what does she look like without makeup
What does she look like without makeup
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a whore
her own post without makeup
Post it cause I’m lazy
a girl.
what the fuck do you want us to say if there aren't pics of it already? Take away all the makeup and wig and cosplay shit and they are all just girls. Nothing special.
she’s hot without makeup too, still make your standards a little higher guys
that is not a no makeup pic. Girls pull that shit all the time. They put on less makeup than usual and say it's no makeup.
They aren't goign to post real no makeup pics to their instagram. Especially not one as vain as this broad.
just watch her makeup videos on youtube
Incel found.
it's not an incel thing. They literally do this because they don't think they're cute enough without at least a little. A girl like this lacks so much self-confidence that they would never post something that makes them vulnerable. They just don't do it, ever.
Jerk off to it all you want, but she has makeup on. And that's fine, she can present herself however she wants, but let's not kid ourselves here.
says the expert in the makeup industry
>A girl like this lacks so much self-confidence
you have no idea who you're talking about
no, i just know girls. I used to fall for it but a girl told me that what most guys call a "natural" no makeup look is not natural, it's just light makeup.
why would a girl with confidence make herself such a spectacle for thirsty incels on the internet?
Just as ugly as with makeup
stop pretending you understand anything about womens confidence when youre a fucking btard incel. the only thing you know about women is that they exist.
Does it hurt? Straining yourself projecting that hard, that is.
She has some mascara, light foundation and a few dabs of concealer ...
I'm a guy but wear makeup myself because I have a skin condition. My girlfriend is a professional makeup artist, she is of the same opinion.
no the strain is from my face twisting at the cringe.
Watch out. The pedophile morons are attacking you. Logic won't work here. They obviously don't know anything about real women
A guy.
as it turns out, camwhoring is a profitable business model.
it must hurt know you willingly bought the $30 bathwater and try to justify it
Now you know why she’s such an attention whore.
Like a man my guy guarantee it's a dude with a small little dick
Wishful thinking on your part faggot.
That's not her in the first photo. Look at the teeth.
You don't have a girlfriend.
What about them? They look the same to me. She also literally had braces in one so you should expect them to have changed
and the eyebrows and nose
You'd see his dick
>the eyebrows
Girls pluck the shit out of their eyebrows you sperglord. The nose is the same too lmao just accept it
>coping this hard
the eyebrows don't even have the same shape and the nose on the right is thinner
rhinoplasty and laser eyebrow surgery dont exist?
When would she have had time to recover from all of that? She's been posting pretty regularly for years and is only 19.
So she must have also gotten a hair transplant too?
You're reaching way too hard, son
The girl is cute, dude. Just deal with it and move on.
Stop reaching so hard for her to not be hot.
She got any nudes?
I know you don't
The irony is unreal
Do you not understand what irony is, either?
I wonder how many times I have to rub my finger on her skin until I can actually feel her skin and not the cake of makeup
14 year old trying to be smart.
>never actually touched a girl.
not in the makeup face
No, hes right
eyebrows can be plucked and shaped different ways. as for the nose have you never heard of contour and highlight user ? fucking idiot
No she doesn't, no clumping on her eyelashes, some skin blemishes present
Not her, ear and forehead have different shapes
Also eyes are not in the same place lmao
I will never understand why so many people are so obsessed with her
She gives people what they want. It's really not rocket science.
lol this is bullshit
yeah its not her lol its proven already
No mascara, freckles are seen clearly without covering on them. All I see is possible slight eyeliner remnants from makeup wipes.
like your mom haha
Lol look at these delusional cucks
Go look up any makeup tutorial at the beginning. Most women do not naturally look like that, especially if they wear shit tons of makeup already
Exactly. Most.
Keep reading, stumpy
How's that bathwater?
I'd say it's the money, user.
girls can b cute without makeup uwu
I can read, my eyes work, unlike yours, apparently.
Look, I'm no big fan. She's a cute girl, who's doing well for herself. But the idea that she's somehow ugly under all that slap is what is delusional. It reeks of desperation and bitterness that so many anons fiercely need her to be some kind of fraud.
She's a cute girl who wears a lot of make up. They exist.
You can see she's a cute girl, even if she's wearing a little make up in the "no make up" shots.
But the reason she wears as much as she does is to mimic the whole anime look. That's the whole point. It's not some great gotcha to point out she's wearing make up, any more than pointing out she's wearing a wig. Yeah, we get it, that's the point.
I'm not even arguing that shes ugly (she is, but that's not the point)
Alls I was saying is that shes definitely wearing makeup in that "no makeup" selfie.
Good for you, dude. You cracked the case.
And if you think she's ugly, good luck finding a real woman who meets your lofty standards.
Shes not gonna sleep with you
And trashing her won't make you more of a man.
spotted the insecure woman
Not trashing her, all I said was she lied about that selfie.
you're an exhausting person, dude.
this is why people don't wanna hang out with you.
a woman would be smarter than I am and wouldn't be in this thread arguing with retards like you.
I think you're running low on bathwater
I want to punch her in her stupid looking face.
She basically has 2 million hentai loving-incels blue-balled. She wont post nudes even for $2500
>ITT: incels cherry picking the worst image because they are too poor to get the 50 dollar patreon tier to see her lewds
oh no no. she mad.
who cares itll be 8 more years shell be to old for anyone to care. but good job giving this thot clout. when her days as a thot are over youll get her porn cause with no talent no job its all she will have left when the wells run dry. now go pay your money for her toilet water you stupid neckbeard fucks
Came here to see this being posted. Made my day
lel this
yo meth looks dope.
Kek if you actually think girls don't do this. Go look up "no makeup tutorials" on YouTube and you'll see chicks spending half an hour to put on makeup that makes it look like they're not wearing any makeup.
You can very clearly see eyeliner you fucking virgin