Attached: 106.png (832x868, 371K)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: Oops!.png (1920x1080, 136K)

blow it out your ass

It's literally healthier than the water that comes out of your sink

you shouldn't blow toilet water out your ass either, that's a bad sign

please don't egg on the rude discord kudasai

>he thinks the alternative is drinking water from the sink
>he would drink water from the sink if he didn't drink it from the toilet


Yeah, exactly, don't fill up the sink and gulp out of it, that's fucking disgusting. You should just drink straight out of the toilet. Just flush once, and then wait until the tank fills up, then flush a second time and slurp out of the bowl as the water is flushing out of it. This is the cleanest water imaginable.
this isn't coming from outside the board, it's coming from inside of it

>Yeah, exactly, don't fill up the sink and gulp out of it, that's fucking disgusting. You should just drink straight out of the toilet. Just flush once, and then wait until the tank fills up, then flush a second time and slurp out of the bowl as the water is flushing out of it. This is the cleanest water imaginable.
This is simply wrong. Filtered water is cleaner.

Scat posts belong on

yeah whatever skip to the bit where you get bored and find something else to do

Your fortune: Good Luck

Could say the same to you. This new drinking toilet water meme is garbage.

>no fun allowed!

>toilet water posts are fun to you
disgusting. go back to your containment board

Seriously just go to the bathroom and scoop up a handful of toilet water and take a little sip and tell me it's not the freshest most wonderful tasting water you've ever had.

Attached: reepa reepa reepa.gif (466x262, 885K)

Son I'm not sure what you're so afraid of, pets have been drinking toilet water for millennia and you never heard them complain about it

This has nothing to do with fear, this has to do with scatposting outside of

Attached: Untitled.png (600x800, 126K)

You keep using that word but I don't think you know what it means

Toilet water is implied scat.

Attached: stomley petfe.png (779x941, 609K)

That's what you're interpreting it as, I'm just talking about water that sits in a toilet before it gets used. I would NEVER advocate the drinking of used toilet water.

A) You already did.
B) Even if that wasn't what you meant to advocate, the used toilet water pictures you posted are scat.
C) Even if you stopped posting the used toilet water pictures, they're now associated to your meme, so your meme is now scat.

stop replying to yourself retard everyone can see the post times

Think whatever you want. Not my fault this retard is posting his toilet water shit as fast as he's allowed to post and I also happen to be rebuking it as fast as I'm allowed to post.

1) No I didn't
2) You are being a sillypants
3) This isn't a meme I just think that this board is the perfect place to talk about drinking toilet water

Stop posting scat on [s4s].

Attached: wabbo wabbo wabbo.png (512x242, 150K)

I could technically post faster

Attached: look at that toilet water go.jpg (573x647, 56K)

Mmm toilety fresh

Attached: fresh.jpg (474x267, 8K)

Stop posting scat on [s4s].

Attached: We-Say-That-Ghosts-Say-Boo-But-Why-_330536861_Lemon-Tree-Images-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 41K)

These are just pictures of glasses of dirty water

Attached: dirty water glass found through image search functionality.gif (107x200, 11K)

And other scat pictures are just pictures of dirty fiber.

god this reply chain is incredibly unfunny

But that dirty fiber came out of a human's butthole
And as long as you drink the toilet water before that happens, you should be in the clear
Nice trips btw fam you are really postin' up a storm tonight, maybe you should cool off with a glass of toilet water

You have the brainlet scatposter to thank for that

>But that dirty fiber came out of a human's butthole
So did the filth in the water you keep posting.

Attached: wellcome too my're studio.png (1492x765, 1.18M)

That's incorrect, sir

Attached: the proof that dirty water actually comes from a sink.jpg (640x360, 278K)

I don't buy it.

Attached: foogey foogey foogey.png (631x1112, 461K)

You don't need to, toilet water is free for anybody with a toilet

Attached: heyo-daddy-dont-flush-that-crapper.png (414x248, 67K)

Can't get any toilet water from a trash can, is there a >>>/toilet/ board?

Yes, it's called

How do I get to that board?

Easy you just go to

Attached: ratl me bons.png (600x800, 259K)

Attached: 1536935467510.jpg (720x720, 32K)

I don't get it, let me drink some toilet water and see if maybe I can figure this out. In the meantime I'll continue to post on this board and let people know about how great drinking toilet water is.

Attached: dyge==.png (800x600, 225K)
