Jews want to destroy white people
Jews want to destroy white people
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And the sky is blue, true. Wu-Tang Saga continue
The goyim know! Oy vey
Feelings mutual
Cut Menachem some slag. He was no older than six at the time he made that statement. How would you feel, if we drew some statements you've made in kindergarten out of the drawer?
>Jews want to destroy all people
I'm only 1/8 Jew and I feel the same.
>we are divine gods
The stormfag who shopped this knows nothing of how monotheism works
>tehehhee i get to blame allll my failures and troubles in life on one grouop of people
>if only i could move my fatass out my gaming chair, stop sleeping with anime body pilow, move out, and get a job could i be the top tier Aryan male
Ok Shlomo
That looks just like my expeditionary character in cod WW2
see? bitchmade supreme. lmao you think im jidf or some bullshit
fucking conspiritards.
no one will ever take you seriously. you're a joke.
Got em Bois
Shut up kike. You're terrified ppl know your dirty tricks
bro im just a normal white guy in texas.
grow a pair of balls and get a job.
you're just as bad as the sjws
>says all that
>also campaigns for communism
Great for baking with too. In an oven. A gas oven.
not a fan of commies
Religion not race
One-Eighth Jew? That makes you a Jew. Fuck off back to Israel.
enjoy your larp on an image board
grow up, son
I don't get it WHY kill destroy the whites when there are more despucable races like the niggers and the sandinggers. Why not wipe out the niggers from africa.
Don't be so black and white about it. I keep scheming to a minimum, I promise. I do my geschefte and you do yours, shall we make it like this? You are a reasonable man, surely you wouldn't fall for the uproar inciting propaganda of the right-wing brutes.
>bro im just a normal white guy in texas.
OK help us fools understand why they try to fuck our societies over? And why the fuck do Jews, with very few exceptions, in all forms of media media, Jews in the celebrity sphere, Jews in the business sphere and the Jews in politics, they all push race baiting, hate speech, a sympathy toward communism and leftist policies and social democracy on the west yet they reject leftist policies in Israel, what sense does that make other than they are trying to fuck us over?
yep, stole their birthright back with Jacob and Esau. been bottom befuddled ever since.
Wiping out the competition?
Actual JIDF here.
We don't want to destroy white people, we just want to make sure we get the fuck off this planet before it's overrun by sand niggers.
They already number in the billions and are reproducing faster than anyone else. If you go to war with them it will buy us enough time to get our space program really going. Then we can fuck off and leave you and your shit-tier genetics to deal with whatever calamity you're going to inflict on yourselves.
>space bait and reddit spacing
Gimme more LARP!!!
“Herschel, these fucking Vulcans have no emotions, our racebaiting doesn’t work on this planet!”
*shrug* think what you will I guess.
Truth is, we're better allies than the muslims or the niggers. Most of the muslims want to rape and or kill you, and the niggers are basically just a biological weapon; unleash them on the cities and watch the social decay unfold.
The biggest threat to us right now is the Chinese. The Russians took our entire model and cranked it up to 11. You think we have tech centers? You should see the shit the ruskis have. Putin probably just wants the same shit we do; space superiority as fast as possible.
Whoever owns the orbitals first will own the planet, and if you think Putin lacks ambition you've got another thing coming. The chinese, however, are unwilling to cooperate with anyone. Putin and us have a reasonable rapport; we help him, he helps us.
The chinese just want it all for themselves.
goood larp
get a job
>Truth is, we're better allies than the muslims or the niggers. Most of the muslims want to rape and or kill you, and the niggers are basically just a biological weapon
You, like every Jew, are a race-baiting fucker. We hate your influence and race-baiting. We make great allies with blacks and Muslims because they want the same thugs as us. Only the race-baiting Jew causes division and wars between races and encourages immigration between races, the other races just want to live in peace in our own lands.
you’re insane if you think China or Russia can afford a space race, let alone actual inter-orbital commerce. They’re both on their knees economically speaking.
>encourages immigration
>is a race baiter
Pick one faggot
There's a reason the Jews have been kicked out of every single landmass they've tried to settle in.
Race-baiting is literally putting races against each other, encouraging immigrants makes our people compete with them for jobs. You trolling Jew. Go fuck your kike cunt with that scarred cock your Rabbi chewed to shreds.
is u prepared..whiteboooii?
this thread is all cringe
(((They))) hate their own descendants.
Tell us about Zoroastrians?
>Hello my fellow white people!
Revenge. Revenge for the collapse of the Soviet Jewnion, the socialist Jewtopia run by Jews. Revenge for the "Shoah," in which Jews were expropriated of their stolen money and forced to work in factories for the good of their society like ordinary goyim.
It'll never be enough for them. They've still got a hard-on for the Egyptians for forcing them to work for a living and earn their keep four thousand years ago.
Ok, I think I get communism now?
>wealthy Jewish ruling class
>everyone else is equal workers being paid as little as possible to barely keep them alive
Is that right?
They don’t actually care about the terrible quality of life under communism, they just want to lord it over impoverished goyim?
The "terrible quality of life" is a feature for them, not a bug.
Official Soviet propaganda even boasted about this during the 1930s. Jews were 1% of Russia's population but they were almost 50% of the Politburo, 80% of the NKVD, and 90% of the Party membership.
Imagine having such a small population but wanting desperately world domination. But there are white people, ultra smart and powerful. Cant fight a conventional war though. Oh wait, we own the media? Lets change the mainstream...hmmm look at africa these vulnerable savages die to the thousands and never recover by a simple cyclone. Now put 1 and 1 together. Let white race mix up with these weak dumb and unevolved apes from africa oy vey. Lets promote racemixing and promote support and defend niggers. HAHAHAHA soon you the white race will be so mixed up and niggerfied they will fall behind and we jews will dominate were the chosen ones FINALLY HAHAHAHAHA
No that's feminists they killed black people already
That’s awful. So terrible quality of life is a feature yet they’re indoctrinating teens and retarded wealthy people with their feel-good leftist nonsense and fantasies about a communist state that looks after you better than capitalism? So, it’s all actually lies then. It’s all just a divide and conquer tactic to allow them to become our feudal overlords, in a sense?
their sun cults were pretty based. the rest just got kiked into becoming anti life arabs
technological neofeudalism where the knights and garrisons are robots, AI, algorithms with no chance of ever sympathizing for the dysgenic peasant underclass whom they keep in line and whom are themselves too weak and stupid in every sense to ever rebel on their own
Why does leftist policy appeal to people then? Why can’t they see the end game?
Horrible vision of a future. No innovation whatsoever?
How do we prevent it?
Why do people hate the Jews so much? Whats up with that
white people are jews
Race baiting. They use media and paid off political parties to constantly goad whites into feeling angry towards blacks and minorities then attack them whites for acting like fascists. Everything comes down to race war with them, they are just in love with causing racially inspired violence. This is a method they use to divide and conquer. Instead of working together, whites and blacks are fighting each other and ignoring the Jew manipulation.
The Jew manipulation is deeply though, it is not just race baiting. Think about every societal debate, both sides are stoked by Jews. These debates are yet more issues to distract the masses and convince them that the other side is their enemy and fooling them all into ignoring the scheming Jews.
Bait threads like this this Twitter pedo bullshit has 150k views. Pushing legalisation if pedophilia, the disgusting fuckers!
Ultimate goal is bringing communism as described in these posts:
big nose man bad
big nose man would be fine if he stopped race-baiting and using the media to spread divisive debates that make neighbours hate each other and cause incels like you to sympathise with communist policies. Your future under communism if you don’t happen to be Jewish:
communism bad
now you get it, yes communism bad:
Not really
Please give me proof.
Proof does not mean infographics or memes that lie and have no sources.
yes, its all over twitter
He wasn't actually Jewish. He married a Jewish woman.
Unmissable as soon as you call them out
scifi fantasy good
No they fucking don't schizo
tell me something new
That's not proof he himself wants white people to die out, let alone the rest of Jewry.
But jews are white people.
How about all the Jews in the media causing divisive social debates with their journalism?
Why would tons of survivors lie? Some for money obviously, but wouldn't people come out about the fucking gas chambers and shit?
Also I'm atheist not jewish
How is that proof in your mind?
Okay, let me break this down for you:
Here's the claim: Jews want to destroy white people.
I don't know what the standards are for the rest of the people in this thread, but if you want to convince me, you have to demonstrate the following.
1. There is a group
a. Composed mostly or entirely of Jews
b. Operating under a unified hierarchy (ie. not acting independently or without coordination)
c. With significant economic resources
2. The objectives of this group include bringing about the physical destruction of all white people.
Lol get a load of this guy
None of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg ever denied the Holocaust happened or recanted their confessions, even at the moment of their execution. They said they were acting under orders, or in the interests of their nation. But they never denied mass killings occurred.
While it is a weird quote, if they really control everything wouldn't they want to keep it as much as a secret as possible?
Men who could have had their families and friends threatened if they didn’t lie? They knew they were going to die anyway, why risk your friends and family’s lives?
(I don’t know, just throwing a potential counterpoint to the vague point you raised)
Why bother ? just give the average twat a smart phone and a few apps and they are happy
As opposed to you, you’re better than everybody else, yeah?
no one cares user and no one ever will
Still doesn't make any sense
no but i do stand apart
sense is a personal perception
In what way do you stand apart?
lets just say humans dont like me and i dont like them
Every race wants to destroy white people from what I've been hearing these days.
Jewish people exist. Scary i know
So you want to see harm come to others because they don’t let hen play with them?
Judaism is an idea not a people there is no Jewish gene
No not in the slightest i just want to observe from a distance
you're only a joo if your mom is a joo. just ask a joo.
That's objectively false
Ethnic jews retard. You saying that literally adds nothing to the conversation
I agree. Christian people exist, don't they?
the Jews cant agree on that or anything else
no such thing friend
Jews are filthy, shitskin sandniggers, you lying, paedophilic, trips-wasting, oven-dodger.
Christianity really is purely ideological. Judaism is an ideology that one can convert to, but they're also an ethnicity.
well i said joos not Jews
Poos do this too.
You want to watch people being hurt? Are you not afraid that whatever or whoever hurts them could hurt you? What if whatever or whoever is hurting this people, hurt you?
dear god that pic is probably older than you are
No i dont wish harm on anyone and no one cant hurt me anymore
Bit optimistic there, no? Why can’t anyone hurt you?
Because i have nothing and no one to care about and i dont care about myself
Every minute, there is a Jew trying to make the Holocaust relevant again.
Holy fuck - I wish to god I was fucking 18 again!!!
Hm. Weird. Why to people say it's a thing then? What about jewish surnames?
How did you feel when you wrote that post?
would you do anything different ?
2000 years is a long time to wander around stateless Jewish surnames are fantasy
There has to be genetic markers, 23andme declares a percentage of your heritage as being different flavours of Jewish. And there’s the common physical traits associated with Jews too like big nose and sinus problems.
How does it feel to think about yourself being numb when imagining yourself watching a horror like others being hurt?
says Who ?
You're the one talking about others being hurt i want nothing of the sort
The fact that big noses and congenital sinus issues are inherited via genes.
But you said it makes you feel numb, now you don’t want it?
You been around long enough to know who Moot was ?
No i feel numb all the time its a blessing its better than pain
Keep it it doesn't help