Are you going to play?

Are you going to play?

What race/class?

Horde vs Alliance?

>orc hinter
>for the Horde!!

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Maybe. Dwarf rogue perhaps.

If I still had a fucking pc I'd be playing a little gnome mage because those trolley rides were comfy af
Word to the wise anons, if your gf ever says to get rid of your PC and you don't want to, don't. I caved and got rid of it and we broke up two months later.
Shit sucks but now I'm saving up for another one

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dwarf priest. free fear ward.

Damn bro, that sux

No, Blizzard fucked up Warcraft hard and i see no evidence they won't eventually ruin their second chance.

Orc Warrior or Gnome Rogue

Decide based on Friends but then full on faction loyalty, so either way.

Maybe. I'd play a Human Paladin.

What's going on? They bringing back vanilla?

Fug yeah. Human Priest because I love being a healfag.

Yee dude, and its fucking sweet. I played the 2 day stress test and it was amazing.

Yep. August 31 I think.

I'll either roll a night elf druid, hunter or rogue.

Whatever Asmongold tell me is the coolest

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aug 27th

and theyre letting everyone reserve 3 names 2 weeks before launch

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fuck that, play FFXIV

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Welp, I wasnt gunna fap yet but here we are/

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>Got rid of your pc for a girl
Sounds like the beginning stages of becoming a cuck

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Is the endgame worth it? I always get bored before I can finish the damn main quest

Undead mage, alongside my friends playing undead priest and undead rogue. Some of you are pretty cool, dont go to STV tomorrow

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That is a lot of shit quality porn

Its long, so it's really up to the player to like story in their game. End game itself is worth it if you have a static

Why do you think I learned from my lesson? I got out of that as soon as the red flags started popping up, even if the pc thing should've been the first sign
It's cool, I just gotta wait until about Christmas time and I can get what I've been eyeing for a while now. I just tell people so they can learn from my mistakes and not let the pussy go to their heads

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Gnome Warlock

blizz, please don't become a goldseller or shove in paid mounts
I know you fucked the CoD4 remaster over, but people are counting on Classic not to be shit
do the right thing mr kotick, not that you'll ever listen to your players

Oh and will I still be able to play this on my Athlon XP rig?

Night elf arcane priest. Game was for retards back then so I'll only do retard shit. No rating anyway so who cares.

ill make your sister retarded

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i am thinking about a night elf druid or rogue
for professions skinning and leartherworking for rogue and alchemy with herbalism for druid

human pally buff bitch like the old days

What happened to your pc?

Lol I was just joking, I play FFXIV

night elhf wogue

If you get bored leveling up, then the end game isn't really going to make the game any better. It really hasn't improved from 2.0 re-release. You still just grind tomes and do "hard mode" EX challenges, and a Raid. Story is a little better but probably still a slog if you don't like the current one. The 2 new classes are pretty fun to play, but the combat system is still SLOW and you are really just dodging pretty floor colors.

Troll hunter will be my first, for farming.
Main will be Tauren Druid PVP healer.

sm ruin, warlock
get to pve and pvp
progress through both worlds without changing talents

She told me I hadn't used in a couple of months so I needed to get rid of it.
Now granted, I hadn't played it in two months because I got absorbed in a game on my PS4 and wanted to beat it, I can't even remember what game it was, but I still loved having my PC for cities skylines and the games I couldn't play on console.
So I sold it on Craigslist for half it's worth after weeks of bitching, and turned out she just wanted to go out to dinner because as soon as I had the cash she made reservations. Bullshit because she knew I made enough money at work to be able to afford dinner, if she would've just asked.
Only now do I realize that she was manipulative

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did she work

the dinner was reward for you and not her need from PC money lol
and every women is manipulative (i dont mean this in a negative way)

Yeah she did, and I was working at my grad school teaching so I was doing decent at the time even with bills

yup ever woman, get yourself one that is manipulative in non financial and moral situations. wife may not be a 10 but she has never forced me to compromise what i believe or our finances.

focus on yourself until your 30s.
men age like a fine wine
women lose their value as they age.

I have been playing on private servers becuz blizzard didn't want to make old school servers, even after I did the math for tuem it was a nope. I have spent too much time on my private server chars to even go back to them.

Classic case of shooting yourself in the foot

You're shit quality porn

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more shit

manipulating not always means ruining your life lol
thats why i said "i dont mean it in a negative way"

its like when you dont want to do something (which would be good for you or the family) she'll manipulate you one way or another to do it