Why didn't they fly there
Why didn't they fly there
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Because that would have made for a shit story
No it wouldn't
Then stick to 10 page kids books that focus on pictures and leave the reading to adults young fagglet
There's two variants to go about this:
Either you accept that the eagles are intelligent and powerful beings rather than animals which would possibly be tempted to get the ring themselves (as pretty much every living being except some hobbits).
Or you take into account for the Saurons eye, which would quickly spot the ring and divert all his flying dragon things to get the ring back. It is clear that whoever carries the ring and would be seen by Sauron would immediately do stupid shit up there, which is a very bad thing when you're up in the air.
Also pic related.
This has been dealt with before so many times /thread
What are you even talking about you gay fucking faggot. Did your mommy forget to turn off her computer again?
Again, stick to pictures. Written comprehension will be a task for you.
So he didn't call the eagles to fly to Mordor but he calls them to fly out Mordor? How does that work?
The big fiery eyeball would have shot them down with a big fireball. Mordor had radar, they could shoot them down with fire and they burn up like savages. The Mordor was like a radar eye with fire.
Sauron did not have the ability to shoot them dowm
because when sauron would see them he would personally block the entrance to mt doom
Or the ability to cammand all his forces to defend mt doom rather than a front gate apparently... Wait...
>Either you accept that the eagles are intelligent and powerful beings rather than animals which would possibly be tempted to get the ring themselves (as pretty much every living being except some hobbits).
eagles in the story could talk and were created by the strongest god, they were even older than the elves
Suicide mission vs evac. Yes
becuase sauron was defeated
the eye was dead by then
cost of airfare proved prohibitive.
So was gandalf and he was afraid of the ring
ask the norse.
>Tolkien wasn't a writer he was a linguist. just translated the whole thing.
he had the nazgul though which could sense the ring and kill them
Technically the nazgul can only sense the ring when it is worn, of course anyone who would be carrying the ring and would be seen by sauron would try hard to put it on.
This is probably from 9gag
TSA restrictions and blackout dates on their frequent flier miles. Think planes trains and automobiles with golum as that uncomfortable third wheel played by Martin Short
I bet you thought this was funny
because, stupid.
they dont have airplanes in this movie you dumbfuck
it's based on a fantasy land (middle earth)
harry potter didint have airplanes either cos it's a fucking Fantasy story u idiot
Saw a thread about this shit last night. These movies came out HOW long ago? Why is this all of a sudden a thing now?
AFAIC, any glaring problems these movies possess was expertly addressed here youtube.com/watch?v=RPl5MeXIM8E
Cry harder fag
Goblins hadn't attacked the nest yet
it was a stealth mission
They were ignoring gandalf for calling them fools.
>Fly you fools
Why didn't he say anything during the meeting with the elfs?