My fellow Americans!
Starting January 2021 when Andrew Yang becomes president you will start receiving your $1,000 dollar a month dividend.
What will you do with this money?
My fellow Americans!
Starting January 2021 when Andrew Yang becomes president you will start receiving your $1,000 dollar a month dividend.
What will you do with this money?
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I'm just a resident so nah.
>implying the front runner will even be male
Invest it in a better candidate, what fucking dipshit doesn't expect broke retards to vote themselves more money. Stupid fucking socialist ideals
lol 98% hillary victory lol
>Andrew Yang
>becomes president
Do you find this funny, faggot?
It's not only funny, it's TOP ZOZZLE
If broke retards include more than 50% of Americans living pay check to paycheck.
It's hardly socialist. The freedom dividend would be paid by taxing big corporations and putting the money back in to the people instead making the rich richer
could very well happen, he just needs more recognition
If this were true I'd invest in gold because in less than a year when our economy implodes, ill still have something valuable to buy things with
How would the economy implode? the money is just going to keep circulating in the economy and boost business
I bet you $5 the world ends before then
Which of those people isn't going to want more without considering where it's coming from. How many people who aren't making ends meet arent going to try and find a solution through budgeting and hard work when voting season can get you an extra $250 tacked on month to month. Everyone has a hard time, I'm one of the paycheck to paycheck people, but Americans need to go back to considering themselves temporarily disenfranchised millionaires instead of panhandlers who can shake a ballot and make money fall out. Work is worth it when you're working to better yourself
I give it two years tops before everyone's rent has gone up $300. Also the corporations who are paying for this are going to have less money to invest in things like new facilities, hiring, and raises. They aren't just going to eat this price themselves, they're going to pass it on down.
I see r&d being the first things to go, then research positions
I see 4 million truck drivers, call center jobs, retail, fast food being automated away in 5-10 years.
Millions of people are going to be swept away by AI and automation because corporate companies only care about saving costs.
1,000 dollars a month is not very much but can provides some cushion for these people.
The cost would be towards these corporations who will save billions of dollars a year by firing these people and all we ask for is a tiny slice.
True to all of that. Now a question, what are all of those disenfranchised American voters gonna do when their 1000 a month isn't enough, maybe vote themselves some extra money?
get yelled at on the itnernet for being niggers
instead of whatever the timeline says to do because that has always been wrong
12,000 dollars a month just barely gets you to the poverty line. I think we very well could increase the amount over a period of time but I think it's a good place to start.
1,000 dollars a month might be enough for them to start a business or to find better work/re-educate for the jobs of the future
I'm sorry what
do you do venmo?
Gonna assume you meant a year. That's enough for someone to stagnate in poverty. I see a giant welfare state not a bunch of people free to chase their dreams. Some people will definitely prosper and use the system to create art, study, or transition to gainful employment, but the majority? The lazy gimme culture of the masses is gonna turn the country into a slum
I think the problem is that the people on welfare, the homeless, drug addicts, etc. right now at the moment have no incentive to go out and work and get a job because they have zero resources. Poverty is not a lack of character. It’s a lack of cash
I'm not worrying about those people. I'm worrying about the unskilled who would see a system where they wouldn't have to work hard to succeed because their economic betters could be forced to hand out cash
Andrew Yang won't be president and $1000 a month would rise our deficit and destroy our economy. Basically the same outcome as communism, most people would stop working anyways without the motivation.
A well documented article from Harvard/MIT on welfare for lazy people helps debunk that myth -
We live in a society that has a winner take all mentality and we are destined to be held under the boot of big corporations and wealthy trillionares as they take away our jobs. A small slice of their profit from your Amazon purchase, Google search, or a robot truck mile is being put back in to your hands. 12,000 a year is barely enough to live on in many places and certainly not enough to afford much in the way of experiences or advancement. To get ahead meaningfully, people will still need to get out there and work.
if you think Yang is only about UBI he has over 70 policies on his website
>Gives away 1000 dollars likes it's nothing every month
>Expects 1000 dollars to be worth anything.
This isn't passing go in monopoly folks. And even I it was, how many times have you scoffed at the 200 bucks like its gonna help you get anywhere with rent.
so you dont want free money?
I don't disagree but I see the money being more useful in the form of student debt relief, low income housing assistance. Programs aimed at getting people on their feet. I don't see the point in gifting people an upgraded cable package and a bigger TV. Lower the price of milk if you want to help people. Help tackle the inflation issue if you want to help the poor. Don't give people with a track record of bad financial decisions the funds to make more. Give them the opportunities they need to better themselves. 12000 in aid is enough to make a state college pretty affordable
12k a year is enough to keep people off the streets and put an end to homelessness. What the hell don't you understand about minimum basic income?
He can’t give you money. Congress has to approve that, not Andrew.
I'd bone Harris
Andrew even said he determined 12k was the best number because it’s not enough to live on and quit your job.
Over this? You’re outta your mind
You're flooding the market with money. It's gonna devalue the currency. Suddenly 12000 a year will be the same as 0 a year. Worse still if you only give it to those under a certain threshold because suddenly it'll be better to have no job over not getting the money. Unskilled low income part time jobs will be hard to fill and then that automation that everyone is so afraid of is going to to be the only way to get things done
RTX 2080 Super
That's now how capitalism works. Economic stimulation packages are popular among republican parties, even.
The money isn't spent and gone. Its circulated back into the system. People spend it, It gets taxed, businesses flourish, their profits are taxed, they pay employees, it's taxed, then it's spent. You guessed it, its taxed.
It flows right back up to the government.
Bailing out banks and giving massive tax breaks to the rich who move the Money into offshore accounts for further tax breaks, now that creates massive deficits and removes huge amounts of revenue to the government for things like, say, universal basic income, Healthcare, infrastructure, education. All things that give returns.
I don't want free money devaluing the money I work for, no.
It's not free if I have to spend more of my own to make up for inflation.
What if I just stuff it under my mattress
I'd tap that too
I didn’t realize an executive order could be used to divvy out the treasury. But then again that fucktard trump has abused every aspect of the system and lowered the bar so far that it might be possible.
Bush gave everyone $100 bucks you must be a kid so you dont remember
The frontrunners are Biden in #1, Bernie in #2 and Warren and Harris tied in #3 as of the most recent poll. What crack were you and whoever made this image smoking?
In other countries where this is done there's usually a clawback. As in if you make over a certain amount your taxes will remove the basic benefit anyway. But then it's an automatic welfare system if someone is say laid off or loses their job, and it's a wellfare system that, if they get a temporary low paying job while they search for work for example, isn't diminished (one of the problems with wellfare is if you get a job that pays less than the wellfare you still lose all the wellfare, so it actually deincentivises working, not for government gibs and lazy reasons, but for actual budget reasons)
>Upgraded cable packages
If this is how people spend it, it still bolsters business a lot which is good for the economy.
But typically where this is tried the program provides a lot of returns on it's investment. People don't stop working, if anything they tend to get educated and advance in their careers or start their own businesses. It's win win.
>1000 isn't enough
For an unemployed person, no, it's not. For someone like me two years ago who barely made enough to pay all the bills and had to budget a lot and missed years of school that would boost my pay to a reasonable level, it would have made a massive difference.
I got there, but I lived in a financial strain for years longer than I would have if I had a basic income supplement. And now I'm over a tax bracket and pay a lot more taxes so the government would have made it back in a few years no problem, which is exactly the point. As I said. Win win. I'd have evaded a lot of stress and hardship, government would have got their money back anyway.
Yang is a dipshit, not a socialist. He just wants to throw money at problems to try to solve them...
So basically what dumb conservatives think socialists believe I guess
Obviously a problem based on the variables laid out, and basically what the rich do with their breaks, but this has been tried in a lot of places and by and large people spend it. You shoving it all under your mattress is worked into the calculations and the people who don't outweigh you enough to make it still worth it.
You laughed when Trump was running. And now you laugh when a Asian guy is running.
I'll be laughing when he wins.
>Over this?
The Top Chef chick? What, is she running too?
Wonder in what world it makes sense to take someone's money and then give it back
If illegals get healthcare, residents get the UBI. It's only logical.
Maybe it's a poll of how well they did the debates. Harris zinged Biden, and Warren dominated the first one.
Fuck, you are dumb. Do you even know who allocates money in the government?
The Jews
January 2021, the day everyone’s rent/mortgage increases by
$1000 a month. Because capitalism.
I make more than this a month. Would I still get 1000 a month? You know, assuming this very unlikely scenario happens, which I doubt.
Look, it's not going to happen, twit.
>confirmed retard