American women are the worst:
- Fat
- Dumb
- Can't cook
- Entitled
- Unfaithful
Why would anyone want to spend the rest of their lives with these useless cunts?
American women are the worst:
- Fat
- Dumb
- Can't cook
- Entitled
- Unfaithful
Why would anyone want to spend the rest of their lives with these useless cunts?
Rent free. Stay the fuck out of America.
fag is angry cause they won woman football world cup
no one was actually watching that kiddy competition.
>Why would anyone want to spend the rest of their lives with these useless cunts?
Cause that's the best you can do?
Ask Prince Harry.
this isnt something specific to women though,all americans are fat and dumb
Shit b8 is shit bro.
the angry ones are the trump supporters because that women spoke out against orange man
>Ask Prince Harry.
or King Ed VIII
Yeah yeah
Superbowl 2019 = 96million viewer
Woman WC 2019 = 328 million viewer and thats without the final
Because they don't technically count as human, you can sell them on darknet without risk of getting arrested.
How much you wanna bet that 95% of those views were from the US bc Americans are such sore losers that they want people to think the WWC is an important competition while the men's team continues to be trash?
now take away the viewers who only watched because of that cunt who hates donald trump
soccer is not a popular sport in america
and i use the word "cunt" as a general description of a women,it has nothing to do with her hatred of donald trump.people can hate trump all they want,thats fine with me
The last men's world cup generated 3 billion views you degenerate feminist loser.
I think u fag did not get the point
the point is,90 percent of those viewers only watched because of that one women who made a big deal over how much she hates trump.take that away,and americans would of cared less about the world cup because soccer is not a popular sport in america
Sounds like you're describing women in general
Womens soccer? when did they let the cunts play?
when did america start caring about soccer? football is the popular sport in america,not soccer.i guess its all the beaners who are let in the country
>when did they let the cunts play?
when Boys' U15 squads needed a win
Poor lonely boy! You should go clean your hut!
I thought them whites boycotted football cause they hurt them feelings?
You must be Dutch
im talking about america in general,who cares about white people.they arent the only people in america
also,there probably gonna boycott soccer to
Apparently they think they are!
well good for them,your also confusing white trump supporters with the rest of the white race
Bro Americans don't even give a fuck about soccer and our women just took a giant shit on the world. What's that say about your women?
Well yeah she sad bad things about trump n it hurt them feelings!
2 dubs in a row
They are still bringing that trophy home to Trumps America...
>americans dont give a fuck about soccer
see the picture in
they apparently care enough to whine about soccer players
Our women are not delusional feminist dykes. That's already a win.
>trumps america
even though he lost the popular vote,id say hillary's america.since thats who americans wanted as president anyway,have fun celebrating a win for an unpopular sport in america in your trailer park
Long time no see Mr Moscow
Trump supporters are the biggest morons on the planet at the moment! They actually believe there was an airport and george Washington was a pilot!
Don't forget that Trump has decided the War of Independence now happened during the War of 1810.
at least 70 percent of the viewers watched because no other sports are on right now and ESPN and FOX advertised like it's the superbowl. lol.
>biggest morons on the planet at the moment
really? you do realize it was only trump who said that about the airports and not his supporters,just because trump supporters arent loud and violent like you democrats doesnt mean they support 100 percent of what trump does.but hey,good luck thinking your hillary women would of been any better then trump at this point.he even gave you gun control and you still whine about him
yeah right,70 percent of viewers watched because of megan rapinoe and the fact she's an outspoken anti trump person
I've never heard that name dude, like most people.
really? because she's an outspoken anti trump supporter.pretty sure you've heard her name before,i bet your a redneck who's only source of news about his country comes from trump's twitter the rest of people who like donald trump
Dude, chill. I'd vote for trump again because taxes, stock market, and some funny people that are butthurt makes it a little better, but I'm not on Twitter or pay attention to right wing or left wing news. I'm cool with people not liking him, but theres plenty anti-Trump content out there. However, I havent heard of this chick, Cletus. Sorry that bothers you for some reason. Haha.
lol,so you'd vote for a guy who avoided paying his taxes? people who would vote for trump again are idiots.he's shit on everything republicans stand for,maybe you should get a clue and vote democrat because thats where you trump supporters belong
>im cool with people not liking him
bullshit,if there's anything that triggers snowflake trump supporters.its people who dont like him,you did the same thing to colin kaepernick that your doing with megan rapinoe
At least you're not seething.
because we don't have a choice, and no time to look for an alternative
drank to much alcohol today to be mad.suprised im not passed out right now considering i havent slept good in 2 days
The WC has such a larger global audience than the superbowl does you mongo.
>Gee I wonder why the championship game for an exclusively American league that is more popular in the United States than any other nation has drastically less viewership than a World Cup final
Slept well
Learn English
It's a simple thing you can do to better yourself and not sound like a moron to educated people
why just good/well but not point out to/too much, the lack of apostrophe in "havent" or the lower case "i" or the sentence fragment
You suck as a grammar nazi
It's called the Electoral College. So the idiots n NY and CA don't run the country.
im the guy he was responding to and
>assuming he cares what i think i sound like to educated people
>idiots in NY dont run the country
meanwhile,you elect a president who has lived his entire life in NY,what was that about NY idiots now?
cause they're niggers.
>you can HAVE them boys.
exactly. he's just being a pretentious prick because he thinks it makes himself look better somehow
There is a time and place for precise writing, but making comments in Yea Forums...
The president doesn’t love in New York
actually he does,he's lived in new york city his entire life.this proves how stupid his supporters are
So you want more taxes, the stock market fail, and more of our business going over seas? Guessing you’re not a fan of the second amendment either, but yeah vote for him again, cause is funny.
to be honest,its not like the alternatives would support the 2nd ammendment any more
People who say "good" in place of well sound like fucking retards. I could care less about the other shit
>mommy bring me tendies now! I’m hungry and frustrated because the girls don’t kiss me or touch my peepee
>trump derangement syndrome
you mean,thinking republicans will care about your stupid non white people not getting into america more then they do the constitution you have shit on?
there's a reason you retards lost the midterms and it wasnt because of obama,hillary or the news media
I dunno, I’m leaning toward the conspiracy theory that most of the team fucking loves Trump and was so excited about his White House invitation that they stepped up their game to win like he asked them to do.
Yeah you tell him Herschel! Wait, isn’t it nearly 2am in Israel? Why are you up so late?