GF and I had a fight. Cheer me up pls

GF and I had a fight. Cheer me up pls.

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hi user,
what did cha fight about?

Fuck you


I dont have a gf does that help you? Maybe feel better than me?

i bet she needs cheering up too
give her a cuddle and a kiss on the head
once you have both calmed down you can communicate about your feelings and what happened



She and her roommates are super close and play grab ass a bunch. There’s some stuff going on from before I showed up, and without going into detail, I told her that I really wasn’t cool with her roomies exposing themselves all the time and constantly grabbing my junk/ass. Apparently I just don’t “understand the dynamic”

Is this roomate male or female?

I could see more problem if its male grabbing your junk. What kind of "Stuff" was happening before you showed up?

grab their ass and titties and see how they react
sounds like it will lead to fucking

One female, one male. They are a couple and have known my gf for ages. They’re cool people, I’m getting real tired of seeing random dick and tits everywhere. And I’m not fond of all the jokes about how they used to fuck before I showed up. They usually shut up when I tell them to though, since I’m the only one old enough to buy booze and they know I’ll cut them off

You need to hurt those degenerates where it counts. The fag is hiding behind the skirts of these lesbians it doesn't mean they don't do dirty shit. For your health please destroy these people

He’s not a fag. He’s dating my GFs roommate. Honestly he’s pretty chill. He’s just a dude caught in the middle like me. The other chick is the big problem

The saddest part about this is that I genuinely like her, but I can already tell this is going to be a fucking horrible relationship unless she just completely 180°s, but I’ve been single for a while now and I’m eager to actually have a serious relationship. Its shit.

You're describing a literal gangbang where you're going to have to join and fuck the gross bitch sooner or later so it's not the case where tú hey laugh behind your back. Idiot

Nah. I’m not down for that shit and I’ve told her.

I did not read that.

>swinging dick in my gfs face that have to see + jokes the kind of ugly shit they say to your face
> not getting into a fight with this guy

So which is it?

I did fight him once. I’m always the bad guy though. It’s always “You just don’t get how close we all are. We’re family, yada yada yada”

Which is also why we’re fighting now. I told her to quit playing grab ass with strangers and I’m the bad guy

You need to do something ugly and fucked up before dumping her to the curb to redeem your faggotry. Don't take that shit from anyone. Just hurt her and leave. Tell her it was a fun to mediocre fuck but whores are better.

I’m going to have a talk with her after she gets back from drill next week. See if we’re gonna work out. I’m not down to waste anymore of my time

She's at my flat with me, we're talking. She says she feels a little better but doesn't quite want to go home yet and suggested some coffee and I said yeah. So im not gonna fuck her or anything, lol don't worry

Yup gotta play childish games sometimes to fuck children.

You're already cucked. Don't even bother just leave. Ghost her ass. No talking no nothing.

What bothers me is the jokes as if past shit wasn't perverse bullshit enough already

Wait until she gives you AIDS. Do you not realize how unbelievable that conversation is? Are you getting played like Adam sandler in one of his movies?

But why did you stay?

She’s two years younger than me. We were in the army together. She’s still in. I’m out.
Nah I ain’t with this cuck shit. I know she hasn’t done anything in the time I’ve been with her. I trust her, I just don’t like these kiddie bullshit games. I told her to take a week and figure out if she wants to keep going, if not, I’m not asking twice. As cool as she is, I’ve been in shitty relationships before, and I’m not eager to sink more time and money into another one. Are there any actual decent girls out there? And by decent I mean loyal and mature? I’m having doubts at this point

We haven’t been together that long, and it’s not like it’s just her. She keeps trying to get me to get with her roommate. I just want a normal functional relationship

I’m going to give her a week away to think about her shit. The part that gets me is that she suddenly expects me to be 100% devoted to her roommates too because they’re her “family”. I don’t care one way or the other about that “family that isn’t blood” shit, but I signed on to date and build a relationship with her, not her roommates I’ve known for a month.

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Your gf and the couple are an item. Good for them. If you want to mix in, nows the chance. If not, disappear immediately.