Movie quotes thread:

movie quotes thread:

>I'll return later

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"I see people who have died" - Hands Gruber, Sixth Element

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Luke, you are my son

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Meet Dave

basta copy pasta

"Use the power, Luke"
Gandalf - star trek

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yippy dippy doo you son of a bitch

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-Vince, from The Royal Groom

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Stuntman Mike
>start getting scared... immediately!
Death Proof (2007)

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We're here

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Bond is my name, call me james

Get on the choppa

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My name is Jeff

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>multi ass

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"Whattaya mean I can crack a joke?"

-Short guy, 'Grandfather'

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The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure we'll fuck
-Bob newhart

We have a difference of opinion, man.

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They're gonna help that poor woman

A fellow cannot simply waltz over to the enemy lands.

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"Where did my drink go?"

-Jackie Chan

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Winter will arrive
- Lord Eddie Stork

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"Its not that Im lazy, I just don't give a fuck."

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It's over! You just turn it off.

- Italian horse

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its ill be back you dolt
the summer is real

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Let's have a nice day!
-John Wayne, 'The Fast and the Dead'

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...says the summerfag, not recognizing a time honored tradition.

>screw it, let's go golfing

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Who are you talking to?

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"Say that again."

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this guy glow beyond limits

i sit in the middle - Charlie Day, horrible bosses 2

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this isn't /x/ or a conspiracy thread, guy

Who do you think you are?

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"i say we take off and like, blow them all up. Or something"
Rocky Dennis - Undocumented Spacegooks

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what is your occupation? -wolverine

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"my wife is not kill"
Indiana Solo - The Runaway Man

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nice attempt but i know you're

what if your him trying to fuck with us

Let's not talk about this club where people fight

"ok that's cool"
Robert DeNiro
The Fugee

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bob had tits, bitch

A day in the army is like a day on the farm. Every meal a banquet every paycheck a fortune every formation a parade. I love the army

"i like kung-pow"
Theodore Logan Esquire
The Computer Man

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Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about anyone's sexual preference

Fire all phasers! - Starbuck

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Make it happen

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Houston, it appears we have an issue here.

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"Today, we will *cancel* that apocalypse!"
- Blade

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"I'll be right back"
- C-3PO

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"You are the wizard, Harry"
- Gandalf

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Chances are like ice cream, they melt away quickly - Alex P Keaton’s drunk uncle

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I could do this all week


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-Charles Montgomery Burns

Lold at hands

made sense at the time

Say THAT again

"Your stories and information are artistic works of fiction and falsehood, Mark."
Johnny English
The Space

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'here's looking at you, kid'

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I was supposed to stay home today

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"I did not make contact with her, it's a falsehood. It's ridiculous. I did not make contact with her. Absolutely not. Hey, Marcus."
- Johnathan Nosurname, Room (2015)

Are you speaking to me?

They pretty much arrive at night, pretty much.

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a dude endures

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"get on your knees if you want to suck my dick" paul phoenix

>dont look at file name tho

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>Lt. USA

That one fucking got me for some reason.

Some of these aren't bad but the idea is to be subtle about it.

"You're gonna need a big boat"
— Shark Man

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Is this the scene where he says "Gimme your address there."

do -be -do or don't do - be -do - Toyota

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"You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in paris?"
-John Trohn

I came here to do stuff and I'm all out

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"I want to believe in klaatu, but I can't prove it to my manager"

"That's because Crom Cruach is the only real god, sculder. You need to take your anxiety pills"

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Where's Johnny?

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"They have arrived"

Amityville Horror

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*ASMR drinking noises*

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the actual quote is "No, you are my son"

Badgers??!!... We don't need no stinking Badgers.!!

"Clambake. Verizon. Nigger"
Freddy Krueger
Nightmare on 13th St

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"We will name our band, TRREEEEHOOUUSSEEE"
Prince Harry
Robin Hood

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If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly.

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"Your mother collects rocks in jail, Ferris"

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