if androids are so good how come everyone ik with an android is either poor, stupid, or ugly??
If androids are so good how come everyone ik with an android is either poor, stupid, or ugly??
Confirmation bias
I'll sum it up for you.
Boomers use them
Because you enjoy the company of people that are like you.
Here's proof: You're OP, and this is b8
nah now you're just protecting bro.
im assuming you're an android fag that's ugly and poor.
calling something bait because you don't want to admit you're ugly? omegalul
I agree with OP. A lot of kids in college that have androids are usually poor. However, ugly is another thing. yeah a lot of people that use an Android are more than likely ugly, but there are some that are ok looking. Never as good looking as iPhone users though. You mostly see a Chad or Stacy using an iPhone because they have money and are attractive.
There's has been research done by people that prove ugly people do prefer an android phone.
Because people like to think they get more when they pay more.
If Apple sold their products at a more honest market value they wouldn't have the cache.
Sony tried selling some of their kit cheaper a few years ago, but people didn't buy it because they thought it wasn't as good as the pricier product
Everyone I know who has an iphone has a cracked screen
Agree, you're just projecting,
wat? tf did i just read retard. the iphones are marketed correctly and are much better than an android in every way.
you're just being bias
>if androids are so good how come everyone ik with an android is either poor, stupid, or ugly??
because you never interact with people outside your gay community. and now fuck off with your bait thread.
tell me what excactly is better?
>you're just being bias
>being bias
Stupid android user detected
Quit projecting to OP you salty fag. you're probably the only ugly fag here that doesnt communicate.
Not that user, but it's true. People stray toward more expensive but otherwise comparable products. They believe the expense equates to higher quality. Even if the more expensive product is better, it usually suffers from diminishing returns. This isn't complicated.
iPhones are better. stronger, hold their value, better camera, better and more secure software, dedicated apps, iMessage, FaceTime, isn't buggy at all like Android.
That is true for most things. however, the iphone is different. dude i still see people using a fucking iphone 5 iphone 6 and they still work perfectly.
no fucking shitty android can do that shit
God hates rich people and makes them work more and gives them shitty phones
because of that most people stay poor. you don't get rich by wasting money on things you don't need.
Got em coach.
ever heard of jailbreak retard? not hard to do at all and is way better than an android, even if the android is rooted.
android over all is shit. that's like comparing AMD (android) to NVIDA (apple) like NVIDA shits on AMD so fucking hard it's almost sad to look at results.
This, especially the girls. They put their phone in their ass pocket and act surprised when their phone calls out and hits the pavement.
What is omegalul?
Absolutely untrue. I tend to hold onto my phones for as long as possible, and I most often use Android. I've never had a problem with iPhones personally. I prefer highly-customizable phones though. No matter what, an Android can be customized more than an iPhone. Not to say iPhones aren't good phones. That is obviously untrue, aside from the historically fragile screens. But my Androids last a long time without experiencing lag or an inability to update.
Char. Stacy. Incel vocabulary. Hah.
>I have no idea how wealth works
From someone who prefers Nvidia, your comparison is shit. AMD makes excellent GPUs. You don't know what you're talking about.
haha quit projecting reddit fag. go back to the incels sub reddit and whine on how no one wants you
My phone cost someone else $30
Strange autocorrect choice.
Are you hispanic?
i didn't say they didnt make bad GPU's you fucking retard, they just dont compare to NVIDA. NVIDA fucking stomps on AMD's pussy on GPU results.
You're hispanic. Fuckin bait is fuckin bait, and it was being moderately funny, but you really should go help your mother with the bananas or shit. Abandoning thread and saging :(
>autocorrect choice.
>Are you hispanic?
if OP is going against androids, I am pretty sure he has an iPhone. Last time I checked, Hispanics, beaners, whatever the fuck you call them. They can not afford an iPhone lol
i owned both, iphone and android.
iphones are nice and work well but you're always stuck on apple. charger, software, hardware. if it's not apple it will not work or only work buggy. and apple will get every little bit of information about you.
android is solid. you can choose what you want/need and it just works. android is way better at customizing the hardware and software. and you can turn of almost all information collecting software with the right programms.
personally i prefer android.
We've devloved as a species to the point where we now labeling people as ugly and poor or rich and beautiful because of what phone they use. If you use an Iphone, who cares. If you use an andriod, the same applies. The truth is, if you're arguing about this on Yea Forums of all places, You're noone noteworthy and you're definitely not rich. Go bacn to being a wage slave and accept reality please.
hahaha i like how you're trying to bait on a race im not. i can send proof.
also, quit ignoring the fact that NVIDA mogs AMD completely. make some more bait and keep QQing
>i have no idea how to safe money to get even more rich
right goy, spent all your paycheck on nice things. you have enough money on your bankaccount, don't safe more money. consumerism is good.
Of course they do.
Beans are cheap.
They steal a lot.
Also sex things and crap, like every Brazilian being capable of passing a pineapple through the ass or every single Colombian girl having milk in her tits.
And then.. drugs
The only proof you have is a stolen social security number.
It's Nvidia. Not nvida. Nvida why? How? Fucking Colombian, go suck on your mother's tits.
>everyone ik is either poor, stupid, or ugly
really makes you think...
Agree. Do beans even know about Yea Forums? or even Yea Forums at all?
don't they just sit on their lazy asses all day and then go drinking in the night time?
keep QQing turf. AMD mogs NVIDA. just how like im mogging you in reply you post. just stop posting and know your place incel.
Go ahead and Jailbreak that iOS 9 .3 fucking nerd. I hasn’t been a stable fully functional Jailbreak in years
No. Some of them know and like this shit. We even have that memorable thread of the spic that found a grenade, asked Yea Forums what to do with it, dropped it on the sink and became news.
They're not, you just think an iPhone is a NES and don't know what an accomplishment is
NVIDA Colombian mean. iPhone 5 ruling werldz.
>be OP
>it's my 16 birthday
>mom is a prostitute
>someone lost his iphone3 in her room
>she gives it to me for birthday
>it looks good, screen is cracked and it smells like cum but whatever
>can't unlock it but can still pretend it's mine
>have no IRL friends
>brag about my iphone on a taiwanese interracial fetish forum
>feel like a god today
Bait. With Android, you can get 16 cores, 64GB of RAM, 1TB of internal NVMe storage and dedicated graphics. You can even get a MFT camera sensor that's capable of recording CinemaDNG (RAW) video. Face it, people. iPhones are terrible.
Apple corners the market on fags. Theres statistical proof of that.
OP is gay
-posted from my samsung galaxy watch-