Would you guys even bother coming here anymore if Andy disappeared?

Would you guys even bother coming here anymore if Andy disappeared?

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unironically no

I am forever grateful for the user that logged this boy up.

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Yeah people would be so sad that you didn't samefag your own threads all day

Mature, sliddo...

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Grow the fuck up, you don’t want to get me going.

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Take your meds


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I love you

I don't love you

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>getting this mad for being called out as a samefag
>there's your proof


meds: take them.

is it the Russians?

stay mad kid

take your meds kid

This place just wouldn't Yea Forums cool without logs.

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Logless shill

Why do you assholes keep feeding this asshole?

so he can produce logs dummy

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>Would you guys even bother coming here anymore if Andy disappeared?
I'd by a Gold Pass in celebration of the day

bonus question

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hooker boots

Who is Andy?

tbh probably not


Old fag here. I have no clue who this guy is and at first I hated these threads. But then I began to enjoy them. Miss them. Feel incomplete if I don't see one. Now I realize log threads are part of me.

based and poop-pilled

Logged and cream-filled

Logs are the only good meme left on here

Dreamed and steam-filled