A man gets dubs
A man gets dubs
No me
This is the word of our Lord
A man is a faggot.
A man is a faggot
Check 'em
I am a GOD
Bow to our new dubs lord.
no u
This is how you get dubs
Cursed thread faggots
and another winner
Puny God!
a man has no dubs
There are TWO dubs!
Dubith I say.
Of course there's no a third dub
rolling 4 get
There is one G!
Still a cursed thread.
Only true men get dubs
About to ruin this thread with trips, check em faggots
I never win :(
There seems to be something lacking?
try try again as long as it is free
i ll do it
i don't want dubs.
fuck off jesus this be my world now
The this is the thread for you
if this be dubs then todays national jerk off day
Congrats, you got the least impressive possible numbers
check them
roll again
51 posts
there should be at least 5 dubs
how about trips?
1/2 of 1
Lets get this bread
triple double
if i get dubs everything will be a ok in the end.
We need more dubs
If i get dubs i am going to kms
do a flip
That was sign bros
Bye son
Would have happened to me too if I said such a foolish thing.
dubs say trump is the antichrist
The Anti-Christ will not be a human.
He is the devil.
He will in his supernatural form claim to be the Second Coming of Christ here to Rapture folks away. All lies.
Trump may be the false Prophet who will tell you those lies are true.
But you must choose not to bow when you eyes tell you that you are seeing a miracle.
It is not a miracle. It is a lie.
Get it?
Those who demand proof to believe will get it yet still be fooled.
They call this event the final Trump.
I find that ironic.