Lol why are white people such pussies?

lol why are white people such pussies?

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why are apes so rhythmic ?

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All that and still no knockout you faggot.

cuz we wuz kangz

He didnt hit back cause he knew the nigger would get expelled from school and charged with assault. White people are smart

Because you have never met a true White Nationalist. You can get away with that with the brainwashed soyboys but I would like to see you try it with me.

go to russia fagget

Man you must be fucked in the head to make these types of threads day in and day out. Don't you ever get bored of it?

had that white dude thrown even one punch he would have scared that nigger off.


He knew that if he hit back once the nigger would fall to the ground and his 20 cousins behind the camera would then jump whitey to defend their useless niglet

This is the white kid after his beating.

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Whats stopping the white kid from bringing a knife or gun to school the next day out of rage and killing the yard ape? Dumb niggers dont think ahead

Exactly, take a few bruises for the team. The result? The nig will get kicked out of school, never get a diploma, and end up spending the bulk of his adult life in jail for a series of stupid drug and/or petty crimes. The white kid's in it for the long game.

why do blacks think violence is the only way to do anything?

nope, he would be label a racist.

Because it's impossible to defend yourself against an unprovoked nigger assault without IMMEDIATELY being labelled as an evil-hitler-reborn-racist who must be immediately ostracized from everyone, fired from your job, outcast from your family and have your reputation immediately ruined for your entire life, the INSTANT that the niggers mother says "he dindu nuffin wrong!" on daytime news, all while extremely biased left wing judicial system rewards niggers for such behavior and throws you in jail.

Ah this thread again, what might it be?

>simple bait to make the insecure fags rage?
>or the same bot that posted black dicks before now posts these so the whites get manipulated into hating niggers even more and will be too occupied to notice who the real enemy is?

Jews love multiculturalism because they can pit the different races agains eachother to create chaos, then they crate new laws that give the jewish ruling caste more power over the population.

Hate niggers all you want but never forget to look for the kikes and their helpers.

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keep repeating this dumb mantra long enough and it might just become true

>white versus black
>one has reasoning and skills
>one has snap rage and retard strength

Posts like these also appeared in the previous nigg webm threads.

This is also a bot that larps as a white poster to signal to other whites
>hey, give up
>we can not fight
>the whole society is against us

Bullshit. Nobody will call you racist, nobody cares, it's jsut a fight, you are not politically important to call you racist.
Work out and visit some kickboxing classes and use your elbows. But don't go against packs of niggers once you feel too confident. Pick your figts.

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>implying that wouldn't just happen anyway

Dey got all da money, my nigga.

Noticed it too? Take a look at my post here
and here
It's shills calibrating their propaganda
>black dick threads got little attention then no attention at all, yet they kept appeareng for about a year once or twice a week
>now it's vids of violence

The god damn kike bots want to get into your subconscious, sex and violence are in our instincts so we react to that in a non logical way.

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He should have attacked at the end. The black guy is so winded after wasting all that energy for no KO

BOTH of em' are pussies.

Am black, dude isn’t even fighting back. Bruh is a coward unless the kid was talking shit, even still, a few blows would’ve sufficed.

Aww look at the butthurt “nonracist” with racist tendencies.

Because that's how your white women like it when they get fucked by a BBC.

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Jail is full of niggers. Nobody wants to deal with that shit, his class is beyond you. What's disgusting is how nice he is dressed and that they go to the same school. His shit boxing if that was me he would have gotten a fat lip keep asking for it sissy.

I would have killed him in the sink or the toilet bowl.

*teleports behind you*
I'm sorry you thought you stood a chance. It's sad, really...
Heh, nothin' personal kid... You know I've studied the blade for over 9000 years... mastering the most- advanced katana techniques in the world. *unsheathes katana* You ever heard of a katana, kid? Well let me just translate it for you: katana means "Japanese sword," and I've got over 9 ways to kill you with this one right now. Yeah, you see, I'm the number-one cause of death in the world, and I don't care about anything but money. My parents were killed, and I was cursed by the demigod of death himself. So, I don’t really got much holding me back. I am forever a mercenary, I assassinate people and get paid for it. Nothing in life matters, but money. God? Yeah, I believe in God... In fact, you are looking right at him. You know right behind you now is 100 more enemies. And in the next 30-seconds I'm gonna take-out all 101 of you. But kids like you are nothin' you can't even make me flinch. The guys behind you might cause me SOME trouble tho. Forgive me master, I have to go all-out, just this once.
He'h, nothin' personal, kid.

Power is he would have bullied him like the Italians grabbed him by the nappy hair and made him eat shit out of the toilet.

White power.

All niggers are worthless and this needs to happen.

Your kind never has the initiative to do anything.

So that's an empty threat.

The only reason here is to segregate him out of the school. He and the other niggers can go to another school. More or less what he did when he took it.

That nigger got 20+ freebies and still couldn't take down the weakest of white boys.

It begs the question...

Who's the real pussy?

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but the nigger gets to go to the pussy white boy's house and do this to his aryan sister

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Niggers go to prison daily so you bitch ass monkey can shit up and ruin the good places. That's the part you don't get when you're being laughed at for attention. Dance monkey dance. Be my bitch.

Nobody likes you.

Your uncle is serving a life sentence so society can allow you to sit at an olive garden. Sheeeeeiiiiiiiittt

Yeah, no. You're not the ones doing those. That's not on a large scale. Try again.

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Why cant pussy right wing nazi white boy trump supporters just let their white aryan mother and sister enjoy big black muslim cocks??

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Nice meme trumptard

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So is your inbred uncle.

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Prime cowardice towards women. That's what canelos team thought of Mayweather jr. That he was a coward. No balls.

I love when George Zimmerman shot that 17 year old kid to death. I piss on it's grave and im glad he's free.

Cry next time. Prison and getting shot. Bitch.

Nobody likes you monkey. Stop embarrassing yourself.

i'm not amerifat you stupid monkey, where I live there's not a single nigger present
you're probably not even a nigger, but some fat american cuckold troll
or worse, a fucking jew

lmao richest fighter in modern history though sissy nazi, and that's without any sponsors looool

Name me a fighter in modern times worth a billion dollars

keep being a nazi sissy right wing trumptard faggot though lol

When you see me on the street, turn around pussy lol

Attached: This is America.png (1408x891, 1.33M)

I'm Asian. You need your masters for everything monkey. Cyrus Washington came down here and got his ass kicked we should have hung him in public

Without whitey and America you ain't shit.

A stupid nigger with a hat. The jew dressed up the monkey just for the sake of doing evil. Read how fucking stupid and worthless your posts are. You need to be beaten the fuck down. Pick my cotton nigger

keks eurocuck still think european aryan women dont belong to big black muslim migrant cocks

if you beg me, I might let you suck my muslim black cum outta your sister's pussy

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Jokes on you, he's Jewish.

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lel big black muslim cocks don't pick cotton anymore right wing nazi trumptard, we pick blodne aryan women to fuck xDDDD

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Bet your mother's worthless soul it's gonna happen. It's the first step. Keep asking for it.

Wait until your stupid country runs out of money bitch

nice aryan ass, perfect for big black muslim migrant cocks

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in the whole country we have 0.00034 muslims population
it's 500 people
if any of them starts some shit, we will quickly round them up and break their faces in

Come to Latvia, and try to start shit. You will be shanked and die curling under a bridge.

lmao xDDD kek dont worry eurocuck we cummin for you blonde aryan latvian women

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ok, we are waiting

Would you call it a hate crime if he defended himself? Are you sick

They already went down to Mexico when the cartel was in full effect.

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Only in movies do they not cut off your toungue and behead you stupid nigger.

>punching a guy who doesn't fight back is alpha
you're a faggot OP

Low levels of impulsivity, and less prone to psychosis than blacks (clinically proven.) That white person is imagining all the consequences of hitting the other student, maybe getting suspended or arrested, or harming him or his family. The sub human nigger is not even thinking of that, just using reactionary retribution because this caucasian individual stepped on his shoes or looked at him for three seconds too long. This is why blacks make up 12% of the population and commit 40% of the crime.

Imagine thinking you are superior because of the fact that a culture and nation is destroying itself, and just so happened to choose you as its tool for destruction. Women are the problem, once westerners realize that, and end their foolish hopes of egalitarianism, feminism, and equality, the west will once again become the unrefutable best place in the world, imagine it, a birth rate high enough for replacement and growth, no immigration into the west, and the west is immigrating out and colonizing all of the third world shitholes.
You are full of yourself and are too stupid to realize you have any impact because of the west's own choices and stupidity. Otherwise you'd all still be living in mud and sand.

Only because of all of society did his head not end up in the toilet.
It's worth it if you do it. Society ain't gonna do shit you're going to the same school.

won't be long pussy nazi right wing scum, were gonna flood your shitty country with glorious big black muslim migrant cocks

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You're supposed to hit back and put them in their place. And society and the police is supposed to have your back.

The classy way to deal with this is segregation. The low is to fight back fair in self defense. Do you see why you're losing?

These niggers don't deserve to live in America. Ask any immigrant group.

yes neo nazi keep thinking that lol

more aryan pussy for us lol

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You don't belong and you will never be a nazi.

You think you're a nazi shitskin? You think we're not gonna do shit?

I knew this nigger who thought he was wise and he never shut up. He had a son or a daughter the stupid American

Hate crimes really need to happen.

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God forbid someone hurts the monkey. I'm at my wits end.

That is your response? You really dont have any sense at all do you boy? Addressing nothing I said, well you might as well a pile of mud if that is all you are ever going to atempt to use that brain of yours for. Come back when you are done saying "muh dick" and talking about women, as we have already established it doesnt matter what women want.

You're in the eye of the hurricane in the midst of the hate you sow. Keep fucking talking monkey

Many of them may not, I know several good black people, but I do think our laws need to be less forgiving and not allow areas with high crime rate to exist

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White nazi right wing trumptard tears are excellent lube for my big black muslim cock entering an aryan woman's pussy

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This is becoming pasta, and it's already stale.

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Shut your bitchass up

Read proverbs.

But i don't see your mother putting money in your books

you really need to understand your being trolled right now, the u mad whiteboi stuff is all trolling

>the right has come full circle, your now easier to trigger than sjws


Lincoln originally wanted to send the niggers back to Africa. He was a very smart man; he knew that niggers and human beings could never coexist together.

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shutup, nerd. The nazis lost

anons on Yea Forums have always triggered easily.

The right wouldnt have such a bad name if you acted civil and engaged in conversation you know. Not like it matters since politics is broken due to women voting and democracy as a whole, but hey, if you want to never fix anything because you cant be civil with someone who agrees with you on most things over a difference of opinion, lets just say you arent making a good impression for the future hope of the west.

Are you eating your fucking pizza? Because America is ruined. Not many people that lived on the 70s anymore not even the 90s.

99.9% of Yea Forumstards are really stupid

Italians=/=White power

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You don't get it. Fuck your politics for a second retard. There are chinks pajeets and Mexicans who went to Disneyland to eat pizza during the 90s. I want to eat at bennigan's what the fuck do you think these people think of you?

When Russia wants to immigrate to America he will find fucking nothing.

Giordano's you little shit.

Well, thousands of years on the top of human races with the best technology and civilized mind has left us soft, simply because we already conquered the world. Blacks on the other hand are part of artificial breeding that whites did in the slave state, because theyre only use is the workfield and war. Their lack of cultural evolution and the fact that theyre literally the pitbull dog of the white race answer your question?

what should make history different
still tons of niggers
still stupid af
=> Still niggers being used from white peple for their use.

Why white blonde hair blue eyes aryan women love big black muslim cocks ?

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I'm a Mexican, the crazy Democrats are not giving me my papers. Just saying.

All this faggotry is a charade in the name of the end of totalitarianism fighting a dead enemy beating a dead horse

lmao keep thinking that right wing neo naxi trumptard scum

more white aryan pussy for us

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Niggers should never have rights. Everyone knew this.

i keep thinking, you dont, thats the problem
is something like 60 years that niggers thinks like u and nothing changed
go on, i like ur plan

Can white people just die off already please?

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Fuck you and fuck Latvia, were gonna fuck your daughters and burn your flag lol build a wall all you want, this big black muslim dick is still gonna come for your aryan latvian blue eyed blonde hair women lol

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Yea, I've never understood this kind of life. My roommate from college is obsessed with hating every other race online the entire day. He doesn't clean himself, workout, or eat healthy. Always has empty wrappers of candy, chip bags, and bottles of soda. It's pathetic. Meanwhile I'm out in the world fucking. I tried to help his retarded ass, but he loves his online anonymous persona more than getting pussy I guess.

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Can we just nuke you now so we can save ammo when the money does run out?

You reap what you sow. It's the jews. It's comedy how far they gotten. Not this time nevar again. I want them to go further. This is what happens.

Hi spender

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It's an empty threat because I'm smart. Your family.

Them body shots will have hurt.

I get it is trolling, but I am trying to talk to the person behind the mask

Nazi right wing trumptards are stupid lmao

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ok steven crowder lol

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goddamn... who the fuck taught this idiot to fight? He's completely leaving himself open and his footwork is all kinds of off.

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lmao shut the fuck up fatty you cant fight lol

Heh. You project your insecurities about as transparently as Mr. Trump does.


literally looks like she's shitting


Just because animals snap at random in every day Life doesn't mean they can fight. They just aren't normal people or humans animals not fit for society.

They can't fight at all actually because they can't think past right now

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This nigger wouldn't pick on anyone else or he'd go down in a heart beat. Clearly a bully

Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of a thick veiny long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power

Ethiopia, the grey area in the east, was conquered by Italy in the interwar period
Liberia, the grey area in the west, was founded by the USA in the early 1800s to resettle slaves liberated by the US navy

If niggers are so tuff, why diddn't you have much fight back against teh Joos and Whities that enslaved you bitch? HUH?

He's there to try and go to school, not MMA

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Why are niggers such violent animals?

Attached: NIGG.SAY.WHAT......webm (200x360, 1.03M)

because if whats coming to u racists in the form of metaphysical spirituality via karmic murphys law

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Lol why are niggers so uncivilized?

What the fuck are you babbling about, NIGGER?

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Bell hook is a nigger bitch

every time I read one of these threads, it just shows how many of you are detached from reality

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Pussy is pretty overrated tbh.

I'll bet you had to use the spell check for almost every word in your post.... and the hilarious thing is you don't even know what the words mean. Just another bunch of NIGGER faggots.

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He beat up a Mexican.
How is this any way related to the topic?

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he is a faggot for sure , just look at his pants

discord /e6EC3G join ^^