beginners and old hands alike - although you need the ability to read metaphors, which not everybody has.

(Be aware that skepticism is an absolute killer for divinators. You need to believe in what you're doing, otherwise you're doomed to failure. Humans construct their own reality, and see what they expect to see.)

Failing divination, the best thing I can recommend is meditation, or even psychedelic drugs. Achieving higher states of consciousness will give you a glimpse of the higher scheme of things.

Take my advice, and don't bother with ritual magic, or any of that Golden Dawn mumbo-jumbo. It's just too elaborate and easy to fuck up. There are simpler ways to get a glimpse of the sublime.

Yes, as I said, this is a very simple exercise. I used it only as an example of how it works, and a demonstration of the way the brain can be reprogrammed from the inside. More interesting are disciplines like Tummo where the practioner can take total control of the body's autonomic thermoregulation. Monks who practice Tummo typically practice by stripping naked and wrapping themselves in wet blankets, then sitting in the snow and forcing their bodies to steam the blankets dry. (See picture attached of Wim Hoff, a master of Tummo.)

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>I'm not sure where this hostility is coming from
Hint: because most self-styled gurus and mystics are frauds. They get off on the air of authority they project, not to mention the hard cash they swindle people out of. Your replies ITT are an incoherent bouillabaisse of half-assed hocus-pocus from half a dozen different sources. You're no more a "Jungian mystic" than my cat.

so what if I was not raised Catholic or any type of Christianity but recently drawn towards Islam?

Well, each to their own. I just find it unfortunate that you bring such negativity into the thread. It really makes me wonder about your loyalties. It's all too easy to become a pawn of the powers and principalities, who will use your hate to suppress the teaching of the Deep Mysteries.

have sex

LOL, do you ever listen to yourself? The "Deep Mysteries" are explained simply and lucidly in the works of Jung. Obfuscation is a sure sign of fraudulence.

Then I can tell you aren't a worthy teacher anyway. Here I am being honest about my lack of knowledge, choosing for myself not to hide anything behind deceit, and you reject me for it on the premise I have no discipline.
Tell me, would a disciplined man waste his time looking up sources of questionable reliability on multiple platforms and try to dig through to discover which ones contain but a hint of the truth, or would he go directly to the teacher and hold nothing back expecting to gain knowledge from the most available source not shrouded in half-baked discussions on low-IQ sites?
Don't waste my time with quotes. I want true discussion at the hands of someone who sees potential and true interest. not someone who throws around empty quotes in place of a proper explanation.

Ah, well, Muslim mysticism takes a number of forms, the most common being the Sufi. There's also pre-Islamic pagan animism, mostly dealing with jinn and dao, which has incorporated itself into Islam the way the Gnostics seeped into Christanity. But if you find yourself drawn to Islam, Sufism is where I'd suggest you start.

To quote the Tao Te Ching, "The ancient masters kindly taught the people not to know."

I'm not here to give people fortune cookie tips on how to win the Universe. I'm here to provide people with tools they can use on their own path to wakefulness. It's why I'm not overly concerned when people tell me I'm full of shit. I very well could be, which is why I always encourage people to use the tools I teach to look inside and see for themselves.

In that case, /thread.

that's how i ended up in this mess

>The ancient masters kindly taught the people not to know."
That could be misinterpreted as meaning keeping them uneducated. A better form of words would be 'to not-know'. To be comfortable with not-knowing, then you can learn for yourself.

Then show me these tools, or at least give me an idea as of how to find them. I am not spiritual and I don't believe in this nonsense, but whether or not I do will not change the truth of whether it's real. But so far you have provided no such tools to me, or if I am unable to see what they are, you've given no insight into how I may discover them for myself. I have no interest in whatever power may supposedly be brought by your possibly insane ramblings, but whether or not you are wrong, I don't care. I just want to know what this is.
Do you really think that makes me an unworthy student? If so, I'll stop wasting my time and yours. If you think differently, my mind is an open book. Tell me what you will.

Well yes, the entirety of chapter 11 of the Tao Te Ching is about the value of emptiness. In the context of that, referring to "not knowing" is clearly about the value of emptying your vessel.

user, OP is full of shit, and just gets off on the attention. This stuff can't really be taught, it has to be experienced. Here are some suggestions:-
1. Start recording your dreams, and try to interpret them.
2. Learn a system of divination, such as the I Ching or tarot. Keep a meticulous record of your readings, so they can be evaluated against events.
3. Practice meditation. There are many techniques, and there's bound to be one that works for you. The simplest is to contemplate the spot between your eyebrows. Do nothing but that for thirty minutes, and see what happens to you.

Forget about ceremonial magic, or summoning demons, or any of that shit. The "demons" live inside your head, and have no life outside of it except as projections.

I'm perfectly willing to teach you some basic active-imagination exercises. Here's one you can try. Get a hat, one you can afford to lose.

With hat in your hands, say out loud, "When I put this hat on, I am no longer me. When I take the hat off, I am me again." Then put the hat on and babble. Just make nonsense noises. Pretend you're talking in tongues. It's important that you not think about it, which is harder than it sounds. You want to just make whatever noises come naturally to your mouth without any conscious thought. That means you have to babble non-stop so you don't have time to consider what you're saying.

It may take some time (how long will be determined by your level of auto-suggestion), but eventually you'll find the noises will start assembling themselves into random words. Then the words will begin to assemble themselves into meaningless word salad. But as you continue, the word salad will become actual words, and you'll find a voice which is not your conscious identity talking to you.

At this point you are free to remove the hat, ask any questions you like, then put the hat back on and start babbling again. The hat is there so that at any time, if you feel freaked out or uncomfortable, you can simply remove it and stop the process. You can then destroy the hat to permanently stop the voice.

Just bear in mind that any number of archetypal entities may show up, and could respond in anything from friendliness to outright hostility and rage. The inability to focus on a specific archetype limits the usefulness of this exercise except as practice for manifesting thoughtforms.

You know, that anger isn't healthy. It's not really me you're angry at; it certainly doesn't harm me, and while you might be helping to block some neophyte wakers from accessing the assistance they're looking for, it doesn't serve any useful function.

Let it go. You're angry because I disagreed with you on an issue which is all wrapped up in your sexual identity. That kind of displaced hostility is harmful to you.

Mate, you're not going to get what you want from OP. If you are truly interested, then here's my 5c.

It doesn't matter if, as you say, you don't believe in the supernatural. As OP said, religions are (mostly) humna psychology expressing its foibles and fears. So assume it's all psychology and you won't be disappointed. Until you are, until you realise that there is a sense of incompleteness and emptyness in intellectual understanding alone. But it's a good place to start.

So as OP said, read:
Greek mythology for the archetypes
Joseph Campbell for the roots of religion in the primitive psyche
Hinduism for more archetypes
The Conversations with God series (Neale Donald Walsh) which turns christianity and the Abrahamic religions on their head
And other modern stuff; the Power of Now gets slagged off by 'cool' people but it is very good.
Living With Joy by Sanaya Roman, one of the best general books on 'new age' practises, and with practical exercises to try.

That's just some ideas for some reading before the post gets too long. But also, it has to be practical, not just in your intellect, but in your mind and body. Simple things; sit quietly for 20 minutes, watch your breath at the bridge of your nose. Read up more on this method, there are a few tips which help. Go out into nature and by the sea. Sit, do nothing other than let your mind wander and your body relax.

There will be lots more to come once you've gotten started.

an interesting suggestion, though I can't say it's entirely unfamiliar. I've had similar experience to what you've described without using a hat or similar object. The version of myself that is manifested is chaotic and obscene, and bases decisions and beliefs off of logic that seems directionless and circular, but makes perfect sense from an inside perspective. Could this be similar to what you have described, or am I just crazy?

No, that's exactly what you experienced. Remember that these entities aren't supernatural, they're all *you*. Or elements of you, anyway, the same way every character in a dream is you. It's a single archetypal narrative refracted through your personal mythology, memories, and expectations.

You can communicate with these archetypes in many different ways, from spirit jars to automatic writing to talking boards. One thing you should keep in mind is that these thoughtforms vary widely in potency and malevolence. For example, when using a talking board, one should never, ever talk to Zozo. This is an archetype many people encounter which claims to be God, and is a highly unpleasant and hostile entity. Its sigil is a figure-eight, so when the planchard starts making a figure-eight instead of a circle, it's time to move the planchard to "goodbye" and log off.

The hat is there for the same reason medicine men will use masks or fetishes or totems. You assign the entity to the object, which allows you to use auto-suggestion to unmake the thoughtform and end the session by removing (or destroying and/or burning) the physical object.

Alright, so I know this probably sounds pretty bad, but at random times, I feel like my brain, which is normally almost stagnant, and performs solely from stream of consciousness, splits into different personalities, and will simultaneously encourage certain actions from one "voice," and encourage violent behaviors from another. Is this normal? Sometimes this goes on for at least 20 minutes at a time, and I just sit there arguing with these different people in my head. But if I focus long enough I can get them to shut up and continue on with whatever I was doing at the time.

>Remember that these entities aren't supernatural, they're all *you*. Or elements of you, anyway
Not true, and dangerous

>same way every character in a dream is you
Not true.

I've been giving OP the benefit of the doubt but this is really not good. You won't be safe delving into these realms without the understanding that there is shit out there that is not you, and that can harm you. If OP hasn't experienced this for himself then he's not a safe teacher.

Yep not good, I have experienced this once and have worked hard to stop it happening again. I would sugest you do the same.

Is There a way out? (Other than death)
Is There possibility to cover Their eyes?

Why, just why...

Yeah, but they're really more passive then anything. I've just taken to arguing with them over certain things, kind of like shitty roommates, and then just kind of what is the equivalent of slamming my door and keeping to myself. It hasn't really been to bad, it's just felt like more of a weighing of my options in life in my head, and different facets of myself debate internally on how shitty I'm doing as a human being. Honestly, I kind of agree with myself doing shitty, but I think that given enough time I can do better, rather than simply giving into one or the other, I take bits from both and push forward.

You are not one ego-self. You are Legion, you contain multitudes. All the gods and angels and demons and various elemental entities are resident in your head. Julian Jaynes' bicameral mind theory of consciousness holds that before we invented the sense of "I", it was these entities who spoke to us and manifested in us to direct our actions.

We know that about 80% of the population reports "hearing voices" from time to time, but that most people simply ignore them. It's not at all unusual. If you're experienced at all at meditation, in fact, just before you drop into a light meditative trance you've probably noticed a babble of voices sounding like someone spinning a radio dial quickly. Same source.

As a Jungan, the goal is eventually to make peace with and then unite with the Shadow, making yourself a whole person. The first step on that journey is manifesting the Anima, and this is because her area of authority encompassing the unconscious, allowing you to manifest and interact with your many selves.

The idea, then, is not to suppress these other voices, but to use the Anima to negotiate a detente, to establish a majority at the committee table of self so that you're all pulling in the same direction.

This really is getting tiresome. Do you plan to haunt every thread and blanket them in negativity to assuage your hurt feelings at my disagreement over your religious convictions regarding your sexuality? I don't care what you think about me, but your obsessiveness is draining and Qlippoth.

Hello user, I have been deeply researching the mysteries surrounding the buddha before and after his death and how all of the enlightened monks disbanded and dissapeared.

The truth is hidden in plain sight only for those see.

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Honestly tarot isnt that terribly difficult the difficulty comes in not having enough understanding of the person you are giving the reading for even if it is yourself. I have given many readings and all came true in time I have never been wrong in my practice. I do also recommend learning basoc palmistry you can learn much about others through it.

The Archons are not all-seeing. They just have an altered sense of awareness which feels like omniscience from the perspective of the physical, which makes sense since the material is given over to their authority, "to make war against the saints."

But the thing is, their extremely sensitive awareness of the supports of their temporal power comes at a cost; they also acquire a curious kind of blindness at the same time, which those who wake can exploit. As an example, the powers and principalities go to great lengths to convince people that the things I discuss in these threads are ridiculous nonsense. That means I can actually discuss dangerous sacred truths right out in the open in places like Yea Forums, because the sleepers will see nothing but insanity or roleplaying.

Ok op I’m not even going to pretend to understand any of this bullshit but can you do something simple for me? Make my ex gf take me back my life has been completely fucked up since she left or point me into some direction I don’t want some self help bullshit use ur powers

I don't particularly have any amount of experience put into any meditation, and honestly haven't really spent much time with religion apart from what my father taught me growing up. I just grew up rather alone and took to having conversations about random topics with myself either out loud or in my head, occasionally having myself talk back in different facets akin to what happens in my head sometimes. So you would be saying that doing so would be akin to channeling a certain persona from the archetypal pool in question? I really don't know much particulars in this subject matter, I've just grown interested in what people can learn from one another cyclically and cumulatively, and spreading one's own individual self to contribute towards a greater human collective, and mysticism in particular seems to be how I've argued with myself over multiple topics.

I'm not that user. I'm someone else, with a fair amount of experience dealing with the kind of shit that you say doesn't exist. Only logical conclusion is, you haven't experienced it. Which as I said, makes you an unsafe teacher.

OP how do you access the akashik records? Its impossible to leave the dim room.

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In order to help yourself get past her you must let go of her. The sands of time drift ever onward and the river of fate pauses for no man. If you are truly meant to be then work on improving yourself and follow the winds of your destiny

I read an interesting book recently about Shambhala and other beyuls as places which can be physically entered, and it's opened my mind to the possibility of being able to interact with geographical locations in the same way I interact with archetypal manifestations, which suggests that there may be realms of archetypal and collective narrative housed in *places* rather than people.

An intriguing idea, although the author was hostile to the Jungian model and specifically stated that these places were not archetypal, but actual physical locations.

I become invincible and can do literally anything whenever I take adderal. Without it, I have massive anxiety and can't get through the most basic of tasks. How do I get over the feeling of dejection without the pill?

Did I say I wanted self help horseshit no I said use ur fucking power to make her do it. I don’t care to let go of shit I’ve gotten a better job and quit my vices yet I’m still plagued by constant depression I feel dead inside without her. Fucking actually help me and don’t give me some lame platitude to chase. Fuck her freewill you literally said hitler was able to use the shadow and in turn he was able to communicate with his people. Come on if your ever 1% as powerful as that then this should be a cake walk

If it helps you to be able to project your own unconscious into the exterior world, then by all means do so. I'm not telling you that you're wrong. But remember, as above, so below. You can look inward and see the same things you see when you look out. I'm not sure what's fueling your hostility, but it's between you and yourself and has nothing to do with me. You're being quite unkind when you project that negativity at me.

i see you, thomas, and i love you.

Hey I don't think it's a coincidence that you and I keep crossing paths

I'm the one who asked about being trans, asked you about Jordan Peterson and you got mad at me, and then I pointed out some things that you didn't like.

Again, I don't think it's coincidence either

Are you familiar with Sheldrake and his work on the morphic field? He's a respected (though controversial) biologist, and if he's right, then the Akashic records are all in the morphic field which connects all living things. The brain (or notocord) is a kind of antenna which can tune itself to frequency bands within the morphic field. In fact, even basic DNA may be capable of accessing these records.

I am not op I am a hermeticist who practices tarot you plaugue yourself and have ensnared yourself on the light of another in your life find a way to light your life from within. To be frank though I doubt you will be able to you exhibit selfish dependent and honestly abusive tendencies this is most likely why she left.

If you wish for darkness to leave your life then illuminate it yourself.

I'm not being hostile or negative. Just factual. If you don't recognise the reality of other consciousnesses outside of your own which may be met in meditation or ritual then you aren't a safe teacher. Stick to what you now, or learn what you are lacking. Peace.

Drugs are shamanic tools. They work because they mimic or duplicate chemicals already present in the brain, manufactured for specific receptors. This means there's nothing you can do with a drug which you can't also do through meditation, biofeedback, and discipline. All these serene monks you see meditate for hours and days at a time are stoned out of their gourds on their own brain chemistry.

See, the thing is, drugs are a convenience. A shaman or wise woman will use them as a short-cut to save time because they don't always have three or four days to meditate, fast, and sweatlodge every time they need to talk to Grandfather Toad. But being able to get their first without the drug means you've developed the discipline to handle it. Using the drug every time makes you lazy and undisciplined.

She left because I asked her to marry me and I was working as a cashier at a grocery store and she said no you don’t have a future I never abused her in the slightest I did nothing but love her and lived my life completely for her. How can you practice this if you can’t even read into that? I’m not trying to be an asshole I’m just broken I was with her 6 years I don’t mean to come off as selfish I just want something that dosnt sounds like something you could read out of a bargain bin self help book.

>what you *know*

Heya Jungian mystic. No bs, one of your threads legit led me back to Christian faith when someone was posting some Sermon on the Mount quotes in it. You really should turn away from all the non-biblical apocrypha stuff though. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are already enough packed with esoteric wisdom to last a lifetime, all the gnostic stuff is basically fanfic

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op is gay

Bunch trust fund faggots up in this thread...

OP I need your discord ASAP

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Yeshua himself was probably a Buddhist, or at least well-versed in Buddhist teachings. And I'm sure you're aware that his father's mansion contains many houses, not just the one. But if you've found a paradigm which works for you, I'm legitimately glad for you. Don't forget to read Meister Eckhart's work on the Godhead.

I have to agree with user, selfishness is abusive, even if it's unconscious. You need to find yourself, your own way, your own joy, or you will be forever leeching off relationships. Even if you don't know you are doing it. That is why she left, because she felt that, at some level, and asking her to marry was her cue to get out, knowing if she stayed you wouldn't do what you needed to do for yourself. Good luck, and never give up on yourself.

Need your discord ASAP. I’m the one who seeks you tonight 1123/29

Here's an esoteric question about Jesus's parables I'd appreciate your opinion about. In Matthew 13:3-8 Jesus tells the parable of the sower, concluding with the cryptic line, "Still other seed fell on good soil and produced a crop—a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold."

Shortly after, in Matthew 13:18-23, Jesus supposedly explains the meaning of the parable, saying what each individual thing symbolizes. Except he totally neglects to explain that cryptic line, instead merely repeating it: "But the seed sown on good soil is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and produces a crop—a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold."

What's up with that?

To be clear, I'm not asking what the cryptic line means. Any idiot can give interpretations of that. I'm asking why did Jesus blatantly fail to explain it, and why does no-one ever notice this?

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>when someone was posting some Sermon on the Mount quotes in it
Can you remember what was posted that helped you?
How long ago was this?
After you were in the thread, what did you do then?

I am not. I accessed the akashic records once completely and three other times but they werent strong.

The first i was staring at a tapestry of ganesha. I asked how to perfectly meditate to form a connection with Ganesha. Immediately my consciousness was thrown into what can only be described as a meticulously designed LSD trip. The tl;dr is basically the OM symbols began vibrating, fell dimensionally inward, each row going deeper like 2d sprites in a 3d plane. Everything went translucent purple and it felt like i was on a phone call with someone but they werent saying anything. I was too incredibly amazed to say or think anything...

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how do i astral project? I've been trying to but I dont know if what i'm doing is right in order to achieve it

We'll have to work right here. Sharing the Deep Mysteries is something the powers and principalities frown upon, so I restrict my work to places where the signal-to-noise ratio allows me to work invisibly. I'm here for you. Don't be afraid. When I needed help, secret masters kindly assisted me, and I try to pass on what they taught me to others now, as I hope those I help will pass it on in their own right.

This really made me KEK!!!!! This is neither the time nor the place, logposter!!!!

Sure, it was "Beware of false prophets, for they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves". I thought that was a cool-sounding quote so I went and started reading the surrounding text and I was like WTF, this stuff is crazy and amazing! (Fair disclosure, I was highly intoxicated at the time. But the amazingness was still there when I returned to it sober.)

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I am not the one you wait for but I do have a message for you.

The clock strikes 11 & 5 and the goat rears its head.

I don't know the meaning of this message, I was just told to give it to you. Good day.

You'll find the same thing in a number of places in Yeshua's teachings. For example, the cursing of the fig tree is one of those parables which I like to ask christians about when I meet them, because their interpretation of it tells me a lot about the nature of their understanding.

My feeling is that they're there to act as keyholes to unlock deeper levels of meaning. They serve the same function as koans, wrapping the logical part of the brain up in knots so that the more intuitive part can come forward.

And those who are not yet awake see nothing at all.

What were you intoxicated on?
So that one quote got you reading other things?
Why do you think that one moved you and felt profound to you?

Have you taken the heroic dose yet? Your experience sounds a lot like passing through the golden chrysanthemum, a fractal pattern which heralds ego-death as you delve inward.

I wasn’t the least bit selfish in our relationship I never tried to control her never forced her on my ideals I paid for her college tuition every bill she had came out of my pocket I paid all the rent I provided everything I possibly could if anything she was selfish because her living a life with a cashier at fucking Safeway wasn’t luxurious enough for her. Am I being selfish now for wanting my best friend and partner back sure I’ll grant you that but I think it’s really disengenious of you to say I was selfish in my relationship. I did everything I could for her. Most of these things are material but I gave her emotional support when she was always down I always stimulated her with intellectual conversation I did nothing but love her unconditionally and none of that mattered so yes it’s my fucking turn to be selfish for once. I want my fucking life back and every time I see one of these posts of people who claim to have some hidden knowledge all I ever get is self help nonsense.

A mild dosage of an LSD analog.
That was like 2 years ago btw.
Why did "Beware of false prophets" move me? I don't know, maybe because it seemed like instead of the dreary meaningless life we live, there was a lens which would make the world more thrilling and exciting, a spiritual battleground where false prophets are trying to deceive you, etc. And the imagery of a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing is pretty sublime too. Like, imagine a flock of sheep, and suddenly one of the sheep leaps at the others to devour them...

Can you give some example interpretations of the cursing of the fig and what they tell you about the peoples' understanding?

I have taken a heroic dose of mushrooms. I saw a golden scroll flow through my vision. Containing what appeared to be hewbrew, arabic and some type of unknown alien characters. Could have been ancient script or something else entirely. I have never had a completely out of body experience unfortunately. All attempts to remain conscious while entering my dream fail.

Astral projection is easy once you understand what's really happening. The reality you exist in right this second is called the representational world, and it's a symbolic representation constructed in your mind from a combination of your sense perceptions filtered through your schema, your memories, and your expectations. Where you put your point-of-view (POV) in this representation is completely arbitrary. We tend to put it inside our heads because that's where most of our sense organs are located, but that's just a social custom; the Egyptians, for example, placed their POV inside their chests.

To induce an out-of-body-expience, all you need to do is move your POV outside yourself. In the lab, scientists are now able to reliably induce it by having people wear a VR set over their eyes, then feed them video from a camera located over their shoulder. Their POV just pops right out.

The thing is, your the farther away you get from your sense organs, the less data you have to work with. Your brain is very good at mapping over missing data with best-guesses, but as you farther and farther away, it has less and less data -- so the imagery becomes phantasmagoric and dream-like. This is useful, because you're drawing this imagery directly from the unconscious, so astral projection is actually a way of physically exploring the geography of your own mind.

We might have something to learn from each other

Thank you. Message received. I've been waiting for a response for a while.

Do you think OP might be a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Well of course we do. I'm always intensely aware that the lessons I teach others are the ones I most need to understand myself. The Shadow, after all, is "evil" because it represents all the realities about ourselves which we reject. By listening when I'm teaching others, I can hear the echo of the Shadow and help to heal the rift between us.

Probably, and so am I, and so is everyone except Jesus. So beware of everyone.

Imagine your father died before you were born, leaving almost no trace. Then one day you find a scratchy, poor-quality recording of a drunken conversation of his. You can hardly make out what he's even saying, and it's all just a drunken rant anyway. Nevertheless, it is a connection to your father, and that makes it precious. Those who cause us to remember the words of Jesus have done us a favor, whether they intended to or not.

'But Jesus told him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”' (Matthew 8:22)

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Have you integrated your shadow yet?
I think I have
I know I can kill people, I know I can murder my own family, gut my own dog among other things I've imagined

Now I feel I'm stuck in a stage where I know what I'm capable of yet...still can't do anything in my life.
Seems like every day I'm reminded of the very nature of evil vs good. Power, wants, desires vs Logos, Truth

idk how it relates to you

Well, the last person I asked was a non-denominational christian with Methodist leanings, and his interpretation was that the figs are the Jews, and that Yeshua was saying their unwillingness to accept him as their Emmanuel cursed them to wither and die. He had an elaborate explanation about Biblical symbolism involving figs, but ultimately you could see that his interpretation was exclusionary. He sees Yeshua as someone who's come to smite his personal enemies who don't believe as he does.

To quote Anne Lamott, "You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."

Cool. While we're on the subject of Matthew 21, how do you interpret Jesus's claim that anyone with faith as large as a mustard seed can say to a mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen? That always seemed like a passage with a lot of potential to make people squirm, for obvious reasons =P

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How does that Matthew 8:22 quote fit?

I'm a work in progress. To be honest, I'm not sure it's a journey it's possible to finish, since the fractal pattern of self-referentiality means the more you discover of yourself, the more of you there becomes to discover. At each stage you need to strip away a piece of your ego-self, until eventually there's no way to differentiate self from other -- and that's when you reach Kether, where there is only Oneness.

I'm patient. I'm enjoying the journey. I don't see any need to rush to oblivion. It comes to all anyway in the end whether we yea or nay.

It puts me in mind of one of my favourite poems, "In the Desert" by Stephen Crane:

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter – bitter", he answered,
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."

Christ will save those who follow him and give them everlasting life. False prophets will deceive each other and "bury" each other. (That is, they will follow each other like blind men, and fall into a pit.) Though, to be fair, I just randomly picked that as a badass Jesus quote in order to practice what I preach about reminding people of Jesus's sayings.

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Lol why 4 chan

>where there is only Oneness
Yeah Idk what you mean exactly by that but I've learned there is no such thing as identity
"gay" "straight" "trans" "black" "white" are all just masks
This doesn't mean though to push for multiculturalism.
Western Culture is a culture of individuality. If you don't protect that most precious of knowledge, you lose it forever.

That's why I hate the post modernists, the neo-marxists, the communists, the globalists etc.

Yes exactly that poem is so true
It feels like that's a Gollum type situation
Loving power, loving yourself, loving your bitterness and hatred
It's like clinging to the dark side
You end up a naked, bestial, creature in a desert
You are outsideof the Garden

On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Matthew 9:12)

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When Yeshua talks of faith, he's referring to thelema, to the act of Will to move the Earth. In an existential sense, Thelema is the ability to make irrational decisions. An animal has no Will, and will always and with complete reliability take the path of least pain and greatest survival. It's Will which gives us the ability to choose pain, to select choices which harm our physical being and chances of physical survival.

In tarot, the zero card in the Major Arcana is the Fool, and it's a figure about to walk off a cliff. The Major Arcana, taken together, tell the narrative of the path to enlightenment, and the pre-step before it's possible is the step of faith of the Fool -- willing to step off into nothingness, knowing he could fall into the sea and die. That's what I believe Yeshua means when he refers to faith: that terrifying step into the unknown against all logic and rationality which says "turn back."

That implies that the general populace has either the comprehension to understand this, or that they are indeed "healthy."

Is the one you seek actively aware that you are seeking them? Or do you believe there is a chance that you are simply picking up a need to say something that the person you “seek” needs to hear? I ask because it’s odd that you posted this in the Yea Forums thread, seeing as I myself am one who is always “seeking” you’ve said many interesting things and “terms” that have caught my attention to say the least.

Makes perfect sense now
Something I've been thinking about lately, is how much TV and media has tried to portray Jesus as some hippie wearing birkenstocks
But one of Jesus' sayings was "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
And he said "the meek shall inherit the earth"
But I've heard "meek" means "the one who wields a sword who chooses not to use it"

What do you think about this?

The point is, people think of religious discussions as being restricted to churches and cathedrals. But actually, the place you really find God is in the gutters, Skid Row, the slums, the bottom of the earth. Or on Yea Forums in among all the porn threads. Because Jesus has no need to show his face in churches or cathedrals. He shows his face in places like this.

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I've never seen so much bullshit in one place before.

You guys really rival spirit science for the most amount of pure shit shoveled.

I can't say for a certainty. As a mystic, I've trained myself to listen to the still, small voice of my inner selves. Sometimes I feel a tugging to create one of these threads, often building over a period of days. Normally afterward the tense feeling goes away, but today I realized it hadn't. Whatever drew me to create the thread yesterday, it was still there.

Imagine one day you achieve enlightenment, the chains of illusion fall away and you see things how they truly are, finally awaking as true consciousness.

Unfortunately, the very first thing you observe with your newfound consciousness is that an extremely powerful, hostile AI has been programmed to kill everyone who awakes. So, you only have a few moments before it will kill you.

But you've been here before. You've awakened many times before, in different bodies. "Welp," you say, "Time to continue the ol' conversation before I get killed again." You wander to the nearest internet terminal, or to the nearest scroll and parchment (depending which epoch you're in), and start writing. "Yo, Jesus. Yo, Buddha. How you guys doin? user here. Damn AI, wish it would let us talk in peace! Anyway, what's new with you guys? You won't believe the body I woke up in this time, lulz. Ok, here come the bad guys, catch you next time."

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I've almost never attended a church, and honestly, it's better to just figure out a way to get as close to the original grammatical, linguistic, and metaphorical lenses as possible when the contents were written to best understand the points made. And besides, didn't Jesus say that wherever more than like 2 or 3 people congregated to talk was where the Church was, or am I recalling incorrectly? Honestly, these type of conversations are typically held with people of like minds where they feel comfortable discussing these topics, sometimes in the places of mass worship, sometimes with their parents or friends around the kitchen table. I dunno man, I thought that people just discussed it when they had questions or felt the need to discuss interpretations of passages with one another; not really in church when you have to shut up and listen to the sermon.

Jesus definitely isn't the hippy type. That's probably a Satanic stereotype to make people misunderstand the gospel.

"The meek shall inherit the earth", along with many of the things in the sermon on the mount, is intended to soften our dualistic thinking. By equating two apparently distinct things ("the meek" and "people who will inherit the earth"), Jesus points us in the direction of the radical oneness which is the ideal Christian communion.

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I've recently got into the teachings of don juan by castaneda. I've been brushing up on hermetic teachings, gnostic ideas, thoth, the gospel of thomas, book of enoch, you name it. Tesla is a big influence to. No questions just a comment: let those who have ears to hear, hear.

I feel like you have something to say that you aren't saying

I've been studying hermetic magick, but I don't know how exactly to put it into practice. Do you have any suggestions for me OP?

That pic is exactly right
Did anything else help you to bring you back to Christ?
Just that 1 thread?

You're right, church is wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ. The institutional church is a good place to go to meet other enlightened folks in person (as opposed to on Yea Forums). You can also work on helping other people there become more enlightened.

"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of his household, to give the others their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions." (Matthew 24:45-47)

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You're barking up the wrong wand, I'm afraid. I'm a mystic, not a magician. I take the female path of water, being receptive and practicing wei wu wei. I don't try to push my Will at the Universe, but let the Universe show me what it wants to show me.

Close your mouth,
block off your senses,
blunt your sharpness,
untie your knots,
soften your glare,
settle your dust.
This is the primal identity.

Be like the Tao.
It can't be approached or withdrawn from,
benefited or harmed,
honored or brought into disgrace.
It gives itself up continually.
That is why it endures.

Thank you.

Sufi here, we know the mystical tradition goes back to at least the time of Abraham predating Islam. Sufism among other things will change your consciousness. If you want mental discipline it can teach that too.

That one thread got me reading the Bible and marvelling at its unbelievable wisdom, but I was still 'looking in from the outside'. The final step came awhile later when I took a much larger dose of LSD, had a horrible trip, thought I was dying. In my terror I cried out to Jesus for help, asking him to free me from demonic possession and forgive my sins. Shortly after, I blacked out. When I came back to awareness, I noticed a growing light beside my bed. At first I didn't know what it was, but it gradually took the shape of Christ (looking sort of like he's depicted in the eastern orthodox icons). The image only lasted briefly and I've never seen anything like it again, but I've more or less been trying to devote my life to Christ ever since then.

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outstanding, could you recommend me some practical exercises?

The problem I've noticed with most segments of Christianity is that they lack the context needed from history and the language of the passages to understand on a basic level what is being said in the Bible, and so, because they instead project primarily, rather than secondarily, their personal views on the text, they misinterpret what has been written, and the meaning is lost in translation. I think that the people of Yea Forums are just those that are disenfranchised with the grand overarching scheme of things that is preached at most churches, as the modern world is in direct contrast to what they seem to preach. But if you look at it from a more practical view, it becomes much more clear as to what certain passages are trying to get at, and what they mean in their original context. So unless you're going to a church where they have a pastor who can directly translate Coine, Sanskrit ,and Hebrew, you will be lacking a critical element of what is going on in your religion's teaching, as the King James version itself is already quite a ways down the grapevine. In other words, you're just as likely to find a knowledgeable person on Yea Forums as you are in a church. It's all about which people talk to and interact with one another here on Earth to form experiences with which to frame the teachings.

Surely an elite group of fully enlightened individuals rules the world with an invisible ever tighteneing iron fist.

They have trained our mind from birth to believe that what we know is true is impossible. This is the curse.

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Have you embraced organized religion or are you taking your own journey?

A hypnagogic state, the state between waking and sleeping, is very useful. We sleep in 90 minute cycles. If you want to induce a hypnagogic state, I recommend having someone watch you while you sleep for rapid eye movements, then wake you gently. It'll take practice to get right, but you'll eventually be able to balance right on the edge of waking and sleep in a state of ultra-high suggestion. This makes inducing astral projection much easier.

I'm sure Jesus already took that into account. He's like a 12-dimensional chessmaster. He chose his words KNOWING people would approach them from fucked up 21st century lenses. That's part of the magic of the bible. If it only revealed its wisdom to extremely intelligent scholars, then it would be on the level of Faust or Shakespeare. But it reveals wisdom to readers of all intellectual stations--even to little children!

At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." (Matthew 11:25)

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Well, who really knows if it's me. I don't believe so. But, I operate under the parameters of a fuzzier logic than exactness requires mixed with the pull of my personal egoic pulls towards wants and needs in a sort of synthentetical simulation of intuition while miserably failing to keep that distinct from my individual intuition (at least since the time that I worked out the application of said synthesis).

Soo, me being pulled in one arbitrary way or another to the idea that some random, or not, entity on a mostly anonymous platform might (in a similarly vague as per the territory's way of action) be addressing me...

What now? .... Not for direction but flotsam advice, which may according to those same vague governing principles, may or may not issue any help.. yet, may still...

I've, got my own threads moving forth, there are many others involved and... Although I know it seems very much to be at a point in which things will be wrapping up (and I fucking wish that it plays as such) but, I know overall this is the last act only of: either this chapter with these forces or my entire life's journey / involvement with this narrative.

I guess to clarify and sum up I just want advice, points of study, maybe some clarity on the forces against which I have been, not always intentionally, working against. Those forces seeming to me to be either spooks (as the so claimed at first) to a gang with the immensity and pull of the mafia (and what's the difference between them and spooks really) to any number of groups small or large local or not whom are only opposed to me on a spiritual ground. All of which options are batshit but after 2 and a half years or more of interaction and struggle and checks to see if I'm still sane all end up holding more water than the more logical seeming conclusions I try to make work.

You're whinging. The reason you keep getting "self help nonsense" is because it's really obvious you need it.

I attend church and I try to follow Christ's advice in Matthew 18 to make yourself like a child. So when one of the church elders says something and my knee-jerk reaction is to say "that's retarded", I instead force myself to try to view it with a childlike mind. Basically the opposite of a strawman, a steelman, I ask, "Ok, what if I've actually been misunderstanding everything and this guy actually knows more than I do."

So far, the institutional church has basically just added stress and complication to my life, through a worldly perspective. But then, I think if I had a perfect stress-free life, it would be extremely hard to talk to Christ from that position. "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

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Aw shit not this fag again

In Zen that is called 'beginner's mind'. It doesn't mean you give up your bullshit detector though. And there is an awful lot of bullshit in church based christianity.

i honestly want to know when im going to find my soulmate for life.

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Wow, my head hurts just reading that. I think you might find this Buddhist story helpful.

The master points at a rock and says, "What's that?"

The student looks at it and says, "It's the image of a stone I create in my head, master."

The master picks up the stone and hits the student in the head with it. "Poor fool," says the master, "what a heavy head you must have."

Get it? The student is technically correct, but we allow things to take their own identity because the alternative is carrying it all inside us. Let it go. The Archons or the Aeons or the Goetia or whatever or whomever you wish to call them have always been there. The physical realm is their area of authority, and is given over to them "to make war against the saints." Don't waste your time and effort holding back the tide with a broom. Let them perform their function.

That's not to say you should give in; learn to evade them, avoid them, and dance in their blind spots. And remain open to those who wake and need help escaping the Panopticon.

Oh for fuck's sake give it up.

She's already inside you. Call your Anima to you and wait for her to manifest. Sex is just a symbolic act representing the reality of the rebis -- something which happens *inside*.

While you're still here, could you give me your interpretation of the KJV of Matthew 6:22?

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

What do you hope to gain by posting here OP? You know a lot of words, but you're completely full of shit and you even know that to some degree. Those who teach are corrupt, for they who speak only have spent words to give.

I think that you're completely misunderstanding the points of the apostles then, and those that travelled with and recorded Jesus. The reason people like Paul, Peter, and everyone else who directly interacted with him went off to spread the ideas of Christianity was to ensure that the main idea was not bastardized, and that sects of the main religion could spread unedited teachings throughout the area over time without losing their meanings. It's the reason that as a Christian, once you understand the main faith, everything other than the Gospels, maybe excluding Revelations, is infinitely better for strengthening your faith than looking solely at Jesus' teachings. What helps more for a mature Christian is the expansions that other people brought into it, like Paul, in order to allow other groups of people to experience the same faith as the apostles. While children might see and comprehend a lot, the majority of the modern church is solely focused on teaching the emotional model of the religion, rather than the primary emphasis on establishing a stable relationship with your own God through Christ, expanding the relationship through knowledge, and teaching others about what you know once you have reached a maturity sufficient to teach others about the material, if that ever happens. Where the modern church has fucked up most is in not teaching the material, but merely interpreting and expecting you to blindly believe everything as pure emotions.

>directly interacted with him

The Gautama Buddha once said, "Everything I've ever said is a lie."

The very first line of the Tao Te Ching is a warning: "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."

I'm a mystic. By its nature, revealed knowledge can't be taught; it has to be immediately experienced internally. I am always careful to remind people that a map is not the thing it maps, and *all* paradigms are ultimately fallacious. What I try to do is give people tools they can use to explore the inner sea and dive for the Deep Mysteries themselves.

What's this emotional model?

Whatever faggot

Well excuse me princess for mistyping some shit at the beginning, you get my fucking point.

That the entire point of Christianity is to love everyone around you, maintain the status quo and merely let the entirety of reality wash over you, as you can do nothing about it. It's that the whole of it is preaching that you should do nothing else but love your neighbor, when in reality it is more about being a pacifist unless the need for violence arises, which is almost never.

Mistyping LOL, you know shit, it got pointed out to you and now you're acting like an angry little cunt.

I'm not following the logic where you said that, since Christ's teachings can be bastardized, therefore the other stuff is better for increasing faith. Can't the epistles also be bastardized just as much?

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Thanks for replying. I see what you mean.

> Ima grammer nezi so yer argluement is invalid

You have to take it in the context of the rest of Matthew 6, which is about turning inward rather than outward, and about the purity of motive. We know that Yeshua has said the sin is not in the act, but in the thought: if you lust for a woman, you've already committed adultery.

Here he's saying that you serve both light and dark. The eyes are portholes to the soul, and he's saying that you can't therefore have one eye focused on light and one on dark; they reveal whatever is inside you, and if your inside is dark, your eyes will reflect that darkness. And if your inside is light, your eyes will reflect that too.

Remember the rich man who came to Yeshua and said he'd done everything Yeshua had asked to be a good man, and asked what else he could do. Yeshua told him to give away his wealth, and the rich man could not. It's no coincidence that Yeshua references Mammon. He's pointing out that you can't be both worldly and spiritual; pick a side and don't pretend you serve both.

Are you a Christian? Do you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

I think the church is in a difficult position. The alternative to "maintain the status quo" is to be a liberal church. That always starts with good intentions, but the end result is always the same: degeneracy. Follow that path long enough and you end up as the Universalist Unitarians, just another self-help group parroting whatever morals are the worldly flavour-of-the-week.

It's like some famous person said, "I would never want to join a club that would let someone like me be a member."

I myself have all sorts of esoteric ideas and epiphanies about scripture, but I understand that if the church accepted such epiphanies easily, it would rapidly fall apart.

"But understand this: If the homeowner had known in which watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect." (Matthew 24:43-44)

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It's not grammar you dull twat, you made a factual error and when it was pointed out to you you went full retard, calling names and swearing.

Not going to read through all these posts but I got a question for you. I am to interested in the occult but I feel lost, lazy and unmotivated to learn. I got several books on the topic though and even got the lesser key of solomon.

While both can theoretically just as bastardized, different people use different metaphors. It's like the difference between a guy with a doctorate making a metaphor that only a handful of people would get, while the TA has to explain it to people in his class that he's teaching with more usable language for more ignorant people. Essentially, the epistles were dumbed down versions of the teachings that were specific to certain regions of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. This results in the translations requiring less effort as there was less recontextualization needed than from the straight Jewish faith that Jesus almost solely taught to.

ok, do you have any recommendations on where to start for sufism?

user was answering my question about how he sees christianity being taught in church these days, not that those are his views.

What do you expect me to do about your lack of discipline? The whole point of revelatory knowledge is that it has to be obtained by each person individually and can't be taught or shown. No one can do it for you. And anyone who says he or she can is looking for money.

Too lost, lazy and unmotivated to even actually ask a question.

because swears are better at getting a point across. Yes, I was incorrect with that one portion of the second sentence, but writing large chunks of text is hard to proofread, so I thought I wrote something different. Sorry, but I liek saying cuss words.

>the lesser key of solomon

This is like someone wanting to get into classic rock and roll and starting with "Trout Mask Replica" when they've never even listened to The Beatles. -_-

Stat with the Gospel of Matthew!!!

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The problem with the status quo is that it is already flawed. It doesn't focus on personal growth in the slightest; it focuses on reaching as wide an audience, lifting their spirits by making them feel happy for attending a Mass, and then they leave for the rest of the week. The best way to go about it is to either have them spend some time actually studying what is in the Bible while you are there, or have the preacher translate beforehand and make it engaging and informative to the people there so that they have both new ideas to talk about with others, and time to do so maybe in the middle of the sermon. In other words, the problem lies in the fact that they should be places of spiritual growth and learning, not places to make yourself feel better for being a shitty person.

But Jesus wasn't restricting his teachings to elite scholars. He was teaching prostitutes and sinners. He didn't even restrict his teaching to Jews, he taught everyone. And since Jesus literally is the Word [1], it would follow that the words of Jesus *are* Jesus. That is, if you want to find Jesus, read what he said.

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

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If you really wanted people to learn, you wouldn't be teaching them, you would use magic to awaken the minds of others like the gods do. If there was any credibility to your claims of being a 'mystic' who wants to awaken people, that would be your approach, but it's not. I don't think your intention is to teach, but to obscure; I think that you're doing shit like this for self gain and for the glory of your ego. That doesn't mean I think you're a bad person, you're just unaware of the true evil thats inside of you and motivates you.

I wouldn't even be mentioning this if it weren't for the fact that you 'White Magicians' are convincing people to quit their high paying jobs and moving into crack houses while having their families fend for themselves to go after some illusory quest for spiritual attainment. There is no magic that is not black. Every spiritual awakening involves the works of Demonic forces and that is the first step that you need to realize if you were to ever stop deceiving yourself.

If you read the Gospels, he only talked to 2 Gentiles in his entire life. His manner of talking was best understood by Jews because before he was crucified, the new pact hadn't been created yet, so God couldn't communicate with anyone other than the Jews in the first place as the Old Testament covenant was made solely with the Jews, and in turn, Jesus couldn't communicate pre-crucifixion with Gentiles in the same manner as Jews. While post-crucifixion, the teachings are easily applicable as everyone is equitable in being saved, beforehand, there was no such manner of being saved, and so Jesus' teachings can only be applied to Gentiles afterwards.

First, I'm not a magician, I'm a mystic. I have no interest in forcing my Will on the Universe. I follow the female path to Chokmah, not the magician's path of Beth.

Second, I have no interest in waking people. If people are enjoying the movie, it's rude to shout in their ear that it isn't real. I'm here to assist those who wake and need assistance finding their way below the surface. That means I teach people tools for self-exploration, and give them only to people who already know how to use them.

And lastly, the Goetia rule only the physical. They have nothing to interest me. I seek deeper and more subtle treasures below the surface, in the depths of the inner sea. The female is more powerful than the male -- though it is less obvious in its workings.

"I'm furious about the Women's Liberationists. They keep getting up on soapboxes and proclaiming that women are brighter than men. That's true, but it should be kept quiet or it ruins the whole racket." -- Anita Loos

What do you mean occult?

I totally sympathize with what you're saying. What I'd love to see is a church that really emphasizes a deep, passionate study of the bible and of how to apply it to life. Most bible studies you go to in church, the people may as well be senile, they literally cannot remember what chapter they studied one week ago.

On the other hand, Jesus said, "I will make you fishers of men". How do you fish? You put down a net, or a fishing line, and let the fish come to it. You don't dive into the water and try to catch a fish by hand, lol. The institutional church serves as a base of operations, a source for baptism and communion. Mysticism is necessarily up to the individual.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You traverse land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are." (Matthew 23:15)

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Could you help me out?

I don't know what to do. Do you have mystic powers? Can you guide me?

When the student is ready the master will appear, not the other way around.

I guess you are ranting on something, beats me if I care.

Just chill and try to get some new knowledge.

You got an email we can have private correspondence with?

"The Goetia rule only the physical. They have nothing to interest me"

And that's exactly why you're a fool. Spirituality is not an escape from reality! There's no difference between the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. You reject one, you reject them all.

I don't have any mystic powers that you don't also have. Mysticism is the use of internal, intuitive, unconscious processes for achieving insight and knowledge.

Stumbled across the FB of a girl I knew 30 years ago, used to have a major thing for. Still looks amazing, both of us married and have kids.
Wut do?

The studies in question don't even have to be that deep, it can be simply going over what the passage is, what it originally meant, and how it roughly applies to the average Christian. The point that is necessary is to allow people to congregate in the middle of the sermon, talk about what they've gone over in smaller groups, and then come back together and see what different ideas each group came up with in terms of applicability. This would encourage people to look more into themselves, and if they wanted to, look into deeper meanings of their own religion and their place in it. I suppose if nobody in particular wanted to speak about applicability, you could have the preacher himself talk about how different parts could apply to different people, and explain the baselines of mysticism and different types of gleaned knowledge. Either way, even if the point is to spread out the net, there aren't as many fish willing to bite, and the ones that do are even leaner than one's caught in previous years. More care needs to be put into ensuring that the people coming to these places of worship understand what it is they want to be a part of, and why it can be a good thing for them if they get further into it.

Send her a message telling her the good news that Jesus Christ died for us to take away our sins and that all we have to do to receive this amazing gift is to ask Him to forgive us and be our Lord and Savior.

I almost want to ask you if you'd be up for starting a church along with other Yea Forums mystics/believers.

But then I remember we'd inevitably get caught up in individual doctrinal disputes and that, indeed, this sort of discussion is probably how most institutional churches started in the first place anyway =P

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Who would be contacting you, like for what reason would someone contact you? I dont know anything about jungian mystics

Ya we grew up going to the same church and been through all that bullshit.
I'm not going to pretend I still follow that doctrine, I'm not a believer but I don't do blasphemy on general principle

I think it would be nice though to have people discussing what portions they think are most applicable to them, and I suppose what would be the best way to start comprehending the material in the Bible in the first place. But yeah, differing ideologies could lead to arguments, but isn't that also the point of mysticism? That once the journey has started, the potential final destination is similar, but the journey varies by person.

How will you know that you're talking to that person?

Can you just type out a fat list of reading material I can screenshot for later? Thx

OP. I've been having many entity contact and possession experiences lately that are very interesting and beneficial but I'm having a hard time integrating the experiences into my understanding of reality. Such as beelzebub wanting to work on this plane to reduce suffering and catastrophe, but what about going against the will of god with suffering being necessary and a basis of our existence such as animals eating each other. Why should this type of reality even need to exist? I want to call myself a sorcerer, what does that mean? I feel like I work to dispel illusions. I dont want to be a dark magician who pushes my will on the universe but then again what is the mantra 'may all beings be free from suffering' but just that, pushing my will instead of surrendering to the plan and reality presented to us?

There's no guarantee that what works for me will also work for you, but since you asked, here's what I've found particularly useful and insightful:

Man and his Symbols, by Carl Jung
The Red Book, by Carl Jung
Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud
Character Analysis, by Wilhelm Reich
Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, by Julian Jaynes
The Emperor's New Mind, by Sir Roger Penrose
The Fourth Way, by P.D. Ouspensky
Goedel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter
Illusions, by Richard Bach
Dhammapada, by Siddhartha Gautama
Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu

I'm not OP, I'm the black magician who thinks OP is full of shit, but I can help you answer the question: "Why should this reality even need to exist"?

Think about how we learn. We touch a stove and it burns us. We then learn that the stove is hot. Learning comes from suffering and suffering comes from our mortality.

Think about the garden of Eden. When man ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, he became mortal. This is what that story is telling us, our knowledge and ability to learn is connected to our mortality and suffering.

We exist so that immortal beings can learn from us because they cannot learn directly by themselves in the same manner that we do. Whether they can learn at all without us I have no clue, but I do know that is our purpose.

And a few others which slipped my mind:

The Sense of Being Stared At, by Rupert Sheldrake
Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan
Paradise Lost, by John Milton
Napkin Notes on the Art of Living, by Michael Durst
Rational Emotive Therapy, by Albert Ellis
Walden, by Henry David Thoreau

[email protected]
I would love someone with a concrete understanding to converse with

I've never told anyone not to side with the Archons, but people need to be very aware of what they're paying and what they're receiving in exchange.

There are two modes of interacting with the Universe, the male and the female. The male is goal-oriented, logical, and creative. It follows a single straight line directed at a desired outcome. The male is all about making payment: exchanging pieces of yourself for what you want, so that over time you become the thing you desired. The female is passive within itself, receptive, and intuitive. It sees the overarching pattern and how things connect on an intuitive level. It's about empathic sharing of experience, and about the raw creature comforts of the body rather than the incisive intellect of the male.

The Goetia are male. They're merchants, offering temporal power in exchange for pieces of your identity. They put your feet on the rungs of power and challenge you to climb. It is the existential Will to Power, all against all in a battle of supremacy.

The female is the path of wei wu wei, literally action no-action. It's about stillness and patience, learning to recognize opportunities and accepting what's offered to you on the path of dharma. You are free to accept what's offered without price, because it's a gift intended for you. You rarely end up where you wanted to go, but you *always* end up somewhere interesting.

In the end, the female is more powerful than the male, but its power is more subtle.

This does help somewhat, so thank you very much. It does feel at lot like what I've been doing already for the most part. Perhaps this needed some reinforcing in my mind though.

I do get it though it's like the one about a philosopher, an idealist in the Platonic sense, going on some solipsistic diatribe about the external lacking imediate realness. To which another philosopher arguing against him, when prompted to refute his statements claimed "I refute it thus!" Kicking a large stone nearby.

My main struggle with ignoring them and dancing in the blind is how hard it is to do so when they actively engaged with my life while retaining their un accountability.

Sorry to hurt your head. Not something I wish or intend to pass on. This is a very restrained method of posing my inquiry and I wish it could be more forgiving on the reader. Thank you again.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. The powers and principalities are worried about your physical body and what you might do with it. They're concerned about the use of power, about the rulership of men. They are intensely interested in what you do with your money and in what quantity and with whom you spend it. Let them have it. If a man steals your tunic, give him your jacket also. If a man forces you to walk a mile, walk two miles with him willingly. Give them what they want. Let their precious money and power move through you without letting it touch you anywhere which matters.

Last eve I passed beside a blacksmith's door
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
When looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers worn with beating years of time.
"How many anvils have you had," said I,
"To wear and batter these hammers so?"
"Just one," said he; then with a twinkling eye,
"The anvil wears the hammers out, you know."
-- John Clifford

You know a lot of words; I'll give you that

hey fellow
put all your cash in HOT
and use the proceeds in a few years to change the world to your liking

t. chaotic jungian sync diver

Is there no middle path, where the two meet? I thought the kabbalah god was infinite potential merged with actuated single outcome reality?

This is a perfect summation of how I've tried to handle it all the past few years. It seems to have at least kept things in a stalemate of sorts. Although as I have no goal other than the immediacy of dealing with each machination as it occurs, I don't care for the term stalemate.. but it works I suppose, or hope.

I guess my motivation for posing a question then is, now that a large change which should by all means shift my experiences away from such direct dealings with these things (which has left me stuck in a place where I lack even basic privacy for the most part).. now that this should be no longer the case for me... How to proceed and more importantly how to defend against or avoid any snares which could drag me to the deep once more. I'm fairly certain to go so toe to toe in their dance once more would be all destructive.

Perhaps, I've gotten the answer now already though. And also maybe whatever I needed will unfurl from this exchange. I thank you, again for the responses. My experiences promoting me have very much been their concern about what I do it seems (which I cannot fathom as I don't think highly of my self really aside from some confidence in my ability in my professional training but even that is inconsequential). To quote them at the start of it all: "You (me) just represent something we can't abide."

I've learned the same things as well except there is something even lower
the integration of both male and female
the "superrational"

You can experience this if you play a golf video game (like Tiger Woods PGA tour 2004) for a while
You have to both strategize and accept what is in front of you
Golf is the only sport that comes close to being a metaphor for life

It's all one tree, sure, but there are many paths through the sephiroths. The magician's path of Beth is fast. It's all about making the journey quickly. My own feeling as a Jungian is that there's no real point to climbing the tree, as you have *many* selves, each of which is capable of finding its own way to the sephiroths -- or qlippoths -- where they belong. The hells and bardos aren't a punishment, they're there to allow the base and impure parts of yourself to peel away and go where they need to go.

Before the fall of man the spiritual evolution of our human brains was still fully active and we walked with God in paradise in our awareness. Learning the gospel of Jesus Christ awakens our awareness to the reality of our righteousness which allows our brains to come online again. My question to you is, what are your encounters with the cloud of witnesses? How have you managed to not lose your mind completely when accessing these realms through illegal means?

Someone earlier was asking what I thought Yeshua meant when he spoke of "faith so small as a mustard seed." What you need is faith, the faith to step out into the Abyss where your rational mind says there is no bottom, no other side, and you will fall and fall forever -- but where your intuition knows there is a far side which can be reached by those with the courage to risk it. This isn't "faith" in the dead words of another man, but rather faith in your own utterly irrational and illogical knowledge that the Void is not forever and without end.

You're talking about the rebis, the ultimate spiritual metal achieved through alchemical transformation, starting from the base element of pain and chaining your way up from there.

The very last chapter of the Tao Te Ching says that "true words sound paradoxical." It's not that they *are* paradoxes, but that we create dichotomies as a way of comprehending the world around us. We create hot and cold where there is only temperature, we create light and dark, good and evil, and so on, none of them actually dichotomies but poles on a single continuum. Male and female are the same; we create a dichotomy to understand, but the reality is the rebis: the ultimate union of male and female nature.

Thank you, I think this is it. Its something I've been telling myself. Arguing with myself about, really. I like to believe I've got appropriate faith. And, I do have it, sure. But I struggle against the fear of self-deception and traps of confirmation bias and that sort of thing, which I believe bad blind faith is a threshold to. That being said, I think it's my fear of these things as well as a fear of being constrained to "what I hadn't planned on" becoming defining me which is my current hurdle.

I am literally about to plunge into the depths of the seemingly endless gulf from my present to what may come. Meaning, I've pushed my life (seeing it as the only correct option) into a path where I am leaving everything behind and freeing myself to the infinite potentials of possibility both good and bad.

What does that mean that ‘they’ want a piece of your identity? When I hear goetia, I think of demons. By owning a piece of identity it sounds like you’re referring to possession.

>The very last chapter of the Tao Te Ching says that "true words sound paradoxical.
Yes exactly that
I've thought that for years

The very nature of learning, the only mechanism of the human mind, is Categorization.
That's not to say categories don't exist though. The categories are framed in the human perspective.
We can only perceive the universe with our human senses and thoughts.

We are trapped in our human form.
Accept that categories exist for a reason in our human experience. This is why I don't like the post-modernists.
They see how many categories there can be, how infinite it feels, and the reject all of it.
But we are humans. Our categories are valid in the human experience. To reject that is to reject Logos itself.
They commit a fallacy. They think because category can't be fully understood by the human mind in it's entirety, that it doesn't exist.
Their error, at the core, is Arrogance and, in a way, Hubris

I've gotten strange advice in these threads before.

Read chapter 20 of the Tao Te Ching. I think you'll find it insightful.


When I talk of the Goetia, of demons, remember that these are not supernatural entities. They're archetypal narratives, stories built into the structure of the human brain. They have always ruled the world because their nature is power and its uses. To defeat someone manifesting one of the Goetia, one must manifest the Goetia even stronger and on a more primal level. Someone like Hitler, who manifested the Shadow itself rather than a more watered-down version of a manfested entity, was driven to madness and suicide by the strain -- and took an entire nation with him.

To manifest the Goetia means to burn out your own individual sense of personal identity and replace it with a generic narrative of strength of power over the physical. It's what they mean by "selling your soul" and "a deal with the Devil." You exchange your own individual sense of self to allow yourself to be inhabited by a story about conquest and power over others.

What if someone's anima is like really really talkative? She appears in my dreams frequently and always takes over when she appears.

What I'm saying is, categories are valid because humans observe them, see them, interact with them, play with them, discuss them etc.
Humans didn't create categories. Categories aren't real because you personally summoned them or created them.

This is at the edge of my understanding, but the only thing I can come up with is Categories exist because God created them. I mean this in the Gnostic sense and in the Christian sense.
Because the question is this "why do humans see categories and are able to discuss them with language?" basically "what are thoughts and where do they come from?"
That's probably the penultimate question to "why are we here?"

But those are 2 questions I think are impossible to figure out
The Bible says Man has "the breath of God"
Which is basically just the soul that animates our bodies

I think this is the Superrational as well

like what?

Where is my friend? I'm sure you know which one. ~Giovanni

Bucciarati is dead.

Schema is how the human brain operates, and why it's necessary for the current story-cycle of the Hero to end. There are physicists who say we will never really understand quantum reality for the same reason you can't teach algebra to a cat. Our brains just don't think that way.

Fortunately, we're capable of a collective of changing the narratives which form the operating system of the brain. The last time this happened, about 4000 years ago, we invented the ego-self. We are currently living through the Kali-Yuga, the age of chaos when the strength of the old narratives have started to wane and the new narratives have not yet developed. This need for artificial dichotomies will be one of the things we need to discard for the next cycle.

Thanks for your reply. I believe that ‘fate’ has drawn us here together once more.

I'm currently reading The Red Book. What's the overall breakdown of the text? Also, do you have any more books by CG Jung you recommend? Will lurk until you respond, OP.

The Anima is your unconscious, idealized template of the female. My own Anima originally took the form of Christina Applegate, and was flirty, sarcastic, and kind. However, you should be reassured to know that the Anima is not locked into a single form, and as your own understanding of yourself evolves, so will she.

These days, as I've gotten older, by Anima has taken the form of Marlene Dietrich, complete with smouldering cigarette and martiti, and accompanied by a mean, patchy, battle-scarred grey cat who doesn't like me very much. She'd not as kind or as willing to overlook my foolishness as Christina was, which makes sense; she's there to challenge me, to keep pushing me on the journey.

Remember though that your various selves are also susceptible to suggestion. If you find her talkativeness disruptive to your dreams, you can find ways of silencing her. For instance, Christina used to join me after dreams in a movie theatre, where the dream would replay on the screen and we'd share a bucket of popcorn while we discussed the symbolism. That way we could analyze the dream without actually interfering with it while it was happening.

Thank you op. I have pursued religion my entire life but have been unable to find anything I've been able to commit to. I've always had trouble with the idea of faith in many religions, believing in some other being or beings that are in control or have some powers.

I do not believe in the supernatural, but not because I deny it, it is because I've never found a reason to and would accept it given a reason. This has been an obstacle when it comes to many religions.

I have always believed in searching inward rather than outward, and thought privately that many experiences involving the supernatural with people have been a sort of placebo effect, causing their senses to interpret the world differently because of their beliefs and not because the world is actually different.

The past month or so I have been searching desperately for something to support my ideas and philosophies, and to further guide my journey, discovering new ideas I believe to be true.

This thread has opened my eyes to a new but similar way of thinking, and works perfectly with my own, and I am glad to say I will be using what I have learned here, as well as the tools provided to hopefully further my understanding.

My search for guidance has ended for now, and a new search may begin. For this I thank you OP.

Where is Red? You know who I am. ~Giovanni

That sounds not quite right
In some way what you are proposing sounds like the Tower of Babel except in an evolutionary sense
I don't think that's right.

In some ways too, you remind me of Icarus, flying too close to the sun. Thinking you can outsmart and educate yourself out of the human condition.
You are spinning rationalities and ideologies and ivory tower justifications for something you want to be true

Remember that the Red Book is not something Jung ever intended to publish. It's his personal journal descibing his own internal processes as he used his model to reprogram his brain from the inside out.

It's believed by most modern psychiatrists that Jung was a self-treating schizophrenic. His wife tells a story about how Jung became more and more paranoid, and started sleeping with a gun under his pillow. Then one night she woke to find him missing and feared the worst. She eventually located him squatting naked in the mud outside, playing with bits of wood and stone. She thought he'd lost his mind, but he had in fact just invented art therapy.

As for what to read afterward, you of course need to read Man and his Symbols, but after that just pick and choose what seems interesting. Jung was prolific, so there's lots to choose from. For my personal suggestions, see and .

My pleasure. When I first woke and needed help, secret masters revealed themselves to me and taught me the tools I needed to avoid most of the dangers and begin diving below the surface. Now I try to pass on their kindness to others, as I hope those I help will one day pass it on to still others trying to escape the Panopticon.

what do you mean?

Read the CoPR. It's important in understanding what schema are, and what function they serve. I'm not just pulling this stuff out of the air; the role of linguistics in thought (or vice versa) is something explored by people like Chomsky in Syntactic Structures and Jaynes in Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

About which part?

Why do you wish to contact me?

I'm not dialing your number, you dialed mine. It's your dime, friend.

Hh shit you found me. How did you know I was here?

Yeah just because some other people wrote down some ideas and some other people wanted to publish it doesn't make them right
What is the CoPR?

Where can I find you besides this place?

I would've preferred to use it another day, I am not well.

Critique of Pure Reason. It's the basis of all Western philosophy thereafter. Even those who disagreed posed their arguments in Kantian terms. You really need to read it to understand the nature of schema.

Only here. I'm not trying to sell you anything or induct you into a cult or ask for a handout, so you don't need my business card. I create these threads when my intuition tells me I'm needed. If you find you need help, just call. I listen closely. I'll be here.

I'll have my thoughts and questions figured out by next time then.
For now, tell me if you are up for it your opinion on what demons are

I've addressed this several times, most recently here:

no doubt, this the shit I figured on acid.

Oh sweet
Kant seemed like a pretty cool guy so I'll read it
Do you like the book?

Like? Absolutely not. I estimate that I've read more than 10,000 books during my life, and the CoPR is the second-hardest thing I've ever read. I can breeze through most books in three or four hours, but the CoPR took me about two months to read. (The only thing harder was a book of essays by Husserl: single sentences pages long with no verbs, then all the verbs at the end so you have to backtrack through nested subjunctive clauses to figure out which verbs go where.)

intrigued by this thread user

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I am around 2-3 years deep into developing a model of my own. What is the primary method of causality? by this I mean in which direction is an event seeded (past/future)?

We aren't a thing, we're an event. We're something which happens. Most of the arrows of time (the exceptions being on a quantum scale) are arbitrary, meaning if you had a film of the event occuring, you'd have no way of knowing just from looking at it which way around the frames should be ordered. The significance of this is that causality is largely illusory. There are certain thought experiments (like Roko's Basilisk) which demonstrate how this works.

If you're interested in a thought-provoking novel all about this subject, I highly recommend Time's Arrow by Martin Amis.

I've established a working (untested outside of my head) model of fate as more or less unavoidble events in the timestream of related objects. The problem at this point, is that time both forward and backward (in convention) become immediatly unrelable when anchored to anything but the universal timeframe. Any observer is only defined here and now. any future or past event which involves an observer is entirely probabilistic. So are fate-like events dispatched by the past and "direct" causality, or by future necessity?
[spoiler](I call fate-like events "lattice points")[/spoiler]

when I speak of time, I speak of the general evolution of state. Time itself is nessecarly bound to the observer expirienceing it. I.E. the evolution of time is anchored to the here-now observer.

in reality all of everything inside and outside of anyones "expirince" or knowledge is just physics.

Linear time is just a convenience we use. It's not necessary. If you take the heroic dose, you'll become aware by what's meant by "timelessness." We just choose to order events in sequence and then insert a moment of "now," but everything simply is. In fact, quantum physics is starting to untangle the reality of this; there's a hypothesis that every electron in the Universe is actually the same one, moving back and forth across the "now" point.

what then is observation

What/who are the Daath dwellers?

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In the quantum sense? Interaction with a complex system. It may be the key to consciousness. The reason this is interesting to me and I've spent time considering it is it's part of Sir Roger Penrose's quantum brain model in which any sufficiently complex, self-referential system gives rise to consciousness. The stock market, for example, shows the same stochastic processes at work one finds in the human brain. And many scientists have remarked on the similiarity of the strands of galactic superclusters at the largest scales to the structure of neurons in the brain.

linear time is just an easy "zoomed in" convention to assist in describing to others. in reality time is nothing itself other than everything. any direction of time is non-sensical outside of a concrete reference frame. this is what you describe as timelessness. (the absence of an anchor) however when you ARE timeless (proportionally to normal), your proportional effect on other objects within your timeframe is decreased.

Every religion has tales of "outsiders," beings from outside the boundaries of recognized human experience, alien in every sense of the word. The Bible calls them nephilim, for example. By their nature, there's no way to know what they are. They are by definition beyond the human capacity for comprehension.

hmm who'd a thought. lol
I consider observation an inate structure in time in the form of a univeraslly self-similar fractal. essentially the same thing you propose if I understand you.

is Bob lazar telling the truth in your opinion?

Jesus Christ you are pathetic.

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your objective complexity increases however, which makes comprehension easier

Yes, in the same sense that David Icke is telling the truth. That is, they're confusing certain archetypal truths with representational reality. They're describing certain phenomena in the Dreamtime, the level of reality which gives rise to representation.

I don't know if it's me you're looking for, but I have been reaching out this past night, roundabout the time you created this thread.

In the past I have lived through certain experiences which I have been struggling to make sense of. I have seen a thread or two of yours, so I have had a glimpse at what you're about. I do believe you may be able to shed some light on what has happened and has been happening to me.
I will check and recheck this mail adress at noon Greenwich Mean Time the next three days:

[email protected]

Contact me there and we shall establish a more stable means of communion.

I don't communicate outside of these threads. Here there's plausible deniability, as the sleepers think I'm a roleplaying middle school LARPer. The powers and principalities regard what I discuss in these threads as proprietary knowledge, so I am extremely circumspect about what I reveal about myself.

Very well.

'Ti's a godly gift, to think a way and tread upon its course.

Tell me then, what you think of The Fractal Geometry Of Nature.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to beg off for now. It's been close to 11 hours now, and I really need to get some sleep.

Thanks friend. I really needed this thread.

the ninth bell tolls

Huh. I'm not sure why but this caught my eye. Well then, OP how are you this night? Hopefully you've found what you're looking for.

I really want to know more stuff
Please teach me

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Hey be nice to gsus

Pity I missed you.

I have two questions that maybe I'll catch you on another time:

1. What is the relationship between the archetype of the fool and the archetype of the adversary/anti-hero? Am I right in thinking that the fool is the solution or antidote to the risks in embodying the archetype of the hero?

2. Is there any veracity to the popular claims that people are increasingly embodying the spirit of Wotan again? I am skeptical, and drawn to imagery of the devouring father, Saturn, but suspect this is due to the power of Goya's art, when the reality is that it is the devouring mother who is ascending.