What's it like having a gf?

What's it like having a gf?

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listening to bs. not getting blowjobs. becoming less interested in her tits as time goes on.

Pretty terrible TBH.

Like having a friend that had sex with you with a idea that both of you want to become a family later

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Fucking nailed it!

from my experience 90% waste of time and money, 10% good times

The longer it goes on the less fun it becomes and the worse she treats you but you’re the bad guy for some reason.

Its even worse when you have 2 girlfriends.

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i forgot to add. its worse when she likes you more than you like her and she has made it clear that leaving her will destroy her. so you're stuck because you don't want to be a villain.

It's pretty great for the first year or so, then it turns to shit.

Currently my situation

I didn't write that based on a good imagination....I wonder how many of us there are? Maybe more than lonely virgins?

Boring af

I word HEADACHE!!!


It’s sort of like a pie chart

50% everything being way more difficult than it should be and requiring way more discussion than could ever possibly be needed
30% pretending to feel bad for her and trying to console her because she’s on her period
10% making fun of her because she’s on her period
10% pretty fuckin cool

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I would think so to be honest. It's unfortunate that it seems to be so common.

Depends how long you've been together

kind of like a mc'donalds burger.

not what it looked like on the menu.

Everything is a fucking challenge. They run on girl time which means they make you wait 20 minutes for ANYTHING.

They can't put on their shoes and walk out the door - it's a massive process for them to get prepared to leave the house.

Fuck it takes them forever just to make up their mind on what jacket to wear. Every little thing is a big decision that takes forever.

99% of them are crazy and will drive you nuts. Girls between the age of 16-35 are just out of their mind insane. Fucked in the head. When they get older and the hormones slow down they become more sensible.

I just can say that when you are there (in a relantionship), and after certain period, the only thing keeping you trapped is sex. Now, 4 mounths without GF, the only thing I want is "being romantic" in the sort of "hetero" type

its like having 5 needy dogs that dont put out and can speak english and do nothing but complain, hungry, and bother you.

its aight if you find a chick who's chill, independent, and just wants to be with someone. i.e. no bullshit drama, childish games, and pointless activities. no first world delusion of grandeur with having an atomic family that will never exist, and a perfect life that will be shit on every other day. just living life appropriately and happily.

lot of women i've dated are wired too hot, always gotta do this, and that, etc... never stfu never calm the hell down. there's no reason you can't be ready when i'm there, be ready when i get there not an hour after. though i noticed there's dudes like that too, really it's just being retarded though. just find someone you can tolerate being with and doesn't look like the gene pool gave up halfway through formation. personality really counts for me, but i'm not going to wake up horrifically frightened by a moosehead in my bed,

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no one here knows

from disability?

>doing whatever she wants to do
>paying for EVERYTHING
>listening to her bullshit
>buying a card for every birthday, holiday, etc.
>valentines day sucks. big time
>constantly getting bitched at for not understanding her 'love words'
>constantly trying to out do her bff and her bff's bf
cheaper to pay for a hooker

Heard this aphorism once a long time ago & in my 45yrs of life on this mudball, it's truly amazing how fucking universally true this is:

No matter how hot she looks, some other guy is tired of putting up with her shit.

>becoming less interested in her tits as time goes on.

And trying to come up with reasons why you're supposed to continue tolerating her bullshit.

>i forgot to add. its worse when she likes you more than you like her and she has made it clear that leaving her will destroy her. so you're stuck because you don't want to be a villain

It's really a gigantic guilt trip

>When they get older and the hormones slow down they become more sensible.

They also become unfuckable

Fuck this gay earth

It's fun for the first couple months, then their mouth starts to get old real quick. Once you get tired of fucking them, then you get to listen to them complain about your habits every day.

The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

All the good times and fun times are when you first start out. The thrill of the chase. The courtship, then the first date, then making out a lot. The giggles and smiles slowly, very very slowly fades. The dates slow down. Then after a year or 2, you start to basically feel like you're doing all the work, making all the effort, and all she needs to do is wink to get what she wants and annoyed at anything you want.

Not living for yourself. Constantly having to care for someone. Putting your happyness in the end of an other person. Getting uninterested with her body as time goes on. Grass is always greener type of bullshit. Nothing beat being a lone Wolf

It’s like my wallet is a boat with a leak in it


This. The no blowjobs thing is killing me right now


Right on the nail, user.

It's basically how women believe a relationship will work in the long term. I had a girlfriend once she literally thought that spreading her legs about once a week man I had to be this dedicated servant 24/7. And that was only in the first few months of the relationship I can only imagine what it's like to be married to this girl. Women basically threw off all these things that they used to do to keep a guy around he decided one day they don't have to do it anymore and obviously these relationships do not add up for the man. And nothing appeals to reason with the women they refused to change so instead they decide to have a series of short-term relationships and relying on the government excetera excetera and I think they're finally starting to realize that that's not adding up either because the money's drying up and it's just generally does not give them the same level of satisfaction is a committed mate. This generation in particular or maybe the Millennials are going to create this wave of single women that are going to wreak havoc and Society if they haven't already done so.

At first I didn't like it. Honestly you're better off paying for sex (legally of course), it is far cheaper in the long run.

Girls suck the life out of you, no doubt about it. I lost all time for hobbies, interests, etc...They expect you to spend time with them, and if you don't, they think something is wrong and want to fight.

However, I eventually learned that we do not have to be separate, independent people, but that we can do things together. So now if I want to read we read together, or if I want to pursue an interest I invite her to join. It's weird but I used to not want to pressure her into my interests and bore her, figured that was kind of sexist and old school, but now that we do things together I no longer feel like I suffer from lack of free time. It's been pretty great.

Also, pretty regular sex/blowjobs, which is nice. But I'll tell you, you never stop scratching the itch looking at other girls and wondering what a hookup would be like. Not to say you'd leave the one you're with, only that it'd sure be nice to do some one night stands, just like when you're single. That doesn't change and can make you feel like a piece of shit.

Also, find someone who is positive who makes you a better person. I know it sounds cheesy but didn't realize how negative I was till I met my current gf.

I have a pretty cool gf, and there's definitely a good deal of pragmatic benefits in the long term of being a double team, but it definitely gets boring. Every year of cohabitation kind of feels another nail in the coffin, and their ability to talk on and on about nothing with no point in sight can become unbearable.

Most relationships works better if she's actually interesting herself, or has political views to keep herself entertained.
Other relationships end because the qt 3.14 gf wants you to entertain her. She's just there for the ride.

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Having a healthy relationship means having someone who completes you. When you're bored, you can meet up and suddenly it's all interesting again. When you're sad, you can call them and your sorrow just goes away.
You have a best friend who you can get romantic and intimate with.
When you're with them you're in the natural state of feeling good.
When you guys are away you feel a little bit empty, like something's missing

Incels and dillholes at Yea Forums will be incels and dillholes at Yea Forums, don't expect anything better. But just so you know, my advice is don't just get in a relationship with anybody.
Find your match.

Pretty sage advice.

At first my gf took away my freedom, felt like I had no alone time. Eventually, I didn't want her to leave. Now I want her there for my hobbies and such. It's good to have a match, impossible to find though.

Yeah that's why you shouldnt rush it, do it just for sex or emotional completion.

Let it come naturally. You might find yourself single for long periods of time if you're unlucky but your relationships will truly be special

>Let it come naturally.
Not sure what you mean by this but, I was going to say you have to be very intentional about it. I waited my whole life for someone to "naturally" come into it and it never happened. I had to be very intentional about making it happen. That being said, I had no control over who I'd meet or if we'd work out, but it took work to find the right person, the opposite of "letting it happen". If I could go back and do it again I would have started looking sooner, rather than just sitting around waiting for a miracle. You can end up waiting a long, long, long time.

It's better to pay a hookers. No Bs, no whining

It's like having a clingy parole officer that you constantly have to answer to, but with less likelihood of getting fucked.

It's mostly annoying. Yeah it's cool to have someone to chill with and fuck regularly but they are always a pain in the ass. When you don't have a girl you want one. When you do you dream of single life

>30% pretending to feel bad for her and trying to console her because she’s on her period
>10% making fun of her because she’s on her period

considering it's about a week out of the month you'd think it'd be a total of 25% not 40%

100% spot on

Not great listen to their problems all fucking day just to get laid with the same worn out pussy it's not worth the money my dude if rather pay for different pussy every night because in one way or another we pay for that pussy

I find it comes in waves if you manage to shake things up enough

This thread is depressing me even more

>This thread is depressing me even more

That's life dude. Most of the exalted things people say about love are mostly two groups of people the first are people who are getting that initial feeling about someone that is extremely strong and we've all had it I think. Virtually every famous love song was about someone who the artist is no longer with. The second group are married men who want to make others believe that they actually actually have it good. It becomes like a an advertisement almost that you have a healthy relationship because lots of people respect that. And then you find out the famous preacher with his happily married wife is actually f****** little children on the side or something like this. There's nothing fun about a relationship it's really about becoming an adult you have to take on adult responsibilities and have children it is not about fun. All that stuff is just really a lawyer to get you to do something that is a socially respectable form of behavior. The girlfriend thing is just a warm-up that sometimes evolves into marriage which is much much worse. The man is literally his balls are put into a vice the moment he puts the ring on her finger. You are legally strapped to a f****** torture device for 20 to 30 to 40 years.

>wouldn't mind the extra weight

Try that shit on her and she's not gonna want to sleep with you either


Worth it if you can find a girl worth holding onto. You never know what goes through their head tho if they get bored or entertained by another guy for 1 minute they might start to rethink your whole relationship because most women can’t sit still and be content with what they have infront of them. I learned the hard way that you have to keep them entertained constantly or even after years of a great relationship they’ll seek other men and walk away like nothing happened. Gotta know the warning signs of if a girl is dateable early on or not because it’s easy to get blinded by a good time and fun sex at the beginning

I can't settle for anything less than a stripper. Even in the bitchass club i have to find a 10.

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kind of fucking annoying. I want to be a lazy piece of shit on weekends because I work 60 hours M-F but now I have this obligation to go do things I don't want to. I want to constantly humor their crying and whining. Sex is good but honestly I'd rather just jerk off to hotter women on Pornhub


Unclogging toilets on the reg

Not like your picture after the first two years.

once you stop wanting to have sex daily it gets pretty damn boring fast
