Ylyl: not a waste of your time edition
Ylyl: not a waste of your time edition
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O boy, better post some log memes, fuquad
can i post
please do
no longer have a pass, figured the chan would block my VPN, good to be back
woah that artwork hit me in the face with nostalgia
which VPN ?
still makes me chuckle
the first funny thing in this thread
Unlimited. Used to have Nord but it was shit so I switched. I used to love posting here just cause Reddit is so fucking gay anymore. Power hungry dick suckers moderate the shit out of every post.
t. MLK
I can't believe I actually found something funny in those YLYL threads. Thank you anons
Actual fake story outbound.
>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.
Describes a Jew's typical evening.
These are the ONLY YLYL threads that the GOD OF TIME HIMSELF ALLOWS!
This is funny
Small island small gene pool
They are not geese tho
When will Yea Forums toss a grenade through his letterbox?
Ray_Pist is now resurrected as Umbo Tumbo in Kenya.
Not much funny pics
Keeping it bumped
Lmao I laughed at this. I lost haha.
The head of the boy looks attached to an arm
Where do pride and greed come into this?
I got:
Envy = it being someone else's money
Wrath = the anger
Lust = the fapping
Sloth = sitting around doing this all day
Gluttony = Eating your cum
I mean I guess if you enjoy the taste of your own cum so much it's kinda prideful and it's also greedy if you're not sharing it with anyone else? Idk.
do want
Greed because you want his money
>I enjoy
Fuckin lost
why post rage in ylyl tho
oh fuck off with these, why even bother at this point
But that's already envy
man marrying man in drag is only straight on tumblr
you are only straight on tumblr
fake and gay
god damn I wish I was that paper lmao.
i was trying to keep the laugh inside of me but in the end i just drowned
I think the envy is simple because it’s another mans, the fact it’s his money instead of his wife etc, makes it greed.
They should at in “and you brag about it.” To get pride in.
requesting the hitler vs Jesus one about 13 milion jews vs 13 fish if have it
no I really don't give a fuck. Everyone that cared watched it months ago, you fag.
Jesus Christ there's a throwback
okay, this is epic.
are u a jim or a joe??
Just throw a brick through his window and cave his skull in.
> *nailed it
Is this for real in the USA?? Serious question guys
That asshole once accused me of stealing his baseball cards when we were kids. Fuck Talcum X.
those are screws
Why does the morning after drinking always feel so good, like I could run 20k or write an essay right now. Shouldn't hangovers feel bad?
are you still drunk?
sign on the right should be "using tax money to subsidize multitrillion dollar industries" since that costs a hell of a lot more than foreign aid.
But Conservatives don't realize that. Since when do they care about space anyways?
This guy's my hero.
>using tax money to subsidize multitrillion dollar industries
Non-american here, can you get into more detail?
>immediately reaches for his false choice politics
Then you didnt drink enough
Then why do they get so mad when they look outside and see the world as it really is?
>Gay people exist? Reeeeee!
>Black people marry? Reeeeee!
>Women are in positions of power? Reeeeee!
>People have basic human rights? Reeeeee!
lol very true!
>be retard
>Good at Lernin stuff
>kill many fish
>do many drug
>waiting for big bro to hire or shoot me
>can't go anywhere in life due to love for Vida
>mostly waiting for my immediate family to die so I can become AnneHiro
>wonder why everyone is complex
>my dad's name is Jim but fits in joe
American Government pays for many industries that can't normally survive, because the people who run the government are sponsored (ie bribed) by the industries. Most agricultural, energy and fuel industries recieve trillions in funding each year, payed for by American taxpayers.
That was my initial theory but after enough drinking I got a feel for telling when the alcohol wore off.
And the good mood tends to last for about 48 hours after drinking which is well long enough for my body to dispose of the alcohol.
I sometimes drink till blackout, about half a liter of vodka in 6 hours is what it takes.
You drink a lot of water
googoo'd it, the narrative about this bridge is complete bullshit. Woman are capable being engineers, technicians, construction workers (though that type of work is better suited for men cause we gots the testosterone). Not trying to white knight, it's just this entire story is bullshit, look it up.
Well, now im buying a Juul and a tech deck tomorrow
Absolutely haram. MFW
If that's all it took no-one would ever be hung over.
>wanna be l33t haxors harass me for looking at stuff they look at
>I don't want to do it for personal reasons
>weak banter weak resources
>their trying to make water drop effect
>ask myself why
>they haven't bin told the big secret
>tfw my life's is a clustered mess everyone knows but my family still loves me
>tfw your stalker is so bad at their job they ruin a perfectly good plan for suicide
>tfw they broke the string and made me stay here longer
>tfw I might be garbage but I can accept it as where my orbiters are unknowing
Feels good
I'd rather have a Cia spook pushing a gun against the back of my head in bed than interact with these kind of people.
>people who do overtly good things are more evil than most and are making a cover up
That cant be Hollywood there isint enough jews there!
It is dude just drink water most people are stupid and get advice and throw it away. Get pissed then drink like 4 liters of water. You'll wake up feeling fun.
Much like you
what is this image even representing
That's exactly how easy it is. It's like losing weight; expend more calories than you consume. Dead simple.
How much the average conservative knows about the average liberal
ie. nothing.
>seen kyle
>not understanding the fundamental differences between asking people to voluntarily donate to their efforts and a government that imposes taxes via threat of force/jail on everyone to give up their money for a "greater good"
>typical socialist 3rd grade level understanding of their propaganda
he's embarassed becau8se hes naked lmao
Id still fuck it.
turbo, i am porn addicted, ty Yea Forums
I really really really like this picture
>Sabe the planet
Thats some shitty font.
this is what no fluoride looks like
Black abortion rates is why I am pro abortion
White abortions are sad, but how much worse will the lives of the next generation of whites be with a surplus amount of Da'Kwans and Boonqueeshas shitting up their towns?
>Nearly trans flag colors
Fuck you
jesus fucking christ
Ke- woah you almost got me there
Aboslutely fucking lost it at 'High Tier'
Getting rid of jews and immigrants would massively benefit the goals of the left tbf...
No more wars for Israel, and no massive, unsustainable burden on resources from 3rd world hordes, and the erosion of labour value through market saturation (To the benefit of the capitalist elite, who would prefer an ununified, culturally dissimilar, workforce)
Hey that's my name
actually we really can't
can't, won't, and shouldn't be expected to
oh yah, but we normally call 'jims' socialists.
Whiny children that never leave the bedroom and have experienced life while demanding society does everything for them while they actually think of themselves as accomplished for attending their "white privilege" and "diversity" classes.
Some other people just call them college students but same difference.
cunt faggot with a mustache bitch
Fate something on Netflix.
I don't get it
check text & image again.
Fuck you.
The resident evil 3 remake promo looks intense
>I don't understand the difference between purely VOLUNTARY donations and the state FORCIBLY taking your money with or without consent to be funneled into various projects for the public that MAY or may NOT work
nice IQ there bilecube
You are one retarded fuck
You are fucking retarded
Can someone explain this to a heterosexual
Who's op?
Can I save this?
like green energy
Screw off
I think i got whiplash
That's because those roles are making a political statement and not in benefit to the story
>hey it's annoying that movies are so politically charged now
Bottom text
That's Yang Gang retards
>Im a construction management major
Guess that makes me both?
>saves times
>obviously plant
all of my what
Penis XD
He tried to disquise his thumb drive with his cp stash as a skate board incase the feds raid his place.
Good job flint, maybe you’d have clean water by now if you weren’t being such niggers
I am pro abortion because of the higher rate of nigger abortions than anything else. I'd rather use my tax money to pay for birth control of a nigger abortion than use my taxes for 18 years to pay for a nigger birth, their healthcare, their food stamps/EBT, school, and housing. Niggers are truly useless, make demands for their mere existence, and will never continue to western civilization.
Yeah. That's pretty accurate tbh
Im pretty sure agriculture would survive bc literally everyone needs to eat.
If only we could be as diverse as Muslim countries...
Moms already dead, yours dies instead.
>refusing to stop masturbating in burger king
so he was asked multiple times and stayed on the pain train to pound town
>absolute fucking legend
This makes too little sense to be something you didn't create yourself
Children suck. No one should have them.
why did i lose to this?
i may have the gay ...
and the dumb
Except that millennials and zoomer have it harder than baby boomers ever did lol. Baby boomers are the ones who do nothing but spend and have it easy
Morons who don't understand asthere's a difference between climate and weather
>This is what Christcucks actually believe
Delusional simple minded fantasy
fkn kek'd
>and the erosion of labour value
>erosion of labour value
>labour value
Foreignfag detected. Mind your own god damn business and keep your American political opinions to yourself
Yes unless its a Bachelor of Science Degree its worthless.
Also nice dubs
ok liberal
Naw, he screwed it up
If youre gonna quote the show
>Will all of you ignorant niggas just please shut the hell up
fuck off
A total waste of time.
It is snowing, therefore global warming is not real
you're joking right? teflon and CAT scans were invented by NASA and thats just off the top of my head.
It seems very 'tall poppy' to not want to fund programs like that.
wow a fucking genius. imagine that not all white men are strong and independant.
Perhaps a woman should have spell checked this for you.
This is the intelligent position on the matter. Libtards are unironically racist lmao.
Not to ruin your gay little "woe is me" moment, but we really are nazis, nihilists and perverts.
They die by the sword like real men.
The only question about Abortions. "What Race Is It"
imagine being retarded enough to think snow disproves climate change
fuck her face country and the beginning of the time,
Can't be real. The cost of the plastic supersedes the egg.
>obvious plant
>can't be real
You'd that would be the tip-off but guess not
Nice straw man. Theyre mad because socialist fags like you always have to push that shit down their thtoats and demand gibs as usual.
Fate Zero
Me don't get it
I need that manga quote sauce... For research purposes
you mean they acid thrown on them as a pack of niggers shank you repeatedly while raping you daughter
id rather be shot
im still waiting for in on youtube
Fuck off lol. Christian oldfag here.