Rant time:

Rant time:

So my friend is aro/ace, i respect that and im actually glad cause no guy is good enough for her imo. Anyway so on her twitter she’s made posts about how she isnt sure of her aro-ness anymore, which i can still respect because its her life and yeah. But like this summer my friends have been like “you like her! You guys fucking cuddle, its obvious” and that messed with my brain and now that and im not sure... like i love hanging with her, and holding her hands and sleeping next to her and etc. but like at the same times its weird cause she’s my best friend and what if she doesnt like me (i say this when i dont even know if i like her) and so it stresses me out cause im confused and dont want to ruin what me and her have

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what the fuck are you even talking about? the fuck is aro/ace?

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What the fuck is aro/ace?

Also let me tell you this, no matter what happens, in ten years, when you look back on this, it won't seem important at all

you cant say that you dont know what hes talking about yet dude.

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She's frigid

Fuck I thought it read "rent time" I was about to tell you how to make and save money.

how old is she user?

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would you mind telling me?

yo rent time is now. need another 500 by tomorrow or im out by tomorrow night. shit sucks donkey dicks. now that is a real problem. not like op's gay ass faggot problem


Aromantic and asexual

It means aromantic and asexual

Thats just as useful my guy

this tells me nothing. like literally nothing. like if youre in your mid sixties, yeah shit makes sense. how old are you both

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Atleast i aint about to be on the streets, hoes mad

^i dont even know what that means.
Op maybe just find someone who isn't mentally ill

meh ill figure it out. at least im not in love with a lesbian lul

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kek, kids these days

Once i tell you our age, i’m instantly getting brushed aside cause “highschoolers are over dramatic”

Fuck off with this faggot shit. Go find an actual woman. Enough of this MoRe tHaN tWo GeNdErS faggotry.

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That aint what that means but go off

Tbf i’ve got some mental illness sooooo

What a beta male, getting mad just cause your broke

they are and i think you just answered your original post buttlord

While yea, i’m over dramatic, i was just ranting

youre clearly looking for advice and like 5 different people have given you advice.....soooooo idk what to tell you further, under-aged b&

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I really just wanted to anonymously rant, and most of the advice was telling me “fuck off fag” or that i need to find a real woman, not a mentally ill lesbian. Thank you though!

lol its good advice though. thats what im saying. shes either
>not mature enough for a real relationship
>legitimately mentally ill
>or she is a lesbian
or some combination of the three. im assuming you are possibly one or more of these as well so actually now that i think about it you guys might fit well.

So mental illnesses. gotcha

Jesus Christ stop being a pussy and ask her out already.

Well we have a few matching illness
And she might have feelings for me and isnt sure so everything is wild. And yeah we apparently do work well but its all a big oof

Well we have a few matching illness
And she might have feelings for me and isnt sure so everything is wild. And yeah we apparently do work well but its all a big oof
More like a result of PTSD but alright

Bold. Yet simple. I like it

jfc reported for being so underage that it makes everyone itt legally a pedophile

Well im almost 16 so it could get alot more illegal

Also you are being a massive fag so that’s perfectly legitimate advice

this holy shit

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Ok boomer

1. what the fuck are you doing posting on this site while being underaged
2. stop being a kid, fuck the panic, and ask her out
3. enjoy your ban
4. cuddling ? holding her hands ? sleeping next to her ? that's literally what couples do you fucking autist, she's into you
5. if she doesn't like you, then either she is lying or she's a bitch that you should run from as fast as you can

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Easy way to test it is to push her away and see how she reacts. She probably just says that shit to act cool but really she’s just a scared little girl inside that’s ants to be different. You need to stop cuddling her and doing this pseudo romantic shit and see if she comes crawling to you like a crackhead lookin for a fix. Women need attachment and she found it in you but you’re gonna get ducked up cuz you’re getting no pussy no true affection and she gets the comfort of a protector fake boyfriend until she finds a man or a bull dyke to take your place AND satisfy her sexually.

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Which is what drives most of those retards into thinking theyre made up gender and whatnot, shitty childhood/life

I aint even going near that one

She doesnt want sex. Hates the idea of having it

then who cares lol she serves no purpose

I do, because i care about her and know she isnt just a vessle for sex tf?

Then pull away and see what happens. It’s for your own good really.

My own good? Because she doesnt want sex? What if i said i was aro?

How the fuck is this getting replies

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Im not sure, its kind of scary and sad

>What if i said i was aro?
Then this would be an even stupider thread

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Don’t be such an aspie lol. You’re probably part of the reason she’s rethinking her sexuality. I had a gf just like this. She never called herself asexual or anything but she LOVED cuddling. I couldn’t keep her off me, but sex never even crossed her mind. It was basically hell except cute.

After cuddling with her for like a year I finally convinced her to try some other stuff. Somewhere along the way I realized she was just as afraid of a guy being too aggressive and hurting her, or basically just using her, as she was about trying to understand sex itself. So I just kept trying to convince her to masturbate lol. And to let me try to find her some porn that would interest her. Really light, soft core stuff at first. More like SFW erotic images, really. With the occasional titty or something just to make her blush. She wouldn’t admit it but she totally started playing with herself and experimenting within like a month of me casually but regularly suggesting it. I could tell by the questions she would ask me. Pretty soon she asked me straight up to give her some tips for how to touch herself. Within another month or two, it had become abundantly clear that she was actually sort of kinky and submissive. Ironically. She even developed some rape fantasies in the time I knew her. Likes being manhandled and slapped a little, as long as you cuddle with her afterwards.

Don’t even think about rejection lol. She probably would reject you, even if you’re her type and she really does have some kind of undiscovered feelings for you. She doesn’t want to commit to anything when she doesn’t really know what she wants and likes yet. That’s not really all that weird.

The fact that she’s cuddling and experimenting with you counts for a lot. Tell her you’re available if she needs a boy to experiment on. Tell her she’s pretty and you’d enjoy it if she acts surprised. She might reject you but boy will it get her thinking