Soon it won't be imagining anymore. But I might not get to speak you again Yea Forums. Wish me luck.
she should be trying to save her country and the retarded brainwashed swedish girls from sand niggers instead of worrying about the climate. no joke
*moans in autisim*
You are a great warrior, may the heavens guide your path
I hope sweden and all the nigger loving rejects that live there sink into the ocean
Is that before I crush her skull with an aluminum baseball bat, or after I crush her skull with an aluminum baseball bat?
So do I, and I live in Sweden.
Take her Ass
Greta is literally perfect!
allahu akbar
Feet pics anyone?
Fuck she's got a nice ass.
fucking idiots
Greta is fucking hot dude. And don't go telling me she's too young, fucking grannyfucker.
Wtf, i wouldn't mind the fact that she's slightly underage. But she is ugly
I could fuck her, but only from behind.
is she a downie?
"/b will fuck anything as long as it is underage" the thread.
You seem preety preocupied with a country you don't even live in. Makes me wonder what kind of amazing life you must live.
Someone should hit this bitch with a truck.
She's physically disgusting and her brain is equally hideous. Just a brainwashed pawn slave.
So...the other day there was a Greta thread with photos.
Some btard made a comment about her "pointy titties"
It make me laugh
About an hour ago; I was fucking my wife - and I swear to god Greta's face appeared on her body as I was cumming.
>What have you done to me Yea Forums?
You are starting to understand that Greta is peak kawaii
>further potato noises
drop dead cunt
You did wrong to the real quote. "There isn't anything Yea Forums won't fuck"
Is there a cum tribute of her yet? Would love to see that degrading cum on her
Kek she does have a downy face
bikini pic
would fuck her
no problem
Who paid money for her to be famous? Also Greta THURNBERG. FUCKING JEW. Always fucking Jews. Famous out of nowhere.
Looks like a downie.
Probably why she believes in global warming.
I have searched for hours to get a pic with less clothes, she is constantly wearing winter clothes. So unless we can get the earth a couple degrees hotter, she wont lose any clothes.
So let those engines burn, coal is the way forward. Pollute to see some Greta skin.
Must be some serious global warming if all she does is wear thick winter clothes. Shouldnt she run around naked and swallow ? Imo that is a much better scenario
aspies often wear too many clothes
I dont see what the fascination is with her, she is a moaning little cunt who needs to fuckoff.
She dresses like a hobo, but I love her.
Jews are so self important. What makes her so different from every other cunt who moans about global warming? Why does she have a book out as well?
Not every "berg" surname is jewish, we dont all live in the US (thankfully). Plus her nose is to cute.
Nice find, i busy for a few minutes, you people go on ahead.
didn't you used to be Becks drummer ?
She literally looks like Ben Shapiro in this photo. Fax and logistics.
her friend is cute.
Ben Shapiro the fucking JEW
Ahh those were the days, I miss derpy dancing girl.
All she ever wanted was her very own pony!
is there any other kind ?
you guys sick
her sister is hot
I wonder how many guys have asked her out
Not bad for the Crimson Chin. But a bit to old for my taste.
Wonder how many plugged that hole.
Literally who?
Closer to my taste, but i will sacrifice myself for the greater good. If it pleases you.
I'm sick and tired of Yea Forums talking about what they want to do with her.
When are you faggots actually gonna rape and strangle her? Fuck you all, pussies.
we all know your taste user
Why strangle, i just want to love her all night long. After that she can go on speaking truths.
she is so fucking hott. i want to be her toilet
just a pic friend although you're interpretation is kinda worrying
Oh yes do me
TFW the entire world is preoccupied by the USA when they don't even live there. Makes me wonder what kind of amazing life you must live
I don't know who this is.
What's the countdown clock on her?