Cock rate?

Cock rate?

Attached: 20180509_080850-1.jpg (1668x2998, 320K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that cock is so perfect it looks like a dildo


Attached: shiet.jpg (908x1210, 246K)

That's a very pretty dick.
I say 9/10 because no dick is a perfect 10, r-right?

Attached: received_2175260666136706.jpg (1296x2304, 89K)

10/10 always for white dicks

Attached: EF333536-35BB-425E-806D-AD8DEA84650C.jpg (434x528, 43K)

Attached: 6ecMwws.jpg (4608x3456, 1.24M)

Fucking pathetic dick.

One more.

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (640x480, 50K)


Attached: 987BC6B8-196F-427E-9393-2648300C8D24.jpg (1200x1600, 124K)

Hung like a Muppet kek

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Attached: 20190608_082352-01.jpg (2160x2880, 297K)

3/10 that's a pathetic cock bro

Fair enough

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Attached: IMG_1101 - Copie.jpg (746x1167, 197K)

Fuuuck I wanna taste it

Attached: 1521.jpg (3480x4640, 1.63M)

nice body and cock, 8/10. post moar

Oh my fucking god pls more

fuck dude, the jew doctor left your dick skin tight as fuck. Can you jerk without lube?
Strangely looks kinda like an FTM frankencock lol

Attached: 267389.jpg (750x1334, 79K)

Attached: 20190701_182855.jpg (4032x1960, 1.81M)

Why you always in the fucking dark? Or have different pics?

cause he doesnt go out much

good size, shape, color--8/10. post moar

Sup Anons

Attached: IMG_20190705_171922738~3.jpg (2788x3426, 1.69M)

Makes sense

small but cute, moar!

Attached: 6702E913-A8B9-4568-A2F7-AC451D055B8E.jpg (960x1280, 226K)

Rate my 7 inch cock?

Attached: IMG_20190702_215542.jpg (1944x2592, 1.34M)

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What do you think of my transition?

Before (soft)

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-184707_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 421K)

awesome tightness in your circ. 7/10 overall, 9/10 circumcision

After (3/4 hard)

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-184712_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 443K)

good foreskin

Attached: xxx.jpg (960x720, 80K)

Attached: 2019-07-07 02.30.14 1.jpg (3035x2348, 1.57M)

I'd love to see it in full glory

8x6 Inches. Plz rate!

Attached: E4FCB2EC-155A-4D05-AD62-9EA75375C671.jpg (640x640, 110K)

nice dick, but smaller than 8x6

great thickness and foreskin, 8/10

great circumcision

Yeah I’d want to see it measured

Judge me.

Attached: IMG_0624.jpg (3264x2448, 1.99M)

Attached: 59391064-80E2-4E72-93B8-01570D167AFD.jpg (958x2180, 364K)

Looks very pleasing
Great job on shaving

I love it. Would you let me suck it?

There you go

Attached: 133447F5-8672-473D-A46D-69E9EB1E98E1.jpg (1224x1632, 437K)

Hi guys

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Attached: A4B05E17-C70A-4FA6-BD35-E42FB03AA97C.jpg (712x950, 47K)

nice foreskin



Attached: 4BAB03BC-68E1-4E03-981B-5EF6E4BD5895.jpg (2968x1668, 967K)

Attached: 1086AB38-7F76-48A7-88F8-B183D6995749.jpg (1024x769, 107K)

Looks more like 7.5” but still impressive

Thank you I’ll take it lol

Attached: 20190707_092836.jpg (4032x1960, 1.28M)

Kik me at M8inthick if you like what you see

Attached: 23D53F4A-F12F-4B0D-843D-4B4A04AE5E65.jpg (3088x2316, 1.85M)

I dont kik but wish I could suck your niice cock

Attached: (2).jpg (647x1331, 419K)

Thanks anons.
What about this angle?

Attached: IMG_0622.jpg (3264x2448, 1.95M)

Do you like my 18 yo cock?
Kik QGlitch

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7/10 in my mouth pls


Pic version btw

Attached: 1562546547262.jpg (1536x1152, 192K)

I want rates and feedback :/, keks

everything looks good. looks thick

great thickness


Attached: xxxx.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

nice ass cock. clean, fair skinned and long easy 10/10

Attached: IMG_7057.jpg (2448x2871, 1003K)


What do you think?

Attached: 02497C02-A09F-4B0A-AA5F-357197D066D2.png (750x1334, 1.27M)

Another one

Attached: A3345502-320F-445B-9D98-425A5E21D394.png (750x1334, 1.06M)


Alpha male cock. 9/10

the foreskin there is ready to die basically

damnn bro. 9/10

Big fat dick. How is mine?

Attached: 20190707_181535.jpg (4032x2268, 1.16M)

Heres another?? Am i good?

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-181746_Gallery.jpg (1080x2220, 994K)

It‘s a bit on the smaller side but you’re fine. Very suckable cock.

So bi for it 8/10

Let me suck your balls

How does this twink look?

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.59M)

8/10 l like your dick op, more

1/2 balls


More please

Thanks user, more it is.
Wont let me post my others.
Enjoy some butthole too.

Attached: IMG_0618.jpg (640x480, 83K)

Is my cock any nice

Attached: 5547D7D3-4791-4437-A953-BF77E124C630.jpg (1492x1123, 306K)

Yes sir

Attached: PSX_20190707_223133.jpg (2469x2811, 718K)

I‘m sorry man. Maybe being a cuckold is something for you

Your balls hhhnnnggg

Your Balls are nicer than your cock

Attached: ADCCC973-7FFD-4596-8592-50DD25D54573.jpg (1024x769, 62K)

Shut the fuck up fat retard, his cock is really nice. Go talk to somebody with a body as lousy as your own lmao.


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I’m actually a female and your dick isn’t gonna make up for your disgusting gut


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Attached: Gre.gif (320x213, 1.59M)

white claw pretty good

Attached: 2.jpg (576x768, 47K)

Stop posting your dick. You’ve got a legitimate sickness, user. I’ve seen you posting your dick way too much to assume you’re even healthy.

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Your dick isn’t special. Nobody cares.

Attached: 1E62F282-2F89-4F73-9678-C2DFD09392A2.jpg (1920x1080, 376K)

Imagine obsessing so hard about your dick. Bet this guy gets zero pussy irl

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Check my cock out boiz

Attached: Carol-Kirkwood-Leaked-9-thefappeningblog.com_.jpg (2448x3264, 748K)

Bet your face is ugly af too

10/10 would totally sword fight lol

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Ugly weirdo self obsessed narcissist/10

what about feminine penis?

Attached: 40.jpg (1588x2553, 714K)


Attached: 2CD6B40A-1C65-4527-BF8D-DFEDEBAEE34B.jpg (2027x2983, 1.37M)

So hot can you show bent over spread?

It's the best kind of penis.

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A reddit user with big tits.

Attached: 4C726B6.jpg (2204x3920, 1.19M)

Attached: 377fa4ff-2925-488f-917d-37a406e3f316.jpg (600x490, 31K)

that cock is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life O.O

your cock is great but it looks dirty somehow

Attached: c85615ff-25fe-433b-9c79-1a6ce18d6ebf.png (739x1582, 1.07M)

Snap for dick rates eric.c815


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Rate pls

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7/10 cool percings
sorry but that looks like a turd, 4/10

Attached: IMG_20190515_224725.jpg (1984x1488, 1.23M)

9/10 looks amazing..

thanks bro


fucking gross

Attached: 2a9ea07d-61f7-4e17-970c-da832fbba2d5.jpg (600x800, 54K)


Attached: woah.jpg (800x534, 91K)

nice ass, can i fuck?

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Attached: 20160825_145500.jpg (1280x720, 283K)

can you post with legs and ass showing?

Attached: Photo on 7-7-19 at 12.18 AM.jpg (1080x720, 175K)

circumcision scar looks like a poo ring

no I meant like your calves sorry

Attached: webcam-toy-photo1.jpg (800x600, 34K)

Attached: $$$.jpg (575x770, 82K)

Would suck, swallow, and clean up

9/10 would ride it all night long
8/10, making my mouth water
7/10 perfectly average, a good regular fuck dick
7/10 A bit of extra rubbing is always good
7.5/10 thick and powerful looking
9/10, so hard and hefty
8/10, perfect hood to tongue under

Attached: 90318512-DADB-499C-ACB9-FCB7052357FD.jpg (1536x2048, 992K)

where’s the coloured cocks at, let’s get some variety in here!

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Attached: VID_20180318_031914.webm (712x400, 1.82M)

Attached: 5VCEWHE.jpg (1300x1733, 151K)

I’m super petit so you are perfect

would anyone record themselves cumming handsfree and send it to me on kik?

Attached: 92F14431-6420-45A6-A481-84D4657C56E3.jpg (2048x1536, 713K)

Had to crop cuz of image size limit

Attached: 01197D8D-30E2-4A2C-8111-E2A03780A929.jpg (4032x2415, 1.89M)

lovely cocks, anons

also down to show more on kik

Attached: 1348.jpg (2592x1944, 970K)

Do you have more vids? Asking for a friends who wants to suck your dick.

Big boys kik me - elipsisist

chad body

Attached: 1560004420780.jpg (500x742, 31K)

Attached: monster cumshot2.webm (332x540, 1.2M)

Rate me please

Attached: 4ABC626F-8C1D-47C2-A6CE-18FCDA4E6368.jpg (2048x1536, 724K)

Attached: IMG_20190706_040904.jpg (3000x4000, 1.22M)

fuck me that’s hot. any more?


Attached: nigger cock.jpg (230x219, 12K)

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Attached: 75F43FF4-E517-4821-875A-C9737FDA74B3.jpg (736x783, 118K)

9/10 so hot

Sauce on image?

Got Kik?

whats your kik



Attached: 905F6EDF-7254-4695-AC2E-40C2FF1C7BD2.jpg (1125x1328, 665K)

Attached: 101611_082004.jpg (2645x1998, 982K)

gotchu covered

Attached: big cock cum.webm (1080x1920, 1.29M)

Oh fuck
I need your Kik dude

Attached: image0 - 2019-06-25T233746.420.jpg (485x960, 63K)

Kik: marlkd

Attached: IMG_20190708_013701.jpg (819x749, 132K)

I like what I see

8/10, very thick.

Attached: C7C62483-F371-4891-9014-3F5E74437F10.png (1080x1920, 1.94M)

Oh my god i would throat that so hard

Here’s another one

Attached: 8752C1D1-569C-409A-906E-D5A2DDFE0AA2.jpg (1536x2048, 410K)

Attached: photo_2019-07-08_02-44-01.jpg (959x1280, 93K)

Kik me billgates 565

Attached: 20190706_143233.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Attached: 20190707_183546.jpg (2560x1440, 536K)

I bet you would

Attached: 1562569955795.jpg (1536x1152, 423K)



Attached: IMG_6739.jpg (1536x2048, 1.11M)

Attached: 20190628_074256.jpg (3264x2448, 1.75M)

I'd lick that up and down, get it nice and wet and ride that till you pumped my ass full of hot cum

Honestly can't tell what's going on with that head.

Im done trying upload my pic in its orginal position, download and rotate it you wanna. This site is fucking aids man

what's the deal with your abdomen dude? you have some kind of birth defect?

Attached: 1527755357438.jpg (2000x1500, 468K)

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Attached: 20190708_023653.jpg (1080x1687, 812K)

I got a tight foreskin when im hard, its whole process you have work on relaxing it but most of the time im lazy so i just jerk with it up ha

I need this in my life.
Or just in me.

pehronis disease/10 talk to your doctor (not kidding)

quality chungus



Attached: 20190708_033733-1.jpg (2188x2285, 857K)

what fuckin site

10/10 more

Can any of you tribute my boyfriend? I want someone to break his asshole

>quality chungus

Attached: 1514442081092.gif (488x463, 81K)

monster i love it

Attached: photo_2019-07-08_02-44-04.jpg (959x1280, 87K)

Your kik?

Looks tasty

how do u like mine?

Attached: eGg6Cla.png (720x960, 1.07M)

100% Alpha cock


well fug thanks i got more if you want to message me on something


i can download it

where are the latino cocks?


showmeyurpp is my name

Always wanted to suck dick through boxers

Rate my cock 7.5

Attached: DE315A2E-4266-42F3-811C-5DB20A570465.jpg (750x1334, 109K)

late night strokers?

yes I do

Attached: VID_20180318_031914_1.webm (712x400, 1.89M)

9/10 dick and ass. I'd love to slide my tongue under that foreskin.

uhhh, would you mind giving this a tribute with that thing?

Attached: E377B00C-235E-4925-B4E5-45637132EDC9.jpg (2358x3146, 1.89M)

boipussy or girl pussy

Never ending cock rate thread

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2320, 988K)

Attached: ayo nigger.jpg (384x512, 78K)

Rate please?

Attached: BD33A3F0-A5D8-4CB9-8876-8C2F603C63E2.jpg (325x322, 41K)

Attached: IMG_20190322_004639.jpg (2079x4032, 755K)

I’m outside. What do you want me to do? K I k this pic and a request to burner1356

Attached: AD892B89-72CF-44C8-AE49-1A73AE3F14A4.png (750x1334, 1.51M)

Going inside soon. K I k me what you want me to do to myself in the bathroom. Burner1356

Attached: 98AB2761-1EE1-43F8-A1FF-A336FE5D35A0.jpg (1080x1920, 332K)

rate pls

Attached: 1562324143337.jpg (1256x888, 380K)

11/10 would fuck

I’ll bump myself lol

Attached: 23BA38AE-F079-4147-B9A6-A17646C45756.jpg (1024x769, 59K)

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Attached: IMG_20190706_040911.jpg (3000x4000, 1.21M)

Wicked case of morning wood

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2320, 1.29M)

Can you please post more of these

Hope it's good

Attached: Screenshot_20190708-135342.png (1080x2160, 1.36M)

Went to craigslist to find dick picks. Yea Forums doesn’t disappoint. Fuuuuck me. Master bating next to my sleeping husband.

what r8 m8?

Attached: B1BCDDCB-CFD9-44E2-8967-90A5130AD512.jpg (3088x2320, 830K)

How’s this one doing it for you?


Surprised someone hasn’t said anything about my morning wood lol, whether good or bad


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