UK hate thread. So happy I don’t live in this unethical country

UK hate thread. So happy I don’t live in this unethical country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where u from?


I want to play with her tits.

Westminster is a farce
The union has outlived its' purpose and we need a new system of independent nations

I use to wonder if I should leave Canada, Then I decided to visit Europe for a couple years. Yeah, fuck that noise. Europe [especially the UK] made me love Canada.

They probably smell like rotten eggs underneath.

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Fuck yeah! Their drinking water is yellow! No wonder their teeth are always fucked up!

I would eat her pussy.

Where is the water yellow exactly?

B-b-but why?

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Manchester,London just to name a few

And where are you from exactly?


Ha same. Canada rocks.


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>u wot? u wot mate? u wot? u wot? u wot? wot mate u wot?

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stored in the balls, duh!

Are you going to go though all countries until someone bites?

This thread and these posts made me realize women are the same all over the world. They're all fucking terrible

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Ever notice how British guys under 30 can't sit or stand without fidgeting and picking at their face every 10 seconds like a retarded child?

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You will find uneducated, ignorant idiots all around the world. They're just easier to find in the UK and the USA, because they're on television so very often.


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Does dentistry even exist in the UK? Having snaggleteeth must turn these braindead incest born people on.

Did you know by the age of 12 95% of Americans will have to get their teeth fixed due to the high amounts of sugar and fats kids have ate to that point.

Meaning it is a huge problem, because corporations make sure kids get those sugary foods at schools so they make a profit, and also for the dentists when they come to get fixed.

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Bro he's baiting

That's a Scouser. Scousers aren't British. They're barely even human.

Actually in terms of per capita the UK is in better shape than the US in terms of poor dentistry or lack of.
We just don't see a couple of pictures and assume everyone is the same. Otherwise there is plenty of American examples of adults with poor teeth out there which could be used with your logic in mind.


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Bitch has got some elbow titties and looks like she has down syndrome

Typical european in 2k19 btw

You would be surprised the easy damage a screwdriver can do in the wrong hands. It is an ideal weapon due to the fact its shaft is solid and can puncture through tough bone and muscle.

Typical American in 2k19 btw

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Go look up spanking porn and lmk what comes up brit boy

Japan has the same with NHK, they will literally turn up at your door and force you to pay for one, even if you subscribe to their service or not.

UK is slowly starting to fight against it, and the government is starting to find it hard to defend the BBC, it will be scrapped eventually forcing the BBC to go subscription based, but the BBC knows if it does they will lost a shit tonne of revenue.

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I have screwdrivers in my house. I use them for building flat-packed furniture and general DIY. Do I deserve to have them "swept" by the police in a random house raid?


But they werent removed during a house raid, its edited tweets pretending to be real, because the real posts are about serious knives etc.

Like what some people do to make up fake tweets from Trump.

If you check out the actually twitter account, you will see they post the serious shit and nothing like that.

They will add pens to the picture for size comparison.

What about this pic?
Was that collection of cooking utensils faked? If so, including the sharpening steel among them was a nice touch. Made my inner /ck/ rage

I like the UK but they don't like me.
What's up with that?

You can't get the full repulsive effect unless you can hear their egregious grating accents and smell the booze and cigs stink mixed with curry kabob breath.

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That isn't fake that is real, but the meat forks are sharp as fuck, I could walk up to you with that up my jacket sleeve and ram it into your ribcage hoping to hit your heart.

People will use anything as a weapon, even things most people would view as safe.

You're not brown enough


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Hi. Could we deepnude this please. Thx.

I couldn't imagine living some place where I'm so afraid of being attacked that I look at every item as a potential weapon. And I'm American lol.

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I think the youngest mother in the US was Estelle P who was 9.

Youngest on this planet was in Peru at 5 years old.

Fucking crazy man.

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>Estelle P
Prolly some scots irish slag living in appalachia.

Don't make fun of Peter Dinklage's family.

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Nobody is scared or afraid here in the UK, if someone gets stabbed or shot etc it will happen, no point hiding away because of it.


London is a shithole confirmed by our lad PJW

Nope American, you should look up how much 15 and under Christians were married in the US due to Judicial Consent since 2000.

Texas over a year ago stopped it being allowed since they had over 75k cases.

Overall 240k children were married legally. In the space of 19 years.

And with Judicial consent there is no minimum age cap, the youngest since 2000 was 10 being married to a 74 year old guy.

God bless American right?

These posts contradict each other


That baby is going to have a world class forehead.

Nice feet

UK is a shit show. I hate it. Would love to move but can't afford to because it's a shit show.

So many fat, ugly stupid people. Does it get better anywhere? Pretty much every woman over the age of 19 is obese.


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I know this person. Pic taken in 2006. She was hit by car front teeth got knocked out. San Francisco.

Canada is pretty cool, but it does suffer from being so close to the USA. Influence is stronger from proximity.

I'm western European and dislike the UK, especially England. The English are a shitty people.

please post more of this girl

+1 funbags

Oh piss off, you post the same crap every hour or so and change the nation name. It's boring. Are you testing a bot?

did she look both ways?

They show up at your your door here in Denmark too. And they call you on your phone, aggressively questioning you, as to why you don't pay them. (DR)

If you tell them that you don't have any license mandating devices, they aggressively questioning you as to why you don't.

I had to get angry more than once on the phone, telling them, that it's none of their fucking business, why I don't have a TV.

I told them fucking is way more fun than watching TV.

Them feet

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You talked to DR before?

At least they're headed to the sporting goods section

This is pure bullshit

This isn't a raid on a property you spastic, this is a sweep from teens on the streets.

These were being carried by youths as weapons. Christ Yanks are retards. Do you not read/watch the news? London has a high murder rate at the minute from stabbings

Americans news doesn't generally cover other countries unless it is huge news. I never understood why other countries constantly report on American news stories. I have vidya friends from all over the world and they all complain that half their news is just talking about America.

Fucking heating bills is expensive. Here in Canada I pay $32 every 3 months. Gas which is the heat is paid for by the company who owns the condos.

>great cuckistan
>absolute state

For the love of god don't run with scissors!

well move off the tundra

If you live in jolly old England you do mate.
God save the queen and all that.

>These were being carried by youths as weapons.
How in the fuck is a 'youth' going to stab someone with a pair of lineman's pliers?
Fucking bongs, man.

And that's even giving you tea slurpers the benefit of the doubt and assuming that someone's planning on using the insane force needed to do damage with the needle nose pliers and the rasp

Those crazy youths must be going around giving people the old purple nurple but with pliers now!
Bringing grade school bulling to new dimensions!

Are you stupid bong? All the biggest white losers in the US are of scots/irish descent.

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The fact people like you exist just proves how Dumb the UK is as a nation. You're not intelligent, you're not "woke", Go back to college or night classes and get an education.

>London has a high murder rate at the minute from stabbings
But I thought y'all were so much safer since you banned guns?

that pic looks comfy as fuck

we are safer. imagine what it would be like if guns were available.
>wild west

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So you're saying that your country's just a shithole where bongs are gonna bong?

UK is a country retard

It's really not the wild west, except for niggers and you get worse in your nation with the fucking girl sculping islamics and nigerians so don't be hypocrites. If you want to look at crime stats, you UK types are far worse, especially violent crimes per capita and you can't do jack shit about it because mama merkel tells you what to do.
Why did you bother fighting WW II when you have a german cunt telling you how to control your borders?

... beyond that one, you're too stupid to execute brexit, that's what your people voted for so do it already stop being fucking pussys and eating your cucumber sandwiches and drinking tea.

We in the USA even have that beast beat.
Can crushing boobs - titties

She crushes Foster's cans without giving it a second thought.