Suddenly YOU Are Homeless.
Would you survive?
Suddenly YOU Are Homeless
Yeah I'm pretty resourceful
Trade my car in for a home in Detroit. Boom, no more homelessness
Homelessness is fuel for revolution
The culprit of most homelessness is a pattern of substance abuse and mental illness. That doesn't happen suddenly.
Yes. Because I'm not mentally ill or an alcoholic plus I have social skills.
I'll be back on my feet in no time.
Lmao suddenly I move to my second house... you fucking poorfags
there are people who are gainfully employed and arent junkies who are homeless bro. shit happens.
instead of sitting in a shitty city i would wander the world...
As a heroin addict who’s one bad day away from losing it I can back this up. Currently living in a abandoned apartment. I wouldn’t recommend it.
I dont tip at restaurants
Not after that first hit of heroin you won't lol
You disgusting European animal.
i would build a nice home on the sidewalk
Sometimes I think about going homeless to save cash. Buy a piece of land in BFE for a couple hundred dollars, a trailer home for a thousand, and just abandon everything
Thats why I love being poor. You can be a true American and tell the elite to fuck off with their lies and money and all they can do is cower in guilt and fear and spend more and more money and go further into debt.
about 95% of homeless are men
out of those homeless 60-95% are drug addicts.
about 40% have gone insane from drugs
out of those probably 25% are so insane they can quit drugs and they have still completely lost their mind.
not being homeless is as easy as not shooting up heroin and meth and stealing 300 dollars a day to support that habit.
most homeless in California make more money panhandling and thieving than 60% of the population.
I want to do that. would need a water source.
I have a large backpack with tent and sleeping bag and a blow up sleeping bed inside. I'll do fine.
If I'm homeless I have no famalam so I Sodoku . Fuck your gay game.
Technically, homeless people are better off than any rich person. Homeless people have no debt. You can walk around freely, piss anywhere you want, make as many friends as you want. Make your own decisions. And if you're sane enough you can land a min wage job, save money, do some dope, buy some hookers, steal cars, rob gas stations. True freedom. Rich people are in debt up to 10's of thousands of dollars. God only knows who buys that debt to keep in power. They're slaves to the political society, everyone trying to be God at once. The stress of that alone is suicidal in most cases. I can go on forever.
Water truck delivery would probably be added to the budget. You don't want to drink well or stream water without regular testing and that stuff scares me a bit.
I'm White, of course I will. and I have been before. Legit homeless, not one of the worthless bums, asking for change [Its 100% always a scam, they either have work or a place to stay. They just prefer asking for money over working. This is a fact, don't let anyone tell you other wise. The legit homeless grab bottles and shit]
no, hes right. fuck tipping. you want to do it because you genuinely noticed real effort from the worker, go for it. but don't feel like you are obligated to. Its a fucking game the employeers are playing. and they have to make up the difference if they don't earn enough from tips.
i see crusties always begging for change
Homeless get better medicare than most people with jobs. they get free food, volunteercooking gives them free kitchen appliances and utensils. They have free shelter, free clothes, free hygenic things, and free fucking gubment smartphone with data.
AND they dont have to fucking work to maintain it.
Being homeless is literaly better than being poor.
Because of the second statement, you should not be allowed in a restaurant period. What the fuck is wrong with you, thats what they're working for is extra money aka tips you fuckin jerk off.
I’m homeless. Live in An abandoned house, I used to be pretty well of but I think I’m absolutely insane and I fucked it all up cuz drugs.
>Shit happens
Are u retarded by chance?
Yeah fuck off, I've worked in restaurants. Stop acting like a faggot
not him. you are a dumb retard if you tip. Youre already paying 8 dollars for eggs. Tipping is what people do when they can only do math at a middle school level
Ive been homeless for 5 years straight, got back on my feet and got a job. been living steady without alcohol or drugs for nearly 8 years now.
sometimes i think about quitting everything and going back to the homeless life again, it seems easier to jsut survive and dont think about social interaction and shit.
when youre homeless no one expects anything of you.
Are u fucking serious right now?
>Because of the second statement, you should not be allowed in a restaurant period. What the fuck is wrong with you, thats what they're working for is extra money aka tips you fuckin jerk off.
Ok punk ass, you're so edgy by refusing to help out people who work. Real cool of you. I hope next time you're working for extra money that same person fucks you over and you starve. So being a straight guy means I have to expose myself as an illogical retard who refuses to tip a worker for their service? Where does shit like you come from because I'm going there to practice my criminal career.
You clearly have never lived on 16k a year.
just gonna ask my friends to crash at their place
that doesnt look that bad m8..what kind of drugs you do?
You misspelled unaffordable housing costs and wage stagnation
that never lasts long..
then we should raise the standard of living for the poor?
I'm not even going to read all that shit. stopped like a third of the way through.
If you're not making enough money, get a better fucking job. Stop fucking on Yea Forums and serve that fucking table before your boss cuts your pay again, Bitch
Probably. I'm a software engineer with a security clearance... I won't be homeless for long.
Even if I lost everything I own except the clothes on my back, I would be making 6 figures in a week guaranteed.
Mother fucker you act like you run shit. You're just some edgy little cunt slop who never has enough money to tip to begin with. Useless ass face.
U like to stroke it m8?
Compared to what I have had to live in this place is the fuckin bees knees. I was in the army and went over seas twice and was airborne infantry, I’m pretty sure I was crazy before I went in but all that shit over there just pushed me over the edge, and I got into opiate pills after I got out because I was wounded in the back. The pills turned into heroin. I lost everything because of that shit, my home, my family, my car, my money, and most of all my wife. Fucking kills me everyday, even worse when it’s all your fault.
Do u all belieb in gerd
Tips aren't extra. They are supposed to be reported to the IRS as income.
Protip, most (cash) tips are not reported.
You are directly helping someone commit tax fraud.
Let alone the business owners who don't have to cover a real wage - to the worker or state/ insurance agencies.
They are extra because I fucking said they're extra, ok Yosef fucking Stalin. Who's next?
I want to believe you're not trolling.
If you're serious, tell us more about your situation right now, I'm quite intrigued.
i have more then once survived
>You are directly helping someone commit tax fraud.
Hahahaha the Nazi's are out in full swing. I love helping anyone committee financial crimes.
Learn to feel your pain faggit
Yeah you’re really showing them huh, they must be so mad at you while out enjoying the things they have
Otay! lel
You’re sounding more and more like a ranting homeless person every post. Enjoy living in your own filth because you don’t understand how to play the game of life, faggot.
>Yeah you’re really showing them huh, they must be so mad at you while out enjoying the things they have
No, I'm out enjoying the things regular people have paid for and that none of the elite have at all. Because the elite are in debt and most of them are psychopaths anyway. You were duped by the elite, therefore no one can trust you. You have become one of them. A smelly little piss ant.
eat the other homeless and gain their power
Hope you can kick it, user
>then get hit by a stray bullet from a nigger cause he can't aim for shit
I was homeless for like 3 month, not such a big deal. Well at least we had no snow.
It’s almost as if no one cares what the homeless guy thinks. Keep rambling, loser. It holds no merit.
And fyi everything you take advantage of, everything you use for free that the rich payed for, makes them feel good about helping the less fortunate, those who can’t figure out life on their own. It’s okay, you don’t have to say thanks. We will still feel good about ourselves anyways
Wow the cop has great aim, even used one hand.
I choose the option of killing somebody and claiming their house.
I’m not, I’m taking these in real time. This is where I sleep each night. Thanks for listening man, I don’t get to talk to many people.
I don’t want to be one of those faggots but my life has been kind of shitty to begin with, never had a father or mother so my grandfather ended up raising me, but I had to watch him wither away from ALS when I was 16. I was on my own after that so I joined the army, I was good at pt so I got into 101st airborne. I did two deployments and got hit in the back by shrapnel so I had to get discharged because I had trouble standing. My life was fucking awesome when I was in I got married, we had a house, but I was in so much pain everyday and I felt so useless to my wife, like I wasn’t a man. So I turned to drugs and fucked it all up.
>We will still feel good about ourselves anyways
Yes. Yes you will feel good about yourselves. Knowing that the eltie are in debt to society by millions. Millions that are slowly being accounted for, and not by you. You will feel good about yourselves until the xanax wears off and you become manic and start to believe your own lies and the lies your coworkers are forced to say. To any other normal person, thats a life that leads to suicide.
>even worse when it’s all your fault.
Nah Holmes you need better help for that than a random on b but..... you may be sabotaging yourself now, but imho...
The military docs pass opiates out like candy. And they know full well what they were doing when they prescribed pain blockers without fixing the actual pain.
>military brat who grew up getting fucked by Tri-care, especially opiates before my senior year.
Sadly its cheaper (or at least fills their friends coffers) to pass out bottles of opiates till you die or switch to heroine than to get you set up with surgery and theraphy.
Best of luck.
Suddenly I Wouldn't be homeless. I'm not a fucking retard. Even at my lowest I'd have a home.
That was my backup plan. An abandoned house.
What's that like? Any running electricity? How hard to find?
Thanks man but I don’t have any intention of quitting, I know that’s stinkin’ thinking and all that shit but fuck man everyone is always so quick to judge us, lose everything you care about and see how well you function. I don’t care it’s the only thing that gives me some relief.
How did you find a free house???? Running electric and water?
Yes I am on 13k
And yes they absolutely should. Mandaory soundproof walls and cheap stovetops at least.
Which character from Angry Birds is your favorite?
$300 per day? Thats more than I make. And I make $65k a year. Homeless make $100k a year?
Did you piss into your noodle cup
I have a good chunk of money in the bank. If i were suddenly evicted I could get by.
yes. i'm not black, my family supports each other no matter what.
Yes, I'm not a retarded faggot who doesn't keep at least a 6 month emergency fund in savings. The rest of my money in 401k/hsa/ira/brokerage which I wouldn't even have to touch.
any other normal ways to commit tax fraud or evasion ?
Thanks man but I’m done, after I lost my wife that was it. I don’t blame the military for putting me on opiates, I’m just a little mad at that cunt who hit us with an rpg and I found myself bleeding out thinking I was going to die. That’s where it all went to shit
I’m in a bad area of the city so there’s many abandoned buildings. And I don’t have either, I go to the gas station to get water to drink or shoot up with.
Min wage 10 bucks
Min restaurant 2 bucks
Anything over 8 dollars an hour is extra.
If she's serving 5 tables at 20 bucks a bill at 20% tip that's 22 bucks an hour.
Fuck kind of shit is that? If it was actually worth 22 bucks an hour the employer should pay and charge the customer a flat 10 bucks for their scrambled eggs.
I guess the red one
I have to walk far as fuck to use an actual bathroom and I don’t have a lot of mobility anymore. Yolo
VA is fuckin drugdealers man.
Military is litrral gang, recruiting, murdering, stealing land, pushing drugs...fucking crazy.
hows the house? how ypu find? surely you dont got utilities like fridge and shit.
I don't think you know what 'Home-less' means. If it qualifies as a 'home' you are without one, idiot.
I could survive....but if my life came to that point I wouldn't want to.
Are u retarded? U should be mad at yourself for signing up. When are u gonna stop being a beta bitch and deal with your childhood trauma?
Well, its obvious that your ideas and where you get these ideas are shit and don't work. Any other suggestions on how to ruin society more? Maybe ask your god forsaken elite political parties to make a suggestion box for you fools. Or do you have to pay for that as well bahahah. The elite are in debt and patriots are coming for it. I hope you have a fucking army behind you, you're going to need one.
This kids mom didn't let him skip bedtime on Christmas eve.
>Calling anyone else beta
Ya man, I thought I was all badass n shit but once I cleared my first mud hut and fuckin 13 year old sand boy went for his fathers ak, I shot him in the face and I think about it way more than I want to.
The house is Great, couldn’t ask for more and no there ain’t shit in here, just keeps me from the elements. I find my dope from all kinds of people usually Mexicans have the best shit. It’s crazy when I think about buying it, idk like if normal ned walked a mile in my shoes what would he think
Alone? No problem at all. With wife, not a week, she is 100% dependent on others for anything physical, couldn't walk a mile if you gave her a week to do it. Unless of course it was in a fabric store....
find a spot where old folks live.
become the harmless panhandler.
Also never make eye contact never be loud.
the same way I did last time I was homeless.
Don’t preach to me fuck boy, I’ve never had any resentment about serving, I’m glad I got to go to war and all that shit. And I deal with my “childhood drama” every time I get high bitch
>Would you survive?
Yep. I know how to make money of literal trash.
sigh. it takes a real retard to type this out even if its troll. its low quality troll and low quality serious. either way, just kill yourself. you are not worth educating.
That is literally how restaurants work.
I'm just proving it isn't worth 22 bucks an hour to walk dishes around.
You just think it's extra spending cash that I as someone who had taxes withheld from their pay, should give someone else so they can have better buying power than me.
You sound like a socialist pig.
Of course, because I'm not fucking nuts like 90% of the homeless and can distinguish real from fantasy. it wouldn't take me long to not be homeless anymore because I'd be able to get a job pretty quick.
>either way, just kill yourself. you are not worth educating.
Education from a wannabe elite who's in debt to other elites who are now in debt to society in general? No, you silly person, thats not how this works. What works is you ....paying off the debt and me collecting such debt that is owed to me and the great patriots of our nation. If you could stop this from happening, you would've done that by now.
No, but If you spread this myth enough, soon you'll start believing it. And you won't feel so guilty about not giving money to some starving homeless person.
live on rooftops rather than on the ground with the rest. go to abandoned buildings. use public restrooms. kill degenerates in hopes of making em scared enough to move somewhere else. to be the only one living there.
Calling this very real view on tipping a low quality troll is confusing.
Not only have I helped worked the books for multiple restaurants
I have multiple friends in the 'service industry' and they're all jaded little tip whores who don't report anything other than the bare minimum.
(Credit card tips and only half the cash bills tiped half as much, right guuuis?)
You dont have a shower, so you get fired 2º day of job. Fantasy u say uh?...
And dont tell me u are goint to live with a friend, thats not being homeless.
Been there
Done that
Decided working and making a contribution to society was a better choice
Been homeless before, so yeah I'd survive. Would probably just be underweight.
When I was homeless I just washed my hair in the bathroom sink at work, and occasionally visit the YMCA to use their showers.
I claim 0 on my tips. If you want more, you're going to have to kill me for it. Any other questions?
why would you die without a house?
you could have a pet pigeon on the roof fam
Everyone seems to think homeless means $0 in the bank. That is one way to get there, true - but there’s also earthquakes, hurricanes (natural disasters in general) or to simply walk away from that lifestyle and do as others have suggested and just go traveling through the world with a backpack.
Homeless with a million dollars in the bank must be amazing :)
*Grins* You're not married to anything by the way. That was a debt resolved by law. And that wasn't yours anyway. I hope you have enough debt money to pay an entire army, you're going to need one.
Why do you fucks always trash a place you stay at for free? You can't tell me you are so fucked up that you can't even bother to throw away your cum tissues.
use them for communications :3
throw seeds on top of places i want to call my own. do i for a long time that way the the birds think its theirs. that way they attack people.
incomprehensible shitpost
>pulls #s out of ass
>dis da troof
>fuk da homeless
>society dwindles
You're just a heartless piece of shit with no empathy
There are no IDs on this board, schizo. Take your vaccines.
If someone wants to meet you, choose a neutral roof and tell them "the pigeons will guide you"
I don’t have any of those my dude, dope makes me not think about sex at all.
If you live in America you are in the 1% of the world.
He aimed for the ground on purpose to not hurt anyone, he a good kid, he dindu nuffin!
That's a load of bullshit
You should help panhandlers if you can,
if you see they're drunk or drugged out, maybe not, but many are looking for work & need help until they get something
let me correct myself, "meth/heroin drug addicts make $300 a day"
I could see that as possible.
The addiction does give one incentive to hustle, but it would still be difficult to make $300 a day unless you're having your holes filled by wealthy dick all waking hours
Damn, another user here wishing I could help but that’s some serious shit you’ve got on your shoulders there...
Maybe you can do something like a whistle blowing campaign on what it really means to be involved in the military to save others from the current path you’re on, maybe that could help alleviate some of that weight instead of using heroine to take your sanity away from it all
Good luck either way brother
id make a homestead in the forest
If you're getting your asshole filled out, you'll make $1000 per hour or so. Considering if a whore spends 5 minutes sucking or bent over for a single cumshot, that's $50-100 in less than 5 minutes.
Multiply that by 10 guys.
Whores can make damn near over 6 figures a year.
With what? Sticks & leaves?
Possibly with random building materials. You can find random sheets of plywood, random nails and screws on the ground. Styrofoam or broken coolers and bubble wrap in any dumpster.
You'll be surprised what you can cobble together given enough time and foraging.
Yes, I'd live off of little caesars
You wouldnt keep your clearance
You wouldnt keep your mind healthy
Think trauma
>I felt so useless so i turned to drugs and list everything
you fucked it all up mat
You can still make yourself useful though
You deserve being prayed for
yeah, because THAT's how it works. idiot
I did similar thing - got a crapped out lory for my last money and lived in it on the street for 3 years. Shit was fucking cash. Would do again.
Weather is pretty bad around here to survive unprepared. I have an emergency backpack with an isolated sleeping bag and some supplies for 5 days. Would hit the forest nearby and build a shelter with wood and clay. Survival book tells me which plants to use as insect repellent, toothpaste and soap surrogate. Emergency pack also has a mechanical water filter. Real problem would be food after the initial 5 days as there are not that many edible plants or game here.
>s not shooting up heroin and meth and stealing 300 dollars a day to support that habit.
>most homeless in California make more money
fucking bullshit made up stats.
probably 1/3 of the local homeless i see are crackhead women
Yeah I just think I’m done with life, I probably should’ve just died when I was hit in afganland. At least my wife would’ve gotten 400k
Lol I’ve Always thought of myself as a bad person
If you suddenly end up homeless and can't survive from that position, then your life is a real mess. You should be able to find a new place to live relatively soon and have enough saving to survive until then.
Thank you sir for building an ever more degenerate society, very cool
Yup into the woods I would go
You’re never homeless when you have a swag