Premise: everyone on Earth older than 14 dies, except you

Premise: everyone on Earth older than 14 dies, except you.

What happens next?

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Probably have planes fall on me

I don't know croc that's a good question. Probably what "they" keep repeating in my head

murdered by a mob of 14 year olds

Fuck more kids than usual

> Go on a Rape Spree
> No one can stop me
> Profit

things will be a lot different now that I'm king

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Civilization collapses. Most humans die. A few survive as hunter-gatherers or possibly farmers. Civilization slowly returns after hundreds of years.

There are 14 year olds that are taller and stronger than the average adult. Also, it would only take a few years for the oldest to officially reach adulthood, they would then be in a better position to hunt you down and torture you.

Like your fat sperg ass could catch a girl tp rape, let alone fight off a 14 year old. You'd be winded with the first action.

Kill the victims then. It's not like some unrelated other faggots would be interested anyway.

>op still stays alive

I'm actually pretty fit.

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You will stick out like a sore thumb. You'll be famous and people will click onto the fact that bodies seem to turn up at places you've been.

i am an oldfag who remebers that there was a (hbo?) series with that Kind of Backstory. Like 20 years ago i think

I didn't say multiple times. After all, if everyone is 14 then sooner or later most will become adults and everything will return to normal. But during that time window if you commit crime/crimes you're not likely to get caught because 14-year-old kids aren't police.

I'm 14 now so idc, be sad for like 2 weeks that parents are ded, then i guess meet up with bros and find some girls to fuck with idk

sell them a lot of drugs and become a kingpin eventually an overlord

get ready for ban faggot

>I'm 14 now

Literally worse than a nigger.

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Who said we're going after 14yr olds?

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Start fucking, a lot! The world will need lots of babies. At least that will be my riff.

Try to rule and get fucked by ochlocracy

>get life sentence
>live forever

The Tribe?

I would spend maybe a year or two travelling the world and finding the smartest 14 year olds to run the world for me, then I would try to find an island or a mountain or some shit where they can’t bother me.

Imagine the chaos. There would be empty cars and car keys and fucking Boeing’s just laying around everywhere, and a bunch of teenagers with nothing better to do than wreck the place. Everything will be on fire or sticky. Eventually they’ll go all lord of the flies on me no matter how well I rule over them with an iron fist. I’m not dealing with that shit not my kids not my problem. I’ll come back to civilization when the girls start getting closer to 20 but I’m just gonna take them back to my island anyhow

Fuck that

Sorry but even in this instance you'd still be useless because there are loads of fertile 14 year old males with better genes than you.

this is true, 14yo chads in the making will be ruling the earth not some old guy with useless genes.

>I would spend maybe a year or two travelling the world and finding the smartest 14 year olds to run the world for me
Why the fuck the smartest 14 year old listen to you? And waste so much time looking for the smartest just so they can be leader? They only need to be smart enough to work with other intelligent people. You can't just depend on one person, you have to delegate authority if you want anything done.

underrated post

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Every human would be dead by the 3rd generation.

1. I didn’t say I would leave it up to one person
2. Delegating authority is literally what I suggested
3. They’ll listen to me because there are no laws and I can threaten or coerce them however I want.

>3. They’ll listen to me because there are no laws and I can threaten or coerce them however I want.
A small gang of tough 14 year olds could easily take you down. They could use weapons but they really wouldn't need to.

Fuck a bunch of minors for a week and then kill myself, since a world without doctors and engineers wouldn't work.

>since a world without doctors and engineers wouldn't work

That's nonsense and you know it.
Trump 2020!

the boys will rape the girls and then the girls will kill themselves while the boys will take over the planet. mostly the "skater boys" who just hang around a skatepark and smoke weed will treat the girls like shit (they already do) then it would lead to more murder and rape then humanity is over

that would smell like shit so I would make them clean it up
then I would teach them how to play magic the gathering


the world would literally fucking end due to every soft snowflake not wanting to push a broom or mow a lawn and sit in comfy ass chairs all day complaining to eachother over facebook about how much everything sucks.

crucified by a mob of 13 and 14 year olds

take your pills and have a nap grandpa

Kill myself so I don't have to be king of the squeakers.

yeah.. it's just the old people who get told to take their pills to even them out.. enjoy your rytalin and prozac kid.

I get to have sex with a lot of little boys who look to me as their leader.

You have to be 18 to post here kid

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there are no 14 year old mechanics/doctors/engineers/bakers/police/farmers/etc
no power - no food - no medicine - no internet
>1st world areas with just under 14's would die in a few weeks
>Africa would be largely the same tho...

pretty sure user didn't say anything about that, pretty sure he just ass ached about kidz these dayz not doing enough work and being on their phonez too much