Let's see what Twitter thinks of pedos

Let's see what Twitter thinks of pedos

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Jesus fucking christ. They Ban Tommy Robinson but not this depraved shit?

ya man stephen yaxley lemon is a prize cunt
>so is this paedo but am sure if you report it will get banned also

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phedosexuallity has been fighting against your oppression you bigot.
love knows no age homophobe.

We will rise against your oppression you fascist nazi

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I voted for Trump and will make sure all of you pedo loving fucks burn in hell with no testies

Please stop, you don’t want to get me going.

most child sex offenders aren't true pedophiles like she's talking about, for whom it's about genuine attraction and love like a normal relationship. for most offenders, it's for the love of the power and abuse. that's the dangerous part about legalizing it for really young kids; but the aoc should be lowered to 11 or 12, maybe an affirmative defense for younger (i.e. criminalized by default but you can prove it wasn't abuse)

Fucking pedo

compelling counter argument

You sound like a pedo.

Pedos should be eliminated

Any person who acts on feelings for someone who is under age is wrong morally and legally

Why are there so many moralfags?

that's a lot of name calling in one post

>I voted for Trump
le epic win my dude.

Children are just off limits dude, they're too young to know what they want, any who takes advantage of this is a PEADOPHILE


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It's been like this for a while now. All these anti-pedo threads, moralfags in the loli and doll threads, that fucking raid last month. This place is just all divorced soccer moms now I guess.

ok but underage according to who?
31 US states, 16
11 European countries, 14
South Korea, 13
Phillippines and one mexican state, 12
another mexican state, puberty
some muslims, 6 or 9 depending on activity.

what's your grand compelling argument for whose line is morally correct, and what evidence do you have for it that's not going to be immediately rebutted by the usual cites in these threads?

Looks like your account has already been suspended user. Welp, maybe you'll start a firestorm of pedos taking to twitter thanks to those powerful words of ours :)


Everything I'm against is bait.

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This place was way more fun a couple weeks back, I like the warm weather and all but crikey bollocks does this place go to shit in summer

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the day of the rope will come, whether you're posting ironically or not

How many drugs are you on? Combining drugs with schizophrenia is a big nono.

the scientific studies back up that point.
the rind study was publicly denounced by fucking congress because people were so butthurt that their assumptions it was just so terrible were proven wrong.
every attempt to contradict that and the followups includes things that are abusive and/or illegal even if you did them with an 18 year old.

based Amos

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notice as the age gets lower the people become dirtier, more degenerate and more deserving of nuclear freedom bombings lmao.

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Weak ass faggots id kill pedos with my own hands without feeling anything of regret. Just kill all of them except if they want to die

Basement dweller thinks he would actually achieve anything

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>become dirtier, more degenerate

2024 US the AoC will be 12 by that metric (same with most of europe)

Most of Europe isn't 12 lol

fuck off


A shame the account got banned already, would have loved to read through the comments

idk why, but Jackie brings me some comfy nostalgia

>getting yourself on a watchlist for (You)s
Hey there, I like you. You amuse me.

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I've got a nice noose waiting for any pedophile about to fuck my kids

Nice Hitler dubs
Also how do we get this person to kill themselves?

Any politician that takes up that fight needs to dangle from a flagpole.

I can show you some of the comments, I recorded videos sifting through tens of thousands of comments.


This is grait bait

>actually believing this

You need therapy.

Wtf NEWFAGS let me fuck kids moralfags
also samefag

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why isn't pedo prostitution thriving in that one country that has age of consent set to 9?

>not reading the scientific studies believing that you've refuted their arguments by telling them to receive therapy

It probably is

Cause Islam

It's probably thriving in many countries, just that you have to be careful asking around or you might get killed

read the legend.
>must be married

OP here. I found this video on youtube of this crazy nigga responding to my twitter posts. He sounded genuinely like he was going to fucking kill someone. Haha, I guess I really stirred people up with my ideologies, problem is if we live in a free country that was backed on freedom of speech, I can express these views. Hope the nigga in this video doesn't have an aneurysm. It's very ironic that people are calling me a monster, just listen to this animal.


This thread. wtf?!

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OP you are the epitome of a keyboard warrior. You wouldn't express these beliefs publicly, and if you did, you'd be sleeping with one eye open.

They can watch me all they want. I love watching you tards lose your minds lmao.

OP here. It's kinda funny that no one can really debate me when I bring up pedophilia. It's all emotions and no actual raw evidence to back up your claim that sex with a child is inherently bad.

YESSSSS, let the hate flow through you

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OP here. And I'll admit maybe I'm wrong. I do in fact, have autism and I don't understand all of the little intricacies you social adept humans put on sex. Maybe it's the social isolation and the inability to find rational meaning in something so emotional as sexual contact. We are indeed emotional animals.

>scientific studies

You are literally retarded

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and with autism emotional factors that lead to a decision are harmoniously flaunted with purely analytical and truly logical interpretations of stimuli.

You provoked him. You deserve everything you get, you scumbag.

LOL, so having "provoked him" justifies him beating my ass. Disapprove of someone's arguments and you counter them with your fists sounds like I'm winning the argument.

Yes, talk shit get hit

Suck on my big hairy swingers

Big man online, irl you’d never say that

You can't really debate something so retarded. Which is why I also avoid debating people who believe that flat earth theory is real.

I would

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People say its not fun to fuck kids but in child porn, you never see a kid covered in a small load do you? Can't be that bad....

Gas the pedophiles!

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Gas the jews

you're a republican i bet,
>any scientific study that contradicts my gut feelings on something is bullshit

Fuck you

It's not retarded. There are thousands of research papers on pedophilia. It's something that needs to be debated. We don't necessarily need to say pedophilia is not harmful, but we can at least all agree that we should understand the mechanism within the brain the controls sexual impulses and why/how these systems are altered in pedos. Flat earth, on the other hand, is completely understood to be false. Pedophilia however is still misunderstood and research groups won't study it, in fear to find information not conforming to their personal beliefs/bias.

And communism, no point debating that rubbish either!

Uh no. I'm actually moderate but mostly liberal. I'm working on my master's degree in behavioral psychology and know that most studies of this kind are mostly quasi experimental and hold little weight in the true scientific field.

A scientific study saying what? Sex with kids is ok? Are you insane? Do you not understand the physical and emotional damage sex causes for children?

I’ll fuck him as we watch your kind burn

yeah that's why we should do replications and followups

oh wait, that happened, and utrecht et al confirmed rind

fwiw my degree included psychology as one of my majors (BS-Psychobiology) so i'm not unfamiliar with methodology issues.

Yes please daddy

Can you explain what you know about the psychological effects, benefits and downsides, of sex on a child?

not explicitly that it's ok, the authors made it clear they weren't advocating legalizing it, but that if there's no force, coercion, or close family incest, it's not associated with traumatic outcomes later in life.

There are plenty of scientific studies that have shown that sex with kids doesn't cause emotional harm.

You want to see Anglo-Americans burn?

Then you know that it only holds relevant under controlled conditions. Under normal circumstances with external influences ie society and education etc that pedophilia could never not harm the child.

Exactly, everyone wants to debate us pedo sympathizers but yet these teleiophiles can't formulate a solid counter-argument.

it's more likely to be globally 18 and in some places 21.
it's a one way ratchet. age of consent goes up, it never comes down. been that way since the first ever law on the matter set it at 6 back in the 1600s.

There's plenty more evidence to support that you're mentally ill rather than sex with a child is completely harmless.

but you should also know, that if a study has had its methodology thoroughly torn apart for its heresy, yet still confirmed on a followup that addresses all the criticisms, that the relationship is likely valid: that the overwhelming liklihood is that sex with force/coercion/incest is in fact unlikely to produce adverse outcomes.

you can't just dismiss all studies like that, especially ones so thoroughly challenged that still held up, just because the evidence isn't to the same standards as physics or biochem

If I personally think back to my childhood. I don't see how sexual contact between myself and an adult would have been emotionally damaging for me. Now you could blur the lines of this argument and present the proposition that I would had been sexual molested by my dad or mom or brother. This could solidify a possible argument in the sense that my relationship between my brother, dad or mom could have been tarnished. I don't think a sexual relationship between my brother could have been sustainable. This sounds so archaic to be thinking about as an evolved species, but if we back our country on the freedom of an establishment then I personally don't see the harm in sexual relationship adults and children. Will this relationship be sustainable no, but neither is 80% of marriages.

wrong again. I can keep replicating a study with the same false correlation, it doesn't prove that it is in fact true, only that the procedure can be replicated. This is exactly what this study is, I can't see how you've made so far in psychology and not see the blatant false positive. Sorry brah you're just a pedophile and it's gross.

*tarnished my intellectual relationship.

Not even the LGBT community wants pedos

it doesn't "prove" it's true, but it makes it not being true exceedingly unlikely.

i'm calling bs here, you're not familiar with social science research validation at all.

>it's bullshit because i disagree, despite no study finding it's bullshit, and every methodology problem in the original study being fixed, and still confirming the relationship
but still obviously invalid because of your gut instincts? yeah right

incest is one of the things that has been proving to likely cause problems, but it's also something that's illegal no matter how old you are, so isn't really relevant.

Having tarnished my everyday relationship between my family possibly, would only have occurred simply do to the overarching societal standardized belief that I was in under the forces of a power dynamical environment and I was taken advantage of.

On to the fire it goes!

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I don't see things this way though.

Incest is illegal so is pedophilia if you want to have sex with a kid.

*have sex

yes but we're talking about something prohibited only because of the age of the participants being different versus something that's illegal for other reasons.
malum prohibitum vs. malum in se

It's sort of a thought experiment. Think of growing up into a family or world where sex was commonly expressed. First off, you'd wear no clothes. You'd walk around in this environment proudly exposing your genitals. Even sex would thoughtlessly spur among these citizens. There wouldn't be power dynamics that we as a society impose on sex. We'd have sex as young as the age of 5, right when we began to formulate sentences. We'd grow up and see everyone had sex with adults at that age, no emotional damage would be instilled. Just think why you feel any emotional tarnishing thoughts. It's words that are proposed by society telling you, you aren't worthy, it's not a chemical imbalance. Only thing emotional traumatizing about sex in our society is the sense of needing to hold on to the innocence you have as a child. And when you're sexual "molested" as a child this is perceived as being taken advantage of and losing that feeling of innocence that we greatly behold as adults.

Such bullshit. So a neighbor or coach or priest is not a close family member, if they seduce and groom the kid without violence, the kid will be ok? You are wrong.

I want to see pedos and their enablers burn. I don’t give a fuck what race they are.

So not one of my kind. Cause I hate pedos above all else.

coach and priest are disqualified for having a position of power, something generally considered abusive (and sometimes illegal) even after the general age of consent

neighbor... if you want to claim that unless they're acting in loco parentis all the time, [citation needed]

the evidence is on my side. if you want to claim i'm wrong, you need evidence on yours, not just your gut instinct and 'that study is wrong BECUSE ITS WRONG OMG PEDO!!!'

Ok if you're a pedo and have kids would you willing let another adult fuck your child because you believe it's ok to fuck kids?

You are mentally ill if you believe that that is how scientific studies are done.

On a scientific level, it’s got nothing to do with gut instincts or revulsion at your prdiphilia.
The study was carried out incorrectly. False correlation and inaccurate data is all the study produced.

that's how THIS scientific paper was done (it's a literature review by the way, so now you want to invalidate a lot more than just it)

most papers don't get that rigourous treatment, but this one did, because it was heresy of the highest order to contradict the hysterical modern view on kids and sex

Die, not because I’m a bigot. But because that argument implies that you fully understood the fact that a sexual relationship between an adult and a child involves the adult taking advantage of he kid. You are scum.

I don’t need evidence. You are the one asserting a random adult having sex with a child will not negatively affect the child’s life. The burden of proof of on the one making the claim, that is you.

not sure how you got to that conclusion.

i'm saying that absent something that's wrong independent of age, like incest, it's something that's only "wrong" because it's prohibited, instead of being wrong in and of itself.

it's not 'taking advantage' if there's no force or coercion (which duty to family would count as, thereby excluding incest)

indeed. and i've cited a major literature review that had its methodoly thoroughly challenged, then addressed in a followup by other authors finding the same thing

your evidence to counter this is nothing more than "the science is wrong because it contradicts my opinion"

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There is force inherent in grooming a kid you fucking retard.

>social science research validation
There's your problem. Almost nothing about "social science" is remotely scientific. How can it be when one the prime tenets of modern "social sciences" is that there is no such thing as objective truth?

force refers to physical force or a threat of such. "grooming" would fall closer to coercion but there's just no evidence that if the kid is into it that it's damaging, and what about all the cases where no grooming is required? kids are naturally curious about that shit, it's a myth that they have no sexual curiosity.

if you have a specific issue with the methodoly that hasn't already been addressed, make the case. "all research in the entire field of psychology is invalid" isn't a good argument, and reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the variety of research conducted and the statistical parameters for finding a significant result and its error range